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Azi ( other names include: Az, Jeh, Jahi), is a demoness  who was the companion of Ahriman. In Zoroastrianism, she is a demoness of avarice, gluttony, lust and insatiability.

In Zurvanite and Manichean texts she is also associated with Niyaz (want). Azi swallows everything she wants but never gets satisfied. Her standard epithet is “the Whore.”.  Although she isn’t a demoness of death, she brings about death through her corrupt practices thus she is responsible for all the disastrous things that happen to human beings.

In Manichaeism, Az is the mother of sin and all demons. She imprisoned the soul in the human body and constantly tries to make humanity forget its divine origins. She prevents people from finding their salvation.

Az is also Lilith and she is the Mother of Illuminated Women. Az or Lilith is considered sacred to Lucifer and that is why she is one half of the Adversary.

Without this demoness, then initiation into the Luciferian Gnosis cannot occur. Without her power and forms, there would be no birth, maturity nor death.

She is a vital force which every Luciferian must seek in order to grow and ascend in the spiritual realm.


Hail thou, Mother of Beasts and Darkness

Whose nocturnal spirit flies forth

From places of the dead and the manes of vampiric shells

Lilith, Mother of the night-spirit, come now to me

Bright one, whose tongue dances as a serpent upon the body

Lilith, who shall join the flesh of man with angel

To beget dragons and the beasts of prey

Whose legs are but of the bird of prey

Whose wings carry you forth to places in deep mountains

Whose spirit stirs every woman

To seek the divinity possible for those willing

To walk a crooked serpent path

Like the coiling serpent which shall strike

Thy instinct burns clearing in each

It is the soul of the predator, a goddess of love

Hail thou mother who blesses with passion

And severs the head with one strike

Lilith, burning darkness

Who seeks to devour all

Rise up in me and shall I know your brilliance

O bride of Samael, who is the equal

Do grant your children to fly forth by night

To drink deep as Striges in the nightmare

I praise thee, who can compel the beast in the noon tide sun

Glorious Mother of the Predatory Spirit, I welcome thee in my heart and soul.


I am she who is illuminated by lightning

The fire which stirs is from my own essence

I am she who emerges as a power of divinity

She who drinks of the open wound

My body may be joined with others

That peace is found with them inside me

They think it is they who take away

Yet it is I who grow strong

I devour all in the lair of darkness From which I went forth

Crowned by Samael, I went down

To the place of shells

Where darkness was eternal in its brilliance

I saw those shells, void and empty

I knew that I might fill them

By teaching such spirits how to drain and grow strong

To initiate their spirits in the path of the Lion-Serpent.

This darkness received me well

It gave me covering while I slept

I gave me substance when I hungered

It gave me a fountain to drink from

Let us rejoice in the darkness

For one may not know Light without Darkness.

Let the Lion-faced Archon teach me the wisdom of thirst

The religion of devouring

The darkness which nourishes all

The darkness which takes all away

Hail thou, O spirit of the eternal serpent


I praise thee, Goddess who ascends in the dawn

Having mastered all elements of earth

I praise thee, Immortal One

Whose fire balances all with desire and life

I praise thee, Mother of Beast

To whom the most vicious animal is subject to

I welcome thee in my heart

Beautiful Queen of Heaven and Mother of Stars

Hail Lady of the Night

Whom is the Crimson robed Goddess

Who stands upon the Seven Headed Dragon

She who stimulates and empowers the spirit

To think and to be free

I praise thee, Mother who brought me forth as a beast

And Who illuminates me as an Angel

I praise thee, Mother Lilith

Whose light is so strong that with your Mate

You have stormed the Gates of Heaven I praise you, Mother Lilith

Who shall devour the sheep of Heaven

To Be enthroned by every jewel and beauteous stone

Who is the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of Hell

I praise thee, Beautiful Mother

I praise and love thee, Mother of the Impure and knowing Who is The Goddess of Heaven


The Maiden is the Daughter of Lucifer

Upon her stands and rests the majestic splendor of Kings

Proud and Delightful is her gaze

She is radient with shining beauty

Her garments are like spring flowers

In the night her garments are like grave shrouds

From her gaping womb she feeds the earth with serpents

Slithering from her

Yet she is the Blood of the Grail

Her tongue is like a curtain of the door

Which is flung back by those who enter her.

Her bridal chamber is full of light and crimson darkness

She offers her cup to kings

They drink from it and wonder before her

She is beautiful and ravishing

All that you may desire

She is the Goddess of Light,

Her feet show the Joy of her Spirit

Her name is Aggereth, her forms change

Upon her head the diadem of heaven

In the dark of night serpents dance through her hair She is devouring, blood brings her life Yet her pale face may bless the Sun.

Hail the beauteous One, she who is the tidings of strength and light.

Let us worship her within our being, that she may know us as part of her.


Lilith: A female DEMON of the night and SUCCUBUS



Prayers and Hymns to Demon Belias


  • The Bible of the Adversary 10th Anniversary Edition by Michael W Ford
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