BWC now offers readings for insight and clarity into specific situations and life in general.
What is a demonic oracle reading?
Oracle decks gives guidance not answers. You formulate a question, and then Krystal or Vald draw cards to interpret your question/s. Krystal is Luciferian & Vald is Satanic – so the spiritual guidance they use is coming from the Black Flame. See more about BWC Members
This Demonic card card reading is performed with the use of the demonic cards to gain insight into the past, present or future.
About this service
This service is an EMAIL ONLY reading
This means you will not directly talk to Krystal or Vald. May BWC members like to perform their services in their own time, and do not want to “work a diary”.
This reading is a 30-minute service.
During the 30 minutes, they tune in to their own daemonic spirit guide, consider you a question and then draw cards. The response is then typed. The process is continued until the end of the 30 minute session.
Sometimes the answers will come faster and other times it requires more time to interpret the message.
If you ask many questions we will try to attempt to get through as many as possible without compromising the quality of the response. We will only spend 30 minutes on your divination session, as we need to keep this service as affordable as possible while at the same time maintaining our work life balance.
Information Required:
- Your Name
- Your date of birth
- Your current location
- Your Questions (MAXIMUM 3)
When you email the above information to us:
- PLEASE only provide the information in 1 EMAIL (lately people have been providing information in several emails and this risks not only the information getting lost but us delaying the scheduling of the service because we may not have the information)
PLEASE understand – there are other people waiting for the service as well. As soon as we receive your order we wait for all of your information to be sent through to us in the one email.
Once we have the information we schedule your service with Krystal or Vald.
It’s important for us to tell people that we are quite a busy spiritual service and there are probably many people in front of you. We do not tell you how many people are in front of you because we are a very small team.
No photos are provided – as it is time-consuming – the focus is on the reading only.
Please do not ask for a status update while you are waiting. Lady Hannah and Edwin will not know and doesn’t have time to follow up and then tell you.
Does the description and information above sound like we are being a little abrupt?
Most of our clients understand that we are a very busy spiritual service and that we do our best to provide a quality spiritual service in our own way. However lately there have been many clients who have become quite demanding and do not read the information we provide both here on the order page or the information we provide on how we provide services.
The expectation is that soon as they buy the service we are sitting here ready to provide the service.
This may be true for other spiritual providers or when you buy services on platforms such as ESTY – where there are hundreds of new practitioners waiting for a sale. We are not criticising ESTY practitioners, more that we are telling you that we are busy and don’t provide that type of service.
Most of our readers have a line of around 10 to 20 people before you and OUR spell casters could have just as many or more spells to perform before we can get started on yours.
All we ask is that you read this information and determine if our service is appropriate for managing your needs.
- We will not provide you with constant status updates.
- We will not be answering all the mini messages coming through EMAIL (in fact that is one way that our server will blacklist you because it looks like you’re spamming us)
- We don’t work over the weekend as we insist on work life balance. If you order the service on Friday, it means that you won’t have any attention until later on Monday. Unfortunately sometimes we get on the emails on Monday to find out somebody is having an absolute panic attack because they feel ignored. By that time they have sent through many emails and perhaps even put through a PayPal claim stating that we have ignored you. If you only read the way we do business you would feel less anxiety.
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