The purpose, of purchasing this type of ritual is to manipulate a target into taking an action they generally would not take.
When you’re using this type of mind, control, or manipulation, you are focusing on a single action you want the target to take. Therefore, it does not work on multiple targets, or with multiple actions. It’s a single action on a single person.
To understand how important this concept is, imagine yourself, thinking about this situation yourself and what is the ultimate action you want the individual to take. When you want us to use magic to manipulate this situation for your own benefit, we have to use our magical influence on the individual and that specific action for a period of time. For some people/targets, it can take 15 to 20 minutes, and other individuals may need up to an hour before their “energy bank” would be considered full and unable to accept any more “spiritual influence”.
We keep our prices low, so if you are dealing with a tough individual with a strong mindset, or who is highly narcissistic, this will need to be done multiple times to have the best chance of success. The fee for this magical service is based on Savannah’s basic fee as a Doctor (medical professional) of around $350 per hour ++.
If you’re worried about Ethics, or if this type of spell is unethical, the answer is, of course, it is unethical. The goal is to directly attempt to violate an individual’s principles, beliefs, and/or values, so you can have the benefit you desire.
Black magick to manipulate a targets free will can be successful, however, the success of such a Magick will always depend on the strength of the target’s personal free will. Some individuals are easier to manipulate than others. Therefore, it is our policy never to guarantee any magic will work as it is all in the hands of the Gods!
For Example: Individuals such as Savannah, or some of our other Black Magick coven members could never be influenced by mind control, as the training they have undertaken has ensured their mind is impenetrable to the suggestions from others. Most individuals have not had this level of advanced magic training and may be more open to influence.
You can guarantee that we will give you 100% of our time and attention during the Ritual and will not rush a service just to get it done.
The feedback on this type of ritual is extremely simple. It will be reported that the work has been done, but there is very little else to report. The feedback will be via email.
Savannah and Vald have very busy diaries, and they will need to allocate specific time to prepare and perform this service. Performing this type of ritual, requires a very clear mind and a clean body, so it could be a week or two before the opportunity is created to do this work on your behalf. In witchcraft or occult rituals, other tools can be used so the magician can lean into the power behind those tools to help influence the spill. However, in this type of magick, the occultist must only use their own mind.
Do you need more information about the success of the Ritual?
If it is important to have more information about the situation, or the success of this specific spell, we recommend you have a psychic reading with Lily, who can give you a little more insight and timeline. Check out the links below to find that specific service.
About Advanced Mind Control Magick
For an occultist, black magick does not require any tools. Therefore, you would not call what happens during this time as a traditional spell. There are no herbs or candles in use, or any type of tool. This is strictly about connection through the mind of the occultist into the mind of the target.
Learning how to do this type of magic takes many many years. These methods were used in the 1920s, and 1930’s by various lodges involved in not only black arts, but other forms of occultism. As we have so many other websites, copying exactly what we do here at BWC, we will not say exactly what happens during this time. But if you understand and feel confident in having somebody do this type of ritual on the target, then feel free to proceed and order this work.
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