New Page as of Nov 2021. We will remove our clients’ personal details from our testimonials, to ensure maximum privacy.
Nov 20, 2021
Yes, it was everything turned out great I must tell/give gratitude to Savannah! My life has instantly changed for the better! It’s really REAL
June 4, 2019
Hello! Thank you so much BWS I’m so very very grateful for your help! I’m so pleased and happy for this pact it is definitely the best day of my life! You are truly amazing and you make the world a better place! Thank you so much again! I look forward to my gift I will cherish and wear it always! I feel extremely blessed! Again thank you for your hard work, I will use all your suggestions! Have a great day! I look forward to working with you again!
Aug 28, 2019
Dear Coven,
I don’t know where to start so I’ll just say THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!
Few days ago I ordered demonic pact and today was looking again at your website. Flicking from page to page, I came across the “Money Spell: $7,000 in one week” and everything clicked!!!!!!! I did that spell some time last year in hopes I will be able to pay off at least some of my debts and completely forgot about it!!! To add to it, end of last month I won the exact amount I was asking for. The funny thing is, that I entered a competition where there was only 1 main prize and it wasn’t supposed to be money; the organisers change it last minute and although I didn’t win the main prize, I was the first runner up to win what I asked for!
For your eyes only I attached the proofs and photo of that forgotten sealed envelope
JB – (Photos withheld by request of client)