- Otherwise known as a 7-Day Candle. These candles typically take between 4 to 7 days to burn, if burnt continuously.
- The colour is white or blue candle for health, which is called the miracle health candle
- You would use a few drops of a health oil of your choice on the candle daily, while petitioning spirit for the healing for yourself, or for the person you’re wanting to heal
How to Use:
- Anoint candle with a oil. We offer oils that can be used for anointing candles.
- Write the Person’s Name and What You Want them To Do on a piece of paper.
- Place the candle on top of the piece of paper and light the candle.
- As you light the candle, state specifically what you want.
- Burn the candle every day until it is completely burned out. Each day that you relight the candle state what you want. Alternatively, you can just leave the candle burning until it is finished, and then read the results from the candle to decide your next step.
Feel free to write your petition directly on the glass, or write it on parchment paper and sit it under the candle while it is burning.
On a parchment – write down your petition on a piece of parchment paper.
- If you want to attach the parchment with an elastic band on the side of the jar – fold the paper in half, folding the paper towards you. Turn it 90 degrees and fold it again. Make sure it is well folded and get it as flat as you can.
- If you want to sit under the jar, make sure that the paper isn’t folded too “thick”, so as to compromise the steadiness of the jar.
You do have a choice on how you leave the candle burning. Some people like to burn the candle continuously until it finishes. The candle typically takes between 4 to 7 days to burn. Otherwise, you could come back to the candle around the same time every day, spending some time talking to the spirit and petitioning your desire into the spiritual world for a specific period of time before you snuff out the candle.
If you come back to the candle every day to say a prayer and reinstate your goal or petition into the candle, you would add a few more drops of the oil at this time.
There is no best way, and whatever way feels most authentic to you generally will generate the best results for your situation.
Buy multiple candles?
If it is a particularly troubling issue we recommend that you burn one candle after another. This means that when the flame is dying from the first candle, you begin the second candle immediately. We like to say that the flame is pushing your desire into the spiritual world.
In hoodoo/candle magick, it is typically said that you work with odd numbers, so if you’re burning candles you will burn either one, three, five, seven, nine, 11, or 13 candles.
Do I read the jar afterwards?
This is a personal matter, however, if your brand-new to this type of magic don’t stress about trying to read the jar if you don’t have time or if you’re not interested. The magic is in the burning of the candle so why not just try and burn a candle with the right intention and see what results you get! If you want to read the jar we have written extensively on this matter here – Reading Jar Candles
When you become more experienced you will probably perform a divination session before doing any magic. This will give you an indication of some of the challenges that you may be up against before you conduct the magic.
Why is it so expensive to send jar candles?
It’s because they are quite heavy, therefore the postage can be quite expensive. The best way around the cost of shipping is to purchase over $100 in product and then we ship your candles complimentary.
Obvious fire safety tips
- Never burn a candle near anything that can catch fire.
- If the jar happens to be broken, do not sit it in anything plastic, or on wood. It will probably catch on fire when the flame hits the bottom of the jar. If you still want to burn a candle with a broken jar, make sure you sit it in another container such as a metal or a glass container to ensure the safety of yourself and your environment.
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