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How to make a Witches Bottle

Originally Published March 22, 2014

The Witches Bottle

If you are practicing any type of magic or spell casting, or even if your a wiccan, pagan, or occultist, you need to protect yourself…..

It’s often hard to know who our enemies are, but the fact of the matter is that most people will have a few. That co-worker who doesn’t like you or that bitchy neighbor sending evil-eyes your way. When you are a magical worker, an entire new level of potential issues may come your way. Even if you don’t cast hexes or spells, you could easily get the evil eye, and your luck change.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to avoid any possible aggravation and stop enemies in their tracks. And all it takes is making a powerful Witch’s Bottle. Witch bottles are counter-magical devices used as protection against witchcraft and conjure. Yes, they were used to protect the every day person from the spells of a witch. A witch could also used a bottle to protect him or herself from other witches.

As with all sympathetic magic, the idea is to put something intimate to the bewitched or witch in the bottle and then you put in bent pins and other unpleasant objects which are going to poison and cause great pain to the witch or the person coming at you!

Witch bottles were commonly buried to ward off spells during the late 16th and 17th centuries. The idea of the witch bottle was to throw the spell back on the witch or the individual wishing you harm or misfortune. These bottles were typically stoneware, but these days we can use a glass jar use as effectively.

A witches bottle typically contains urine, bent nails and pins, fingernail clippings, hair, sulphur or brimstone.

If you are a witch, you may wish to program your Witch-bottle to recharge itself by the energy it ‘captures’ for as long as the bottle stays unbroken, whether it be years or centuries. Even if you are a novice, just think of the intention of what you desire this bottle to do at the time of creation, and state you want this bottle to convert all energy – both good and bad, into neutral energy.

You will find many other versions of the witches bottle in books and online. There is no #1 Witches Bottle Spell. As with most magick, it is your intention and connection to the end result that makes or breaks the spell.

So here is a BWC Witches Bottle to try for yourself…..


You will need:

  • Small glass jar with a screw-on lid
  • An assortment of sharp objects (Broken glass and pottery shards, razor blades, rusty nails and screws, pins and needles, and wood splinters are all good choices.)
  • Personal taglocks (A snippet of your hair and/or your fingernail clippings will do nicely.)
  • Your urine
  • Toxic herbs, substances, rust, brimstone
  • poison bugs (if you can)
  • Duct or electrical tape, or melted wax


  • Optional for women only:  a tissue containing a few drops of your menstrual blood
  • Optional for men only:  a tissue containing a few drops of your semen


  1. Fill the jar at least half full of the sharp objects, place the taglocks on top, and if you wish, add the blood or semen.
  2. Finish filling the jar with your urine, and screw the jar lid on tightly.
  3. Seal the lid well with tape or wax.

Since it’s important that the container remain intact, tradition holds that it should be buried at least a foot deep on your property and as close to the front door as possible. If you live in an apartment though, what’s traditional may not be at all feasible. You will need to get creative.

It is said you need to bury the bottle upside down.

If you are to move homes, you can either dig up your old witches bottle, and take it to your new location, or make a new witches bottle, and bury it on the grounds of your new home.

If you’ve opted to bury it on your property though, take note: You’ll want to prepare another if you sell the property or decide to move away.


K, Faerie. “Witch Bottles.” The Cauldron. The Cauldron, 2016. Web.

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