Author: Savannah

April 6, 2022 – Update happening on this page…stay tuned

Stepping onto the Left-Hand Path (LHP) can feel somewhat unnerving. I hope to share some ideas to help guide you into this vast unstructured landscape.

The reason why we all end up here is for various reasons:

  • Unsatisfied with your current religion or your current religious practices
  • You disbelieve what has been told to you since a young kid, and now you’re looking for spiritual practice with more substance
  • The dark aesthetic is enticing to you
  • You believe Lucifer or one of the Demons will be able to help you with a specific situation
  • Are you looking to connect to the spiritual current and not feel obliged to mainstream religions
  • Do you want to live a more magical life, where you can interact with the spiritual world.
  • Just curious
  • Unsure

Perhaps the reason you’re here isn’t any of the above reasons, and maybe you can write the reason why you’re coming over to the left-hand path in the comment section below. I’m sure there are many people who also feel the same way as you.

The journey into the darkness:

As the left-hand path does not have any canon of beliefs or values you are free to explore mysticism as you desire and without the confines or the direction of anybody or any entity. Your journey is a journey you need to take in your own time and everybody’s journey will look slightly different, as you’re coming on to the LHP for different reasons as we discussed above.

Maybe you don’t want any label, be it a religious label (Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan etc) or a spiritual label (Frater, Witch, Occultist, Warlock, etc)….. you just want the freedom to go on a spiritual journey without the confines of labels. Maybe you call yourself the “eternal truth seeker” and leave it at that! Maybe your decision is to enjoy the freedom of putting YOU and your spiritual practice above the needs of any external expectation.

Below I will give you some ideas on the ways you can explore the journey.

Quick Start LHP Strategy

If you’re looking for a fast start into the connection with the Demons more than you’re looking for a journey into personal self-transcendence, you probably already know that you can begin with quick rituals and spells to get the attention of the demons. Since the beginning of time people have called to the Ancient Gods for assistance. To work a ritual or a spell with a Demon a.k.a. ancient God, you just need the purpose, the vehicle (prayer/time/chants), and an offering. Then you just need to wait to see if the Demon responds. Those who consistently connect with the Demons will have a greater chance of success.

Our own BWC Course Working With Demons provides my own method for easily connecting with the energy of a Demon without the traditional black magic rituals you would normally need to perform in order to evoke a Demon.

Take Your Time!

Many students and fellow popular witches/occultists will purchase our courses, only to ask for a certificate of completion a week later. It seems the need to be seen as superior or better than somebody else, is more important than the personal path of self-improvement which is the point of following the left-hand path. Any of these above courses will require effort should you wish to achieve any level of success in witchcraft/occultism.

Long Term LHP Strategy

Last year during a left-hand path conference, I shared a pathway one could consider embarking upon that would ensure self-actualisation or self-transcendence. My question to that audience and now to you, is to answer some questions about what your desire to achieve by coming on board to the left-hand path, and with those answers begin to chart a pathway so you don’t feel as lost as what you probably feel right now.

Read more about this chart to enlightenment  BWC Coven Update February 2021

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for the occultist! This is a draft version.

Of course, your path and plans might change because on the left-hand path, once you open a door, and you explore what is behind the door you might feel comfortable and satisfied for a certain time, or maybe that’s what you decide to stay permanently.

Respecting the Path of Fellow Occultists

In Black Witch Coven we do not drive an individual’s journey and after many decades it is very common that many of our members will have completely opposing spiritual practices. Yes, it can be frustrating from time to time, to listen to the beliefs of a member with whom you completely disagree but that doesn’t make them wrong and it doesn’t make me right. Acceptance and respect need to be part of your ethos otherwise you enter into the “Internet garbage shoot of keyboard warriors”.

FYI anybody who is on a path of enlightenment WILL NOT spend time “bullying/bitching/grandstanding” etc those of opposing beliefs. On the left-hand path, the path of arcane knowledge and secrecy, you would only speak out against another if they were attacking you and furthermore that attack would have to happen within your own space. You wouldn’t go to another’s Space or website to attack their beliefs unless you expected to be attacked. Individuals who are insecure and create a toxic community or online presence, are not in any way enlightened, magical, mystical, and would definitely not be a witch. You are digging your own grave with the Dark Gods for creating drama within the community.

