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Tag Archives: curse

Maintaining the Strength of a Perpetuity Curse: Is Repetition Necessary?

CLICK TO WATCH: Hi Savannah, I’ve cast a curse over a year ago. It [...]


A spectacular way of cursing your enemy with a Niding Pole

What is a Nithing Pole? A Niding Pole is used for cursing and revenge. “The [...]

The Feces Spell – Folk Magic style cursing

The Feces Spell This is quite a dangerous spell when done properly – which sounds [...]


Hexing Spell Using a Coffin Nail

The importance of Coffin Nails A Coffin Nail is said to have more power than [...]

A Black Magick Spell to curse Your Evil Narcissistic Spouse

A Black Magick Spell to curse Your Evil Narcissistic Spouse

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