The Ars Theurgia Goetia (or Art of Goetic Theurgy) is the second part of The Lesser Key of Solomon. This text comprises of the names, seals and characteristics of the 31 Aerial Spirits that King Solomon would have invoked and confined. It also contains names of their servants called dukes, the rituals to invoke them and the different protections against them.
The Aerial Spirits of Solomon are associated with the four elements; earth, water, fire and air. They are also aligned to different positions on the compass. These spirits can discover anything that is hidden, even the secrets of kings. They can also fetch and carry anything that is contained on earth, water, fire and air. To summon the Princes, the magician is expected to wear their special seals as a lamen or pendant.
The following is the list of the 31 Aerial Spirits of Solomon:
The Four Emperors:
1. Carnesiell
2. Caspiel
3. Amenadiel
4. Demoriel
Spirits of the East to South:
5. Pamersiel
6. Padiel
7. Camuel
8. Aseliel
Spirits of the South to West:
9. Barmiel
10. Gediel
11. Asyriel
12. Maseriel
Spirits of the West to North:
13. Malgaras
14. Dorochiel
15. Usiel
16. Cabariel
Spirits of the North to East:
17. Raysiel
18. Symiel
19. Armadiel
20. Baruchas
Wandering Dukes:
These include the 11 mighty and potent princes with their servants which wander up and down in the Air and never stay in one place.
21. Garadiel
22. Buriel
23. Hydriel
24. Pirichiel
25. Emoniel
26. Icosiel
27. Soleviel
28. Menadiel
29. Macariel
30. Uriel
31. Bidiel

The Descriptions of the Aerial Spirits
1. Carnesiell
King and Emperor of the East.
When summoned, he appears with 60,000,000,000,000 servitors of varying ranks, and when you call any of the dukes, their entourage is sometimes 10 spirits, but never exceeds 300. This spirit can appear at day or night.
He commands over 1,000 great dukes, 100 lesser dukes, 12 chief dukes, and 50,000,000,000,000 other demonic spirits.
His 12 most important demonic dukes are Bucafas, Benoham, Arifiel, Myrezyn, Omich, Zabriel , Cumeriel, Vadriel, , Bedary, Armany, Capriel and Laphor.
2. Caspiel
Chief emperor of the South.
He rules over 200 great dukes, 400 lesser dukes, and 1,000,200,000,000 ministering spirits.
His twelve most important dukes are Femot, Dudarion, Camory, Ursiel, Chariet, Maras, Larmot, Aridiel, , Carnor, Geriel, Ambri and Oriel. Each of the twelve dukes have about 2,660 lesser dukes under their command. All of the dukes are stubborn and churlish, but many attend to Caspiel whenever he appears.
3. Amenadiel
Rank: King of the West
Amenadiel is known for announcing secrets. He rules over 300 great dukes; 500 lesser dukes; 12 chief dukes; and 40,000,030,000,100,000 inferior spirits. Meanwhile, each of his dukes has 3,880 servants apiece.
He is both day and night demon. His dukes having subordinate servants each in 3000, appear only during certain hours. For example, Nadroka (Nadroc), may be called around past two o’clock in the morning, Vadras (Vadras) can be called in the first two hours of the day and so on.
4. Demoriel
He is a King and Emperor of the North.
He commands 400 great dukes, 12 chief dukes, 600 lesser dukes, and 70,000,080,000,900,000 (or 700,000,800,000,900,000, sources vary) servitors. Each of these dukes has up to 1140 minors following them.
5. Pamersiel
Rank: He serves under Carnesiel and is the chief of the East.
He rules over 1,000 spirits which must be called only during the day. These spirits are quite arrogant and stubborn so you must deal with them carefully.
Main Followers:
His main dukes are Anoyr, Abrulges, Ormenu, Madriel, Ebra, Sotheano, Itules, Rablion, Itrasbiel, Hamorphiel, and Nadrel.
