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Tarihimal, Ruler of the Elelogap

Tarihimal is another demon listed in the Grimorium Verum. Not much is known regarding this demon except that he is one of the two demons who rule the Elelogap in conclave. This demon is also known as Tharithimal although the name is hardly ever brought up in practice. Besides the Grimorium Verum, he is not mentioned within any other major grimories leading to lack of detailed information regarding him. For such a high ranking demon, the lack of details regarding this demon goes to show the extent of concealment within the Grimorium Verum.


The Grimorium Verum states the following regarding this demon: “Agliarept and Tarihimal are the rulers of Elelogap”. That this is the only statement provided regarding Tarihimal goes to show the sheer lack of detailed information about him. The office of this demon is not stated besides that he has dominion over the Elelogap – it is plausible that this demon is predominantly an administrator of sorts. Since not much else is known regarding this demon, it is only safe to assume that his direct position under Lucifer is indicative of significant potency.


This demon is first mentioned within recorded history through the publication of the Grimorium Verum in 1817. By shrouding himself in mystery, it has been impossible for conjurors throughout the ages to determine his true nature. Therefore, it is unknown whether this demon is evil, benign, or even indifferent towards mortal humans. Given his obvious potency, it is obvious that summoning him improperly poses a great risk to the medium. Inexperienced conjurors or those with modest experience should thus steer clear of this demon.


Like the other inferior demons listed within the Grimorium Verum, there is a detailed ritual provided for the conjuration of Tarihimal within the Third Book. The medium has to go through each painstaking detail in order to increase the chances of a desirable outcome while limiting the chance of malevolence. It involves a series of prayers for a period of three days during which the conjuror is required to stay chaste. The final steps are then conducted towards the invocation of the demon. Tarihimal can be similarly called forth albeit by experienced conjurors only given his obvious potency.



This demon first appears within recorded history through his listing in the Grimorium Verum circa 1817 as previously stated. There are accounts which claim he is of Hebrew origin although these are unverified. The original identity of this entity has since been lost in history as he was demonized together with other pagan gods as Christianity spread during the Middle Ages.



Rank: Co-ruler of the Elelogap



Being that the Grimorium Verum is tailored for concealment and these demons’ details are not expressly stated, there is no way of truly knowing what the demon looks like sans his approval. It may be that he is invisible upon summoning with the conjuror only experiencing his demonic energy.


The Demonic Enns of Tarihimal

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Tarihimal

Veni, veni, o comitis Tarihimal


Similar demons to Tarihimal

  • Bucons
  • Satanachia
  • Khil
  • Elelogap
  • Agliarept


Attributes of Tarihimal

  • This demon rules over the Elelogap together with Agliarept according to the Grimorium Verum. Not much else is known regarding his office.
  • Tarihimal is a lesser demon whose listing within the Grimorium Verum only details his role as a co-ruler.
  • There are unconfirmed accounts which claim that Tarihimal has Hebrew origins – this is probably due to the demon’s name bearing hallmarks of old Hebrew phonetics.


When to summon Tarihimal

This demon could probably be called forth to provide counsel on administrative issues although his true office has probably since been lost in history. It is also plausible that his true office has been hidden as one of the running themes throughout the Grimorium Verum.


Ritual Time: It is not known whether he is a day or night demon.


Items Required

  • The seal of the demon
  • Holy water
  • Virgin parchment
  • Quill



  • Great care should also be taken by the conjuror to protect themselves from otherworldly energies prior to the start of the ritual. This is done through mentally envisioning a protection circle and entering it.
  • As with every other demon, it is necessary to accord this Elelogap his respect. This not only prevents / reduces malevolent intent but also increases the likelihood of desired outcomes.
  • Over-reliance on demonic energy is not advisable as it has been posited to affect unrelated parts of one’s life.



  • The conjuror should prepare for the ritual first through power meditation or some form of breathing exercises in order to balance their energies.
  • They should proceed to then say the following words as they wash their arms and face with holy water: “Lord God, ADONAY, who hast formed man in Thine image, I, the unworthy and sinful, beseech Thee to sanctify this water, to benefit my body and soul, cause me to be cleansed.
  • The conjuror must avoid engaging in any sinful act and have no sexual contact for a period of three days, while praying five times in the day, and four times at night.
  • At their chosen time and hour after three days, the virgin parchment should be prepared containing invocations and the Seal of Tarihimal.
  • The following should then be recited: “I conjure thee, Tarihimal, by the name of the Great Living God, Sovereign Creator of all things, that thou appear in human form, fair and agreeable, without noise or inconvenience, to answer truthfully in all the interrogations that I shall make. I conjure thee to do this by the power of the Holy and Sacred Names.”
  • After the ritual, Tarihimal should be dismissed by saying the following prayer: “Go in peace, Tarihimal, whence you came, peace be with you, and come every time I shall call you, in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit + Amen”.
  • According to the Grimorium Verum, the character of the demon together with the virgin parchment should then be burnt because he can only serve you once when called forth.



The Grimorium Verum


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