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Return Karma on the Cheater!

Return to sender spell on a cheating spouse.

This week, a client actually suggested the following spell to get some revenge on the cheating spouse. They suggested doing a return to sender spell to send back the negativity, the hurt, the pain, and basically the karma from their cheating ways. Personally, I had never performed the return to sender spell on a cheater, but it totally makes sense.

Savannah spoke about the spell in a blog post a few years ago, and has also performed this spell during her video series.  Today, I am going to discuss what this spell is in detail and talk specifically about how you can tailor the spell to get revenge on a cheating spouse.

What is the return to sender spell?

A “return to sender” spell is a type of protective magic designed to send negative energy, harmful intentions, or curses back to the person who originally directed them at you. The idea behind this spell is to reflect or bounce back any malicious energy, thereby shielding yourself from harm while ensuring that the negative energy returns to its source.

Purpose of a Return to Sender Spell:

  • Protection: The primary goal is to protect yourself from unwanted or harmful energies that have been directed toward you, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
  • Reflection: Instead of absorbing or internalizing negativity, the spell reflects it back to the sender, making them deal with the consequences of their own actions.
  • Restoration of Balance: The spell aims to restore balance by returning the negative energy to its origin, ensuring that you are no longer burdened by it.

When to Use a Return to Sender Spell:

  1. When you feel that someone has directed negative energy, ill will, or harmful intentions toward you.
  2. If you believe you’ve been cursed, hexed, or subjected to psychic attacks.
  3. When someone has wronged you, such as in cases of betrayal, gossip, or manipulation, and you wish to protect yourself from further harm.

Taking it a step further especially in a black magic sense, when I perform this spell I’ll be adding some of my own modifications to ensure that not only is the cheater now is a target for cheating from whoever he or she is currently playing with, but that may go very sour very quickly. Spell modification, according to the system of magic, you are practising, is the difference between your spell being successful and you just following somebody else’s recipe that may not suit exactly either you or your system of magic.

Asmodeus is the demon I work with for breakup work. Asmodeus should he desire to help you with this request, can take swift action. So, during this spell, you are doing the witchcraft/reversal spell, and then summoning the Demon Asmodeus to take revenge and request that the cheater will feel the pain of their actions towards you, and every relationship they have from this time forward. Naturally you would modify your petition to suit you and your request. It would probably actually even be better if you just request the Demon to break up the current relationship the cheater is with, but that is up to you as the spellcaster.

If you’re doing the return to sender spell just to protect yourself from harm from your cheating, current or ex-partner, then you are worried and concerned about protection so maybe you don’t want to create future curses and hexes against that person, inviting potential spiritual kick back to you. This is especially important if you’re not a full-time, practicing occultist, who may not always have their protection in place.

Many of you know me for answering your emails over the years as I really just enjoy participating on the Support level these days versus casting the spells for our clients. Maybe I will do so in the future, but I really don’t want that responsibility nor do I have the time to cast spells for others. But as an admin for this Coven, I know all the questions you guys will ask me regarding this type of spell, and if it is guaranteed to work. So in relation to working with the Demons, your protection, and potential guarantees, let me save you the time in writing in by answering you right now.

There is never any guarantee in magic on any level! It’s that simple. There is no guarantee you won’t be under spiritual attack, there is no guarantee the spell work, and there’s definitely no guarantee that they won’t be some level of revenge against you. But this is the playground we are all in and so let’s not worry about these things if we are playing with the toys. Read between the lines. Magic is not for the faint hearted and I say that with love and with respect.

If you are truly concerned about protection from spiritual entities, just stick with the basic spellcasting as suggested in Savannah’s spell serious video on return to sender spell.

I’ll also now share a basic return to sender spell below that should cause you know concern for harm.

return to sender spell

Basic Components of a Return to Sender Spell:

  • Mirror: A common tool used in return to sender spells because it symbolizes reflection and the return of energy. Small mirror shards or a whole mirror can be used in the ritual.
  • Black Candle: Represents protection, banishing negativity, and absorbing harmful energy.
  • Protective Herbs: Herbs like rosemary, sage, or black salt can be used to enhance the protective aspects of the spell.
  • Personal Object: An item connected to you (such as a piece of jewelry) or the sender (if available) can be used to direct the energy.
  • Visualization: Strong visualization skills are important, as you will be mentally projecting the return of energy back to its source.

Example of a Simple Return to Sender Spell:

TIP – Make sure your intent is focused on protection and balance rather than revenge. The energy you put into the spell can influence the outcome.

