It is plausible that Sallos was previously a pagan god within ancient mythology. There are no accounts of him within Middle-Eastern mythology and his origins within Judeo-Christian reckoning are not presently discernible. As with the other Goetic demons however, it is highly likely that he was demonised with the onset of Christianity and his name distorted by Latinization.
The oldest mentions of this demon are those within the grimories of the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of 1583 written by Johann Wier and the Dictionnaire Infernal of 1863 which was penned by Jacques Auguste Simon and Collin de Plancy. S. L. MacGregor Mathers’ the Lesser Key of Solomon the King which was published in 1904 also mentions him without explicitly stating his origins.
Sallos is the nineteenth of King Solomon’s 72 spirits that were bound to a brass vessel. He has dominion over thirty legions of lesser spirits and speaks with authority about the creation story. Sallos is associated with the element of water although his appearance atop a crocodile suggests a connection with the element of water – this is virtue of the crocodile being a southern predator and an aquatic creature.
He is a day demon and is mentioned within the 65th position in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. He prefers peace to war and this further convolutes his appearance as a warrior of sorts – there is no discernible reason for his appearance as a war-ready personality. There are accounts which also term his rank as a Great Count instead of being a duke such as Johann Wier’s Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.
What can Sallos do to help humans?
Sallos is a Grand Duke of hell who is mentioned within the Dictionnaire Infernal, the Ars Goetia, and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. He is described as a sweet and sensitive character despite having the appearance of a huge warrior. This demon specializes in bringing love to both men and women as well as inciting lust and passion. Sallos causes relationships to grow while fostering fidelity among partners.

The manifestations of Sallos are described as peacable within most grimories and this is in stark contrast with his image of a hardened soldier. He is not malevolent per se although the potency that demons possess coupled with his status as a Fallen Angel make for cautious dealing. His office of bringing love to men and women only serves to further mystify this demon.
Rank: Duke
Direction: South / West
Planet: Venus / Moon
Zodiac: 0 – 4 degrees of Cancer / Libra
Plant: Aster
Metal: Silver
Element: Water / Fire
Color: Red
Tarot: 2 of Cups / 2 of Swords
Incense: Sandalwood
He wears a full suit of armor as rightful of his appearance as a mighty warrior. He also wears a massive horned ducal crown on his head and rides mounted on a crocodile. His hair waxes and wanes between black and orange hues while he gives off an aura which shifts between silver and gold. In this form, he holds aloft a short spear and has a huge beard. He is also clad in armor and full battle gear.

There are reports that may appear as a floating head without a body at times. Other reports posit that his body is invisible in this form although it is unknown why he does this.
The “Demonic Enns” of Sallos
Veni, veni, o Comitis Sallos
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Sallos
Serena Alora Sallos Aken
The sigil of Sallos

He promotes love between men and women and speaks authoritatively about the creation of the world. He governs 30 Legions of Demons.

Similar demons to Sallos
- Sitri
- Gusion
- Vepar
- Paimon
- Vual
- Beleth
- Eligos
- Furfur
Attributes of Sallos
- Sallos is able to bring love to people of all genders by causing the object of one’s desire to fall in love with them. In the same vein, he is also able to foster loyalty among lovers.
- Sallos is also able to invoke the passions among people and bring about feelings of lust. This is important in his role regarding the maintenance of a sexual spark within a relationship.
- Despite appearing as a mighty warrior, Sallos actually prefers to maintain peace instead of engaging in conflict. He is actually very sweet and sensitive further mystifying the purpose for his battle gear.
When to summon Sallos
Sallos is preferred for love rituals because of his abilities to forge new relationships and the partners loyal to one another. Furthermore, his methods of working upon the mind are reliant on human chemistry hence conventional.
This is in direct contrast to other demons summoned for love rituals such as Sitri as their means are somewhat clandestine.
He is also able to cause feelings of lust and passion among partners thus maintaining the spark within the relationship.
Items Required & Offerings:
- Sallos’ sigil
- A silver ring
- Red candles
- Sandalwood incense
- Aster leaves*
*The name Aster is Greek, meaning “star,” and refers to the appearance of the flowers. Do your research on these leaves because you’ll find there’s over 200 varieties. If I can’t get these leaves in some form I use basil – however if you use another alternative I would love to know. Please drop me a comment below.
Optional Offerings:
- Sallos has a love for wine and this can be offered
- Your blood.
Ritual Time:
Sallos is a day demon, said to be strongest between September 23rd and October 3rd.
- As with every demon, Sallos should be accorded the necessary respect despite no immediate threat of malevolence due to his peaceable nature.
- New to black magic or summoning demons? The conjuror must protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally picturing a protection circle and entering it to bond with the elements and protect oneself. Once you begin to feel comfortable with the demonic entities, you may trust them enough not to have to put them in a circle. Remember every demon is different and should be viewed as such when preparing and casting your spells and performing rituals.
- Too much reliance on demon’s power to surmount life’s obstacles is also not advisable although benefits abound.
- The conjuror should wear the silver ring on their finger before commencing the invocation ritual.
- The demon’s sigil should be placed at the center of the altar and the red candle lit and placed at the center of the sigil. The sigil should also be placed conspicuously at the beginning of the ritual.
- The aster leaves should be liberally scattered on the altar prior to offering the incense.
- The demon’s enn should be hummed in triple repetitions as the incense is burned. At times an offering of blood can be made to the demon.
- The demon manifests within the smoke and flames to listen to the wishes of the conjuror.
- After stating one’s wishes and praising the demon, he should be dismissed in a respectful manner.
- http://www.gods-and-monsters.com/sallos.html
- https://zalbarath666.wordpress.com/satanic-magick/demonic-enns/
- http://occult-world.com/demons/sallos/
- http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONVIII.html
- https://www.deliriumsrealm.com/sallos