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Prayers and Hymns to Demon Belias


Belias is one of the Kings of Hell who is considered to be the second in command to Lucifer. Although, in some texts, he is referred to as the devil himself. This mighty demon is regarded as the embodiment of human sin since his mission is to induce sinful sentiment within a human being. He also has the ability to reconcile foes and provides familiar spirits to the conjuror.

Belial is the 68th Goetia demon and according to the Satanic Bible, the name “Belial” means “without a master”. Other variations of his name include; Beliar, Beliel, Belias, Belial, Belia’al Belu, Matanbuchus, etc…

Demon Belial’s Demonic ENNLirach Tasa Vefa Wehlc Belial

In this article, we shall look at hymns and prayers to this demon.

What are Magickal Hymns?

These are hymns that are used for spiritual exercises. They can be recited for self-empowerment, guidance or can be incorporated into rituals. Magickal Hymns are used to call out to the prominent Kings and Princes of the Infernal Divine.


Open up, black earth jaws gaping and yawning forth pestilence, corpses illuminated as shells.

Let me know both death and the ecstasies of life Falling, Angel of the Void ascend!

Angel of the Abyss, whose keys are heavy with age Let the floodgates open forth, chaos and storm

I offer forth hymns of darkness and the fiery spirit

Open up, Gates of Hell, hear my voice

Open up, Gates of Heaven

That I shall ascend to sit upon thy throne

Let the winds carry me there

Let the immortal circle of the Adversary

Hearken to my desires

Let me be the gateway to the light and darkness

I hold the keys of Hades, let my wisdom be

Carried to these worlds

My desire made flesh

Hail thou, Angel of Darkness

Whose teeth are grinning fangs spitting clotted blood

Whose eyes are like torches in the darkness Talon fingers that tear and rend

Whose bride drinks of the blood of the young

And thirsts eternally for more

Ascend Darkness, Ascend

Belias, Angel of the Depths of Hades

Whose spirit resides with Apollyon

Open forth the gates of the dead

Let the spirits come forth to me

Grant me the wisdom of darkness

Let the ancient serpent ascend through the pit To inspire and illuminate my mind and soul Hail, thou Belias!


How may I praise you

He who is the spirit of strength

Who is the spirit of the illuminated mind

Who knows of the nature of flesh

Who knows the rapture of the beast

The jaws of the wolf

The strike of the serpent

Belial, who is without a master

How beautiful, how invigorating

How could Humanity not see this God within?

Belial, I say unto you

Like a God begotten from thy seed

Who descended in me, the angel of light

A king (queen) in this world

That I may see with the Eyes of Nero

I am without a Master

Because I am the possessor, I spit upon the weak

I shall raise myself up in this world

With thy spirit, with my own fire

Let me cast my shadow on this world

Let me be as a Glorious and Living God in the Flesh

Hail thou, He who is without a Master

Whose spirit of Light descended in my body and soul

I shall glorify you by creating and destroying

I shall praise you through the praise of myself!

Prayer Two

Lord Belial brings us stability and knowledge. He is the strength of education and the pillar of senses. Through him, we are encouraged to explore the world through sensation and pleasure. We are asked to discover. For this, we have been truly blessed. Hail our Lord Belial. Lord of Earth.


Lord Belial, hear me. Blessed in your name, I pray please keep me safe.

Henceforth I vow my everlasting devotion and love. So be it.

Working with Demon Belial

Considering the might of this demon, to summon him, the conjuror must be very strong, knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with demons. His frightening countenance might be too much to handle especially for the inexperienced.

Demon Belial is known to be inherently untruthful so he would require compulsion to tell the truth under threat of divine names.

After setting up your altar in a clean place that is void of disturbances, you will need a scrying mirror, four candles, incense, and a conspicuous sigil of Belial. A complete concentration is required during the ritual.

You will also need to be prepared physically, emotionally and psychologically to merge the energies with this powerful entity. There is no need to panic during this ritual. I would recommend meditation for connecting to the Higher Power.

Place the four candles at the four cardinal points to represent the following: North is for Belial and earth, east is for Lucifer and air, south is for Flereous and fire, and west is for Leviathan and water.

The next thing to do would be to invoke the energies of the four elements (earth, air, water, and fire). Do this by gesturing alternately at the four cardinal directions whilst reciting the Enns of both Belial and Lucifer – Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlic, Belial and Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar, Lucifer respectively.  Ensure that you recite this for at least three times.

While gesticulating at the center, the fifth element – the spirit – is invoked and is predominantly a preserve for Satan. On evocation, the demon Belial can manifest within the scrying mirror or in the incense smoke thus allowing the conjuror to introduce them and make a request.

At the end of the evocation, you must give offerings and gifts to Belial as part of the bargain. After that, you can dismiss the demon respectfully.

Related Posts:

The History of Demon Belial

Basic Rite to Belial 


  • ·The Bible of the Adversary 10th Anniversary Edition
  • https://blackwitchcoven.comdemonology/demons-to-worship/belial/

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