Materials Needed:

  • A small mirror or mirror shards
  • A black candle
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • A fireproof dish or cauldron
  • Protective herbs (e.g., rosemary, sage, or black salt)
  • A personal object connected to you (optional)


  1. Preparation:
    • Cleanse your space by burning sage, palo santo, or your preferred cleansing incense.
    • Set up your altar or sacred space, placing the mirror, candle, and herbs in front of you.
    • Ground yourself by taking deep breaths, visualizing roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  2. Writing the Intention:
    • On the piece of paper, write down the negative energy, harm, or intentions you feel have been directed toward you. You can also include the name of the person (if known) or simply write “the source of negativity.”
    • Fold the paper away from you, focusing on the intention of sending this energy back to its source.
  3. Candle Ritual:
    • Light the black candle, focusing on its flame as a source of protection and purification.
    • Hold the folded paper above the flame (careful not to burn yourself) and say:
      • “With this flame, I return all negativity, harm, and ill will back to its source. Let it return to where it came from, harming none in the process.”
    • Burn the paper in the fireproof dish or cauldron, visualizing the negative energy dissolving and returning to the sender.
  4. Mirror Reflection:
    • Hold the mirror (or place it in front of you) and visualize it reflecting all the negative energy back to its source. Imagine a protective shield forming around you, repelling any further negativity.
    • Say:
      • “As this mirror reflects, so shall the energy return. All that was sent to me now goes back, leaving me free and protected.”
  5. Closing:
    • Sprinkle the herbs around the candle or mirror to reinforce the protective barrier.
    • Allow the candle to burn out safely (or snuff it out if needed) and dispose of the ashes and remains of the spell away from your home, symbolizing the removal of the negative energy from your life.
  6. After the Spell:
    • Ground yourself again and close the ritual by thanking any spirits or deities you may have called upon for assistance.
    • Consider taking a cleansing bath with sea salt or herbs like rosemary to further purify your energy.

Is Karma Still Your Concern?

Performing a “return to sender” spell on someone who has cheated on you can have both potential benefits and considerations, depending on your intentions and the approach you take. Here’s an overview of what to consider:

Potential Benefits:

  1. Emotional Release:
    • Cathartic Process: Doing a return to sender spell can be a way to release pent-up anger, frustration, and betrayal. By symbolically returning the negative energy or hurtful actions to the person who caused them, you might find emotional relief.
    • Empowerment: It can help you reclaim your power by taking a stand against being wronged, reinforcing boundaries and self-respect.
  2. Spiritual and Energetic Protection:
    • Shielding: The spell acts as a form of energetic protection, sending back any negativity, manipulation, or bad intentions that were directed at you. This can help clear your energetic field and protect you from further harm.
    • Restoring Balance: The spell might serve to restore balance in your life, ensuring that any negativity they directed at you doesn’t linger in your aura or affect your well-being.
  3. Karmic Justice:
    • Accountability: Some practitioners believe that a return to sender spell encourages the person who cheated to face the consequences of their actions, as it forces them to deal with the energy they put out into the world.

Considerations and Ethical Concerns:

  1. Intentions Matter:
    • Pure Intent: Ensure that your intentions are clear and focused on self-healing and protection rather than revenge. Spells driven by malice or hatred can have unintended consequences and might keep you tied to the negative situation longer.
    • Healing vs. Harm: A return to sender spell is generally seen as neutral—it returns energy without adding more harm. However, if you add a curse or hex component, it shifts from protection to potentially harmful magic, which might bring about karmic repercussions.
  2. Consequences:
    • Karmic Impact: In many spiritual traditions, the energy you send out returns to you threefold or in some amplified way. Even with a return to sender spell, consider how the energy you’re working with could come back to you.
    • Emotional Impact: If you are not fully ready to let go of the situation, performing such a spell might keep you emotionally connected to the person who hurt you, rather than allowing you to fully move on.
  3. Alternative Approaches:


A return to sender spell can be beneficial if approached with the right mindset—focusing on your protection and healing rather than revenge. However, it’s essential to consider the ethical implications and potential consequences. If your ultimate goal is healing and moving on, you might also want to explore other rituals or spells that promote emotional closure, personal empowerment, and new beginnings.

If not, try my suggestion and work with the Demon Asmodeus! Or we can cast a spell on your behalf. I will put some links below.

Return to Sender Spell AKA Karma Spell – this is where we can cast it for you

Reversible Bath Oil

Return to sender oil

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