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What is the Body of Light? It is the astral double which is used to align with the Higher Self. Its sigillic word is called Azal’ucel. This is a manipulation of the names, Azazel and Lucifer. We know that Lucifer is the initiator and the god of sorcery path. He illuminates the Soul so that the Luciferian can bask in the Light of Self and be able to view his reflection in the emerald crown.

In Western Esoteric schools, the Body of Light is described as an artificial body or vehicle of consciousness used by a practitioner to project his consciousness from his physical body.  The Body of Light also known as “The Light Form” or “The God Form” can be seen lying within us at all times. You might be wondering how real this is. Well, the truth is that it is as real as anything you can ever imagine. When man was formed, his true nature was shrouded in mystery and secrecy. The society and some religion have made man believe that he can’t grow beyond the simplest of spiritual concepts. That is why he believes that he has no higher nature.

Most of us are just concerned about our physical form but did you know that our physical matter is far less than 1% of who we truly are? Yet it dominates and controls our perception and senses. Our consciousness flows into us from the Spirit which in turn creates the Light Body, Psyche, Mind, and the Physical body. Above 70% of who we are is comprised of the Light Body. The Psychic Form comprises more than 25% and it is more powerful and evolved than the Physical being.

How is the Body of Light Developed?

According to legends, some ancient spiritual masters were able to dissolve their physical bodies into pure energy. They used special exercises and ancient techniques to miraculously transform their physical form into self-sustaining light energy which was immortal and indestructible. The Body of Light is a complete and radical transformation of one’s being into a new being. It is the rediscovery of what was primordially present. It is becoming aware of the light.

The Body of Light may be developed through yoga, meditation, and other acts of visualization. The Human brain works basically on an electrical system that is made up of neurons and synapses. While these nerves are working, electromagnetic fields are created. Without the workings of these neurons, we wouldn’t be alive.

The human body is made of electromagnetic energy which is also known as chi. It enters through your crown, at the top of your head and flows down through a large pathway (called the pranic tube)right down through the center of your body. After learning the basics of astral projection, the next step is to learn how to produce a Body of Light that serves as a vehicle of consciousness on the inner planes.  Those who have successfully achieved a union with the Body of Light are usually very powerful and successful in their magical workings.

Uses of the Body of Light:

  • It is commonly used in tarot workings and scrying. Your instincts will be there to guide and grant you foresight on the best approach to work with but you must be ready to listen and obey.
  • The Body of Light is like a conscious vehicle that you can use to explore the non-material universe.
  • The Body of Light can serve as a Familiar that travels into the higher and inner planes to perform a task for you.
  • As a Watcher, you can send it anywhere to watch and report the information to you.
  • In the case of illness in the physical body, you can envision a transfer of the illness into the Body of Light and through your imagination, command the immediate healing of the illness.

Note: Whenever your Body of Light is not in use, keep it inside your aura by a conscious act of will.



The ritual below is performed to achieve contact with your Higher Self. It is also performed whenever you wish to clear your mind from negative energies. This will help you to focus on the work you wish to undertake. For example, you may visualize a white and beautiful light that rises from your body. This light can be transformed into a purple or blackened flame. Within the center lies the Eyes which represents the Eye of Shaitan, the Adversary, and Immortal Genius of Self.


  • Choose a comfortable location free from all forms of external disturbances.
  • Decorate the chamber with symbols that represent your Higher Self/Daimon.
  • Ensure that everywhere is illuminated with sunlight if possible.
  • Get Abramelin Oil and anoint your neck and arms with it.
  • Sit down in a meditative position.
  • Close your eyes and start meditating.
  • Envision your astral body growing and the appearance of a great light/fire rising above your physical body.
  • Envision the Eye within this fire.
  • Now raise yourself through the Aethyr and imagine that you are floating and rising in the sky.
  • While you are rising, envision the presence of a Great Angel before you. This angel is beautiful, illuminated in bright light, and with black eyes. The face is strong and the body is almost flame. He has a crown of Emerald Brilliance. The angel holds a forked, sharp staff in his hands and his wings are black and sharp.
  • At this point, you will feel a great and violent wind rushing about you and this Seraph.
  • Stare into the eyes of your Azal’ucel and while doing that, you will experience a lightning flash from his left eyes into yours.
  • As soon as your eyes are struck with this flash, a voice will be heard within your mind. It will be a question and you will know the answer when the moment occurs.
  • Meditatively move yourself and Body of Light into this Angelic being and let your entity be engulfed in his fire.
  • Open your eyes in the astral plane with the eyes of Azal’ucel. You shall be awakened in this light.
  • Continue to practice this frequently and very soon you will feel an instinctual communication with this force.



First, I want you to note that this isn’t a simple exercise, it is the ultimate of astral technology. It is a common belief that only higher spiritual beings can transfer their consciousness to the Body of Light. Those who are successful in it are usually able to exercise “mythic” astral powers. Anyone