Today, I am going to show you how one of the most elaborate rituals within black magic is conducted.
I recall when I first learnt about the Black Mass. I would go from one source to another in a bid to understand this most intriguing of rituals. It seemed like a relatively simple process but still held the promise of untold power.
In this step by step guide, I’ll cut through all the mystery and reveal to you how you can start practicing it within your own coven.
What is the “Black Mass” exactly?
Throughout all of Draconian magic, the Black Mass stands out as one of the most intriguing rituals if not practices. By inverting the practices of the Judeo-Christian theology, it channels energy which can then be directed by the conjuror to suit their own needs. It frees one from the shackles of Judeo-Christian dogma thereby setting a precedent for descent into the underworld.
The Black Mass inverts the symbolism of the Judeo-Christian ideology such that the energies that are consistent with Draconian ethos are released. It essentially tunes the white energies that are released during Judeo-Christian masses into darker sinister alternatives. It is during the consecration stage of the Black Mass that these energies are converted into Draconian ones.
The Black Mass is not simply a distortion of the energy released during Judeo-Christian masses. It is an elaborate part of Satanism which must be embraced by all adherents if they are to truly to submit to Lucifer.
- Hazel incense
- Strong wine
- Silver patens with consecrated cakes obtained from Judeo-Christian churches
- Indoor temple / cave
- Black candles
NB: This ritual requires the participation of several people – altar priest, priestess, mistress of earth, master, and a congregation.
- An indoor temple should be preferred or one that resembles an enclosure. It is for this reason that caves can be used in the Black Mass.
- The temple should be prepared by burning hazel incense (the hazel incense should preferably be mixed with civit).
- The altar priest lays naked on the altar before the beginning of the rite.
- The priestess claps her hands together twice to signify the start of the rite.
- The mistress of earth makes a sign of the inverted pentagram with her left hand towards the congregation while chanting: “I will go down to the altars in Hell”.
- The priestess responds to this statement by saying: “To Satan, the giver of life”.
- Everyone in the temple then chants: “Our Father which wert in heaven hallowed be thy name In heaven as it is on Earth. Give us this day our ecstasy. And deliver us to evil as well as temptation. For we are your kingdom for aeons and aeons”.
- The master then takes over saying: “May Satan the all-powerful Prince of Darkness. And Lord of Earth. Grant us our desires”.
- Everyone in the temple then chants: “Prince of Darkness, hear us! I believe in one Prince, Satan, who reigns over this Earth, And in one Law, Chaos, which triumphs over all. And I believe in one Temple. Our Temple to Satan, and in one Word which dwells in us all: The Word of ecstasy. And I believe in the Law of the Aeon, Which is sacrifice, and in the letting of blood. For which I shed no tears since I give praise to my Prince. The fire-giver and look forward to his reign. And the pleasures that are to come!”
- The mistress proceeds to kiss the master and say to the congregation: “May Satan be with you”.
- The master states that: “Veni, omnipotens aeternae diabolus!”
- Before kissing the lips of the altar priest, the mistress chants: “By the word of the Prince of Darkness, I give praise to you. My Prince, bringer of light, darkness and fire, I greet you who cause us to struggle and seek the forbidden thoughts”.
- The master again states that: “Veni, omnipotens aeternae diabolus!”
- The mistress and the altar priest engage in some form of sexual activity while the mistress says: “Blessed are the strong for they shall inherit the Earth. Blessed are the proud for they shall breed gods! Let the humble and the meek die in their misery!”
- The congregation then shouts: “Hail Satan, Prince of life!”
- The mistress then chants silently: “Suscipe, Satanas, munus quad tibi offerimus memoriam Recolentes vindex. Sanctissimi Corporis Satanas”.
- She then turns to the congregation holding the consecrated cakes and says: “May the gifts of Satan be forever with you”.
- The congregation then says to her: “As they are with you!”
- The mistress picks up a chalice containing the strong wine and lifts it aloft before chanting: “Praised are you, my Prince, by the defiant: through our Arrogance and pride. We have this drink: let it become for us an elixir of life.” She sprinkles some of it on the altar priest and the congregation.
- The mistress proceeds to proclaim: “With pride in my heart I give praise to those who drove the nails and he who thrust the spear into the body of Yeshua, the imposter. May his followers rot in their rejection and filth!”
- The master then implores the congregation to denounce the imposter Yeshua where they affirm their commitment to Satan.
- The mistress then removes the robe of the priestess while saying: “Remember, all you gathered here, nothing is beautiful except Man: But most beautiful of all is Woman”.
- The congregation then eats and drinks some of the consecrated cakes and strong wine until each of them has had their fill.
- The priestess throws the remaining cakes to the congregation while declaring: “Behold, the dirt of the earth which the humble will eat!” The trampling underfoot of the remaining consecrated cakes begins as the congregation laughs.
- The crowd then dances while continuously chanting “Satan! Satan!” while the energy of the ritual dissipates into the ether.
NB: In some versions of the Black Mass, an orgy of lust then follows the conclusion of the dance.
Hail Lucifer!
About Me: Black Magic & Chaos Magic
- Black Book of Satan
BTW – I would love your feedback
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- PLUS I’m looking for more inspirational topics to share with you! What else would you like me to write about?
Hi Max,
Very interesting article!!! Please do continue posting more articles on this topic!!!
Hail Lucifer!!!
Hello Max,
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the particulars of the Black Mass; I am studying to become a warlock under the guidance of Hekate; I also am working with Lilith; I would like to see an article explaining how Lucifer relates with other Deities or pantheons; it’s an area bereft of information!