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Onoskelis: The Demoness of Seduction


Onoskelis is a demoness mentioned in The Testament of Solomon. She is mostly associated with the hobgoblin Empousa or Empusa, who is known for shapeshifting into different forms. However, in this case, she is a satyr. In Greek myth, such female is usually half human and half goat.


She appears in the form of a very beaut

Onoskelis is a demoness mentioned in The Testament of Solomon. She is mostly associated with the hobgoblin Empousa or Empusa, who is known for shapeshifting into different forms. However, in this case, she is a satyr. In Greek myth, such female is usually half human and half goat.


iful woman with a fair complexion and with the legs of a mule or an ass. This is gotten from the English translation of her Greek name which means: “she with an ass leg”.

Constellation: Capricorn

Similar Demons:

  • Empousai
  • Succubus
  • Bianakith
  • Ruax
  • Alleborith
  • Rabdos

Onoskelis in the Testament of Solomon

King Solomon ordered Beelzebub to appear before him, and when he did, he asked him if there were any female demon in existence as he wished to behold one. To satisfy his curiosity, Onoskelis appeared before him in a form which the book describes as thus:

Her body was that of a woman with a fair complexion, but her legs were those of a mule” – Testament of Solomon 4:2

She spoke to the king saying:

“I am a spirit which has been made into a body. I recline in a den on the earth. I make my home in caves. However, I have a many-sided character. Sometimes I strangle men; sometimes, I pervert them from their true natures. Most of the time, my habitats are cliffs, caves, and ravines. Frequently, I also associate with men who think of me as a woman, especially with whose skin is honey-coloured, for we are of the same constellation. It is also true that they worship my star secretly and openly. They do not know that they deceive themselves and excite me to be an evildoer all the more. For they want to obtain gold by remembering (me), but I grant little to those who seriously worship me.”

– Testament of Solomon 4:4-7


The Testament of Solomon also stated how Onoskelis was created: 

” I was formed from an unexpected voice which is called a voice of the echo of a black heaven, emitted in matter.” – Testament of Solomon 4:8

Onoskelis travels stealthily at night and kills indiscriminately. She rarely leaves her caves to wander about unless during the full moon.

And I said to her:

“Under what star dost thou pass?” And she answered me: “Under the star of the full moon, for the reason that the moon travels over most things.” Then I said to her: “And what angel is it that frustrates thee?” And she said to me: “He that in thee is reigning.” And I thought that she mocked me, and bade a soldier strike her. But she cried aloud and said: “I am subjected to thee, O king, by the wisdom of God given to thee, and by the angel Joel”

After the discovery, King Solomon bound Onoskelis with the name of Yahweh, (The holy one of Israel) and with the aid of his magical ring given to him by Angel Michael. Onoskelis was bound in a standing position forcing her to work day and night spinning hemp for ropes used in constructing the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

Onoskelis The Mistress of Torture and Misery

In Hell, she is known as the Red Goddess and primitive priestess who causes the highest torment and misery. It is believed that she is the first demon you would meet on your path to eternal damnation. She is fierce and almost every soul that encounters her swiftly meets a brutal end. However, when she is in her playful mood, she doesn’t slaughter her target immediately instead she would pursue you tirelessly until you are tired and consumed by insanity.

When it comes to torture and misery, she is the best of the best. She can never get enough of it. Whenever she arrives, an ear-shattering cackle echoes throughout the caverns of Hell. Her laughter is like a soundtrack that trembles her victims. Her thirst for blood is unquenchable as she never gets satisfied. She is seductive, relentless, stubborn and loves all sinful things. Don’t be foolish enough to underestimate her.

In conclusion, most Onoskelises possess different horns. They are mentally unstable and cannot see but only sense and feel. You can use their lack of vision to your advantage and avoid making too much noise near them. It is said that these demons have arousal feelings but barely gets into it. For example; when they catch the prey, they get sexually aroused sometimes but quickly return to their primitive state which forces them to strangle the prey. Onoskelises are attracted to torches; thus, they are always seeking for warmth even for a brief moment.


  • The Encyclopedia of demons and demonology.



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