What you can expect to happen in your life once you step onto the LHP?

For those who are new, you could expect: 
• Strange and frequent coincidences, usually of a positive nature. 
• Voices that may give you good advice or inform you of something you didn’t know or something that will happen. 
• Vivid dreams, especially if you have been studying a lot about Demons. 

Usually, these dreams aren’t negative, just vivid and intense. Many things happening early on can be stimulating and exciting. Remember this is something new and can take some getting used to, as you are establishing strong, permanent spiritual relationships that will help you immeasurably. 

Now, at some point, usually, when you are feeling somewhat confident, Lucifer will more than likely show you what is wrong with your life. Lucifer knows everything about us and where we are headed by our actions, lack of initiative or whatever the case may be. If we are doing something that will have a detrimental effect on our lives down the road, he will let us know, BLATANTLY. This can be bewildering and even downright frightening to some, especially with all the lies and false horror stories spread by the enemy for centuries. There is no cause for alarm. He is only getting onto you because he cares.

Sometimes he will send a Demon to direct us, or you may work with a “guardian demon” who you meditate with and learn from. The Demon might get strict or do whatever will get you to listen and change. Always remain open. If you are having problems understanding something or are confused, you can ask Lucifer to help you and he will. 

Remember, ALWAYS show respect and reverence for Lucifer and our Demon friends and they will reward you with much wisdom and knowledge.

The “supernatural,” is a part of our daily lives as Luciferians. This is something positive. Lucifer will reward you with a sense of spiritual and inner strength that will pull you through anything. Psychic gifts begin to open to us more and more, along with confidence and deep understanding. 

Most of us do NOT have more than one gift, and this gift can take along time to “open” and perfect in order to be useful to us.

Remember, it is important to keep a strong positive attitude and don’t listen to stories told by those who know nothing about Lucifer, Satanism, Luciferianism etc.

Dark blessings and may your journey on the lefthand path be rich and rewarding. 

9 thoughts on “Newcomer to the LHP

  1. powermind200 says:

    I have a question , in this page its written whats your reason for coming to LHP , my most prior reason to be strong and independent ( i told you with this comment section this site already) , but i have a huge interest in knowing history , past and ancient things , will lucifer and other our demon friends will help me know even this ? if a respectfully reach them and gain their attention . you also write for protection . i am reading these pages from past 4 5 days in your site and i am just going crazy by these information , give me your time and let me know what you thought of my question , but from very deep of my heart , i just wanna thank you because you are the one who introduced me to this , this side of world

    • BWS says:

      Greetings – and thank you for your kind words and feedback. The best way to get our attention and for us to answer questions is to find a page about a specific topic or subject matter, and ask the question on that page. We are more likely to see a comment here every other day than any social media comment. So we’re happy you’re coming here to the website to ask your questions.

  2. gothicbeauty87 says:

    Hi, I have been a witch for a lot of years but never worked with demons and lately I have been seeing Lucifers sigil everywhere! Been hearing him too,he seems to want my attention. What do I do? I’m not opposed to his attentions and I am… curious/mildly fascinated by him,by what he can do for me but I have always been more comfortable with female deities do I am a little skittish

    • BWS says:

      There are so many possible answers to your question. Personally, I feel he is telling you to become more “balanced” or to do the shadow work. A witch is always more secure/powerful when he/she feels comfortable walking through both the light and the dark. Lucifer is (to me) a true guiding light for us who are looking to be better people. Once we are happy and secure (confident) we can then help ourselves and others. Place him on your altar with Hecate (or the female deity you work with) and sit with his energies for awhile.

      I’d love to hear your progress and journey,


      • sarah.lynne.crawford says:

        Blessings. I am new to BWC and having registered with you I am having difficulty in posting a question and feel I may have gone the wrong way about it so this is indeed a stab in the dark. I am looking for the sigil of Arioch, not the summoning sigil but his own. Can anybody help me with this or at least point me in the right direction. Many thanks. Sarah.

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