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Shamsiel: The Angel of Black Sun


Shamsiel was the 16th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 Watchers who were mentioned in the Book of Enoch. The name “Shamsiel “means “Sun of God”.

According to the Zohar, Shamsiel has command over 365 legions of lesser angels and it is also said that he was assigned to guard the Garden of Eden after the expulsion of Adam and Eve. If this legend is true then Shamsiel would be a cherub. He is one of the two aids to the Archangel Uriel in battle.

Shamsiel is also regarded as the ruler of the 4th Heaven and according to some questionable sources, it was said that he fought on the side of God during the War in Heaven. There are still some other sources that say Shamsiel isn’t a fallen angel.  The Babylonian Sun god named Shamash may share some mythological basis with Shamsiel.


Shamsiel is the Spirit that taught mankind the skills and knowledge of the sun. When you light a candle and call unto Shamsiel, he will help you to learn about the signs of the sun and all the symbols associated to it.

As a representative of the creative power of the Sun, Shamsiel can impart the witch with creativity, strength, and wisdom. These would, in turn, help her in achieving success in everything she does. Power and glory can be found in the gaze of this watcher. He also instructs the Adept in the art of Magick and ascending to the spirit realm through visualized mantras while focusing on the symbolic act.

Shamsiel in Modern Culture

In the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, a monstrous angel named Shamshel was seen. In the first book of the Fallen Series, a minor character named Samchia was seen.

In the anime Fairy Tale, a character named Angel summoned forth Shamsiel using the Angelic Magic. Also, the name Shamsiel was used as the main character in the visual novel Kyonyuu Fantasy.

Working with Shamsiel:

The best time to invoke Shamsiel is at noon when the Sun is at its peak. You can offer him cinnamon incense. This Watcher crowns prayers and takes them to the fifth heaven.

How to Summon Demon Shamsiel

  • Choose a perfect location that is free from disturbance.
  • Set up your altar and decorate it with items associated with this demon.
  • Draw your magical circles and triangles.  You can either place or draw the demon’s sigil.
  • Prepare your mind by engaging in power meditation.


The fire of heaven is found within

That gift given long ago by those sleeping in darkness

I invoke thee by Aciel, the Angel of the Black Sun

I conjure and invoke thee Shamsiel

Thou Angel of the Sun

Whose knowledge is the growth and illumination Of humanity

Yet also the power of destruction

By the Lion-Serpent who illuminated thee May my path be undefiled

Rise up in me Shamsiel!

The demon’s enns should be chanted too. You can give offerings before and after the consultation. At the end of the summoning, dismiss the spirit respectfully before the candles are snuffed out.



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  • Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. Rosemary Ellen Guiley. 2009.
  • ADVERSARIAL LIGHT – Magick of the Nephilim: Michael Ford

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