Pamersiel and his dukes shouldn’t be trusted because they are evil and false. However, you can command them to drive away evil spirits that haunt a particular location.
6. Padiel:
Rank: He rules the South as King and is a second ranking spirit of the East.
He commands 10,000 spirits by day and 20,000 by night, and several thousand more in addition.
Padiel’s minor spirits can be trusted and they only act based on the power conferred to them by Padiel.
7. Camuel
Rank: Third Ranking Spirit of the East and also the King of the South East regions of the world.
He rules over numerous spirits. He has 10 major daytime spirits and 210 nighttime spirits. His followers appear in a beautiful and courteous form.
8. Aseliel
King, Chief or Duke of the South ( other sources say East.)
He commands 10 day time and 20 nocturnal servitors. Each of these also have 30 servants. All the spirits under Aseliel appear beautiful and act in loving way.
9. Barmiel
King or Prince of the South
Abilities: He is the demon of military surrenders.
He commands ten daytime and twenty-night time dukes. Each of them has twenty servants, except four of the night dukes, who have none.
His eight primary daytime dukes include: Sochas,, Acteras, Barbil, Tigara, Chansi, Keriel Carpiel, and Manoi. His eight primary night time dukes include: Barbis,, Acreba, Morcaza, Marguns, Canilel Baaba, Gabio, and Astib.
10. Gediel
Gediel is the second in command under Caspiel. He has 20-night time servants and twenty daytime ones. Each of them has 20 servants who are courteous and obedient.
His Major Daytime Dukes are:
Assaba, Sariel, Panciel, Coliel, Naras, Sabas, Mashel, and Bariet.
His Major Night time dukes are:
Agra, Anael, Aroan, Reciel, Sadiel, Cirecas, Aglas, and Vriel.
11. Asyriel
He works under Caspielas a king ruling the southwest.
He commands 20 daytime and 20 night time dukes. Each of them has other servants that are readily available to obey all commands
Asyriel Major Daytime dukes Include: Rabas, Arcisat, Astor, Carga, Buniet, Aariel, Cusiel, and Maguel.
His Major Night Time Dukes are:
Maroth, Omiel, Faseua Budar, Amiel, Cusriet, Aspeil, , and Hamas.
12. Maseriel
Rank: He rules in the West and serves under Caspiel.
Authority: He has many day and night time servants. Each of them has 30 servants at their command.
Maseriel’s 12 major daytime dukes are:
Zeriel, Atniel, Patiel, Assuel Vessur, Mahue, Roriel, Earviel, Azimel, Chasor, Aliel, and Espoel.
His 12 major night time dukes are: Saemiet, Amoyr, Arach, Maras, Noguiel, Bachile, Baros, Rabiel, Ellet, Earos, Atriel, and Salvor.
13. Malgaras
Rank: Rules in the West.
He has dozens of day and night time dukes.
His 12 major daytime servants are:
Agor, Casiet, Rabiel, Camiel, Meliel, Borasy, Masiel, Barfas Cabiel, Udiel, Opriel, and Arois.
His 12 major night time dukes are:
Aspeil, Caron, Zamor, Aros, Aspara, Doiel, Cubi, Liblel, Raboc, Amiel, Deilas, and Basiel.
14. Dorochiel
Rank: Serves under Amenadiel. He rules in the West and North as a Prince.
He rules over forty night and forty day time dukes.
Summoning these spirits:
His spirits are known to be good natured and agreeable but you must summon them at the appropriate planetary hours.
The 12 dukes of the morning are Maniel/ Efiel, Suriet/Maniel, , Merach, Althor, Magael, Artino, Efie, Carsiel/Suriel, Casiel, Fabiel, Carba and Omiel.
For afternoon are Soriel, Casael, Buisiel, Cabron, Diviel, Gudiel, Asphor, Emuel , Abriel, Danael, Lomor, and Larfos.
For early evening are Momel, Darborl, Paniel, Aliel, Aroziel, Nahaiel, Ofsiel, Bulls, Cursas, Cusyne, Vraniel, and Pelusar.
Dukes of midnight are Pafiel, Abael, Meroth Futiel, Cayros, Gariel, Soriel, Maziel, Narsial, Moziel, , Cadriel, and Lodiel.
15. Usiel
Rank: Works under the command of Amenadiel and he is a Prince of the North West.
He has 40 night and 40 daytime dukes plus their many servants.
Usiel discovers hidden treasures.
His main 14 daytime dukes are Abariel, Ameta, Gamasu, Hissain, Fabariel, Potiel, Saefam, Amen, Heme, Saefer, Magni, Amandiel, Barsu, and Usiniel.
His main dukes of the night are Pathier, Marae, Asuriel, Burfa, Adan, Saddiel, , Las Pharon , Ansoel, Godiel, Barfos, Sodiel, Ossidiel, Almoel, and Ethiel.
16. Cabariel
Rank: Prince of the West and North
He has 50 daytime and 50 night time dukes. Each of these dukes has 50 obedient and good natured servants, who appear when the dukes are summoned. Unlike the daytime servants the night time spirits are deceitful, disobedient, and evil.
His 10 most important day time dukes are Satifiel, Asoriel, Taros Elitel, Etimiel, Clyssan, , Parius, Godiel, Aniel, and Cuphal.
The Night time dukes are: Mador, Pandor, Cazul Peniet, Otim, Ladiel, Cugiel, Thalbus, Morlas, and Dubiel.
17. Raysiel
Rank: Rules as a King in the North. He serves under Demoriel.
He has 50 daytime and 50 night time dukes. Each duke has 50 servants. The daytime demons are calm and good-natured; the nighttime demons are stubborn and evil.
The 16 major day time dukes are: Baciar, Thoac, Astael, Rarnica, Dubarus, Sequiel, Sadar, Terath Armena, Albhadur, Baetasiel, Chanael, Fursiel, Melcha, Tharas, and Vriel.
The 14 of the night time dukes are, Aleisi, Sebach, Thariel, Paras, Arayl, Betasiel, Belsay, Morael, Culmar, Lazaba Sarach, Arepach, Lamas, and Thurcal.
18. Symiel
Rank: He is King in the northeast.
He commands over 10 daytime dukes and 1,000 night time spirits. Each of the daytime dukes has 720 servants while the night dukes have 790 servants each. The daytime dukes are calm and good-natured, but the nighttime dukes are arrogant and stubborn.
His 10 major daytime dukes are Asmiel, Chrubas, Vaslos, Larael, Achol, Bonyel, Malgron, Romiel, Dagiel, and Musor.
The 10 dukes of the night are, Molael, Arafos, Marlano, Mafrus, Apiel, Curiel, Narzael, Murahe, Rhicel, and Nalael.
19. Armadiel
Rank: King of the North East
Authority: He has 15 chief dukes that in turn have 1,260 servants. These servants are good natured but must be summoned at the right time.
Armadiel’s 15 major dukes are, Orariel, Alferiel, Nassar, Parabiel, Oryn, Samiet, Lariel, Calvamia, Asmaiel, Jasziel, Asbibiel, Mafayr, Pandiel, Carasiba and Oemiel.
20. Baruchas
Rank: King of the East and North
He has 14 major dukes that have 7,040 servants each. These servants are good-natured and willing to obey commands.
His major dukes are Cavayr, Aboc, Cartael, Quitta, Sarael, Melchon, Janiel, Pharol, Baoxas, Chuba, Lwnael, Geriel, Monael, and Decariel.
In our next post, we shall look at the descriptions of the remaining 11 Aerial Spirits known as the Wandering Demons. For more details about these spirits, you can read The Encyclopedia Of Demons And Demonology By Rosemary Ellen Guile.
• The Encyclopedia Of Demons And Demonology By Rosemary Ellen Guile