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Spiritual Grounding and Centering

Man and everything else in the universe are composed of energy. When we interact, we give away pieces of our energy and collect bits from others. Sometimes, we collect negative energy too which when accumulated can weigh our body and soul down. While researching into different spiritual practices, did you find terms like “grounding and centering?” If you didn’t then this article will explain the meaning of those terms.

What is spiritual grounding? It is a practice that connects your body to the Earth. If you are among those who often feel detached from the real world, you can easily connect yourself back to physical reality through this process. When you discover your Higher Self, your physical body need to be strong and aligned right with your chakras before you can receive messages from your Higher Self. Spiritual grounding can increase your strength, and restore emotional, and physical balance into your life.

Some activities that can make an individual ungrounded are:

  • Working with spirits.
  • Working with energy.
  • Having an injury.
  • Stress and tiredness.

General Benefits of Grounding

When grounding exercises are done properly and regularly, the benefits become very apparent. Below are examples of some benefits.

  • It helps you to stay focused and empowered.
  • It allows you to activate your highest intentions and watch them manifest as a reality.
  • Grounding helps us to clear all negative energies and thought patterns from our life.

Examples of Grounding Techniques

A simple grounding technique is to imagine your toes as roots that grow deep into the soil you are standing on. Those who practice yoga imagine grass growing through their feet as they meditate. Such imaginations deepen their connection with the Earth.

Irrespective of what your beliefs are, the truth is that this simple practice can make a huge difference in your life. The procedures will help you relax.

Below are other simple grounding techniques that you can try out.

Preparatory steps:

  • Choose a suitable time when you can perform this ritual without being disturbed.
  • Choose an area and cleanse it by smudging.
  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Relax, breathe in and out.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Place your bare feet flat on the floor.
  • Visualize something

First Technique

Visualize tree roots coming out from your feet and going deep into the ground.

Visualize as those roots wrap around the center of the Earth.

Second Technique

Alternatively, you can visualize a thread of energy that extends from the base of the spine and goes deep into the Earth.

Visualize as it connects you to the life and healing force of the Earth.

Watch as the healing and life force travel through the thread and enters into you. This energy will provide the support you need wherever you go.

During the day, you can repeat this visualization at intervals to reaffirm your established connection.

Third Technique

Another technique you can try is to visualize yourself sending an energy cord into the Earth from your root chakra and when it is fully cleansed and charged with Earth’s energy, it is returned to you.

Spiritual Grounding Using Crystals and Stones

To support the above techniques, you can incorporate crystals into your rituals. Below is a list of stones and crystals that are good for grounding.


  • Brings emotional, physical, and mental stability.
  • Effective for balancing yin and yang.
  • Fire Agate provides you with calmness and security.

Smoky Quartz-

  • Can be used to raise your meditation vibration.


  • Protects the heart chakra.
  • Reduces feelings of aggression, irritability, and impatience.

Tourmalinated Quartz

  • Protects you and deflects negative energy.


  • A general grounding stone.

Brown Tourmaline

  • Clears and opens the Earth chakra


  • Keeps you grounded all around.

Brown Spinel

  • Directly connects you to the Earth.

How to Perform Physical Grounding

The truth is that most of the activities we do daily actually connect us to the Earth unknowingly. The following are examples of physical grounding exercises.

Eating food and drinking water.

While drinking water, sip it with the intention to ground yourself. As the water enters your body, you will feel a connection with the Earth. Do the same while eating.

Stomp your feet.

This is a simple grounding exercise that you can practice. While stating your intention, stomp your feet.

Embrace nature.

Take a time out and go to the beach, desert, forest, or anywhere of your choice. Feel the breeze, touch the soil, relax, and have fun. You can walk barefooted too.

Exercise daily.

This is necessary for your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Do it as frequently as you can.


Centering is the act of restoring the energy that you’ve given away while releasing the energy you’ve accumulated from everyone else. When you do that, balance is restored and you will be more effective in life. In other words, to center yourself simply means to bring your attention and energy into yourself and balance them within you. This involves locating the core of your consciousness and drawing Earth’s energy from below, and higher perception from above in order to operate from a balanced awareness.

A simple centering procedure involves feeling the Earth’s energy coming up through your feet and legs into your midsection. At the same time, feel the life-giving energy of the sun flowing through the top of your head down to your midsection where it meets with the Earth’s energy, and a balance is created.


Grounding and centering are starting points for spiritual exploration. An ungrounded individual is akin to a paper kite in the wind that is without direction and can be easily swayed, blown away, or knocked down.

Every spiritual worker must strive to be grounded at all times. You need to be patient while learning this psychic skill. At the first trial, you might not be successful but if you keep practicing you will get better soon.


  • http:// pjentoft. c om/ center.html
  • https://thriveglobal . com/stories/what-is-spiritual-grounding/
  • https://journey to  com/spiritual-grounding/


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