If you’re not feeling well or somebody you love is not feeling well, it’s very easy to add a little magic towards their recovery. It can be simple as adding a few drops of the oil in an atomiser and leaving it in a room where they are recovering. If you’re okay with oils on your skin, your skin is your largest organ on your body, and adding a drop of the oil on each of the pressure points can be beneficial in receiving the healing properties from the herbs within the oils. Adding a few drops to the bath or to your beauty products can also help create the perfect herbal environment for you to get better. Some of these suggestions are related to mental health issues and others to physical health issues.

We also recommend you pray, and give offerings to your deity, who will support you during your time of healing.

All Oils

Apollo Oil


All Oils

Boysenberry Oil


All Oils

Brigid Oil


All Oils

Cedarwood Oil


All Oils

Healing Oil


All Oils

Health Oil


All Oils

Hecate Oil


All Oils

Hellebore Oil


All Oils

Mistletoe Oil


All Oils

Monkshood Oil


All Oils

Oleander Oil


*Oils By Solution

Pennyroyal Oil

Original price was: $12.90.Current price is: $9.90.

All Oils

Verrine Oleum

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