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Surgat, Fifteenth Servitor of Duke Syrach

Surgat is the fifteenth servitor of Duke Syrach mentioned within the Grimorium Verum, the Grimorie of Pope Honorius, and the Secrets of Solomon. Like the other demons within his hierarchy, Surgat is shrouded in mystery largely due to the lack of specific information regarding him. The Grimorie of Pope Honorius makes mention of the demon using the name “Aquiel” which is the same as that of an angel listed within the Heptameron. The Grimorie of Pope Honorius also describes the ritual used in his invocation thereby providing some detail on the demon.


The Plangiere edition of the Grimorium Verum states the following regarding him: “Surgat opens every kind of lock”. The office of this demon is therefore to unlock whatever doors, barriers, or obstacles standing in the way of the medium and their objectives. In so doing, he grants the conjuror access to any place that they may desire. It is not known whether Surgat himself is of malevolent, benevolent, or of an indifferent nature towards human beings – likewise it is unknown whether he is exclusively diurnal or nocturnal. The Grimorium Verum only reports that he is associated with Saturday.


Despite appearing in the lower end of the hierarchy, Surgat is still potent and must be accorded the necessary respect during rituals. In this way, the risk of malevolence is significantly reduced while increasing the chances for a favorable outcome. The ritual for summoning this demon is fairly complex as shown within the Grimorie of Pope Honorius. This is largely due to the requirement for the conjuror to find an old coffin and retrieve a nail from it. The ritual is the same one which can be used to summon the demons Morail and Guland.



Like the other servitors of Duke Syrach, the first time that this demon is mentioned within recorded history was in 1517 during the publication of the Grimorium Verum by Alibek the Egyptian. There are no credible links to this demon from old Middle-Eastern mythology or early Graeco-Roman narratives, it is thought that the identity of this demon was lost in history with the advent of Christianity during the Middle Ages. Surgat may have been an earlier pagan god although it is worth acknowledging the lack of historical information regarding this demon.


Surgat’s association with the angel Aquiel is attributable to the Grimorie of Pope Honorius referring to him as such. Not much is known regarding this angel except that he is first listed within recorded history in the Heptameron which was first published circa 1496.



Rank: Fifteenth Servitor of Duke Syrach

Gender: Male

Day: Saturday



This demon is invisible when called forth and the medium should expect to feel his demonic energy upon summoning. There are no credible reports of his physical manifestation within major grimories as even the Grimorium Verum does not describe him into great detail.


The Sigil of Surgat


The Demonic Enns of Surgat

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Surgat

Veni, veni, o comitis Surgat


Similar demons to Surgat


Attributes of Surgat

  • The Grimorie of Pope Honorius refers to Surgat using the name “Aquiel” perhaps suggesting a correlation. Aquiel is mentioned within the following major grimories – the Book of Oberon, the Grimorie of Arthur Gauntlet, the Magus, and Heptameron.
  • The Heptameron represents the earliest mention of the angel Aquiel within recorded history as it was published in 1496 even before the Grimorium Verum.
  • Despite the revelation of his association with Saturday in the Grimorium Verum, Surgat himself remains obscure within demonology circles as consistent with the eighteen servitors of Duke Syrach.


When to summon Surgat

This demon is capable of opening any type of lock. He can thus be summoned whenever the need arises for unlocking accesses, doors, et cetera.


Ritual Time: This demon is associated with the day Saturday. The spell for “nailing” can be done on this day since it is unknown whether Surgat is diurnal, nocturnal, or both.


Items Required

  • Nail from an old coffin
  • Stone
  • The characters of Surgat, Morail, and Guland
  • Virgin parchment



  • As with every other demon, it is necessary to accord this demon its respect. This not only prevents / reduces malevolent intent but also increases the likelihood of desired outcomes.
  • Care should also be taken by the conjuror to protect themselves from otherworldly energies. This is done through mentally envisioning a protection circle and entering it.
  • Over-reliance on demons’ energy is not advisable as it has been posited to affect one at the psychological level.



  • The conjuror should locate a cemetery and retrieve a nail from an old coffin.
  • The medium should then say following prayer: “Nails, I take you, so that you may serve to turn aside and cause evil to all persons whom I will. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
  • The characters of Morail, Surgat, and Guland should then be drawn on virgin parchment. The following words should then be said: “Pater noster upto in terra” (Our father who art on earth).
  • The aforementioned nail can then be driven down the middle of the parchment. The stone is used to drive the nail all the way in order to prevent the possibility of removal. The following prayer should then be said: “Curse evil until I remove thee.”
  • The parchment should then be covered with a little dust – it may be important to remember this exact place because the spell can only be reversed when the nail is removed.
  • The following prayer should then be said if the nail is to be removed and the spell reversed: “I remove thee, so that the evil which thou has caused shall cease. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
  • The characters of Morail, Surgat, and Guland can then be erased before the removal of the nail. It is required that this reversal procedure be done with the opposite hand to the one first used during the first step of invoking Surgat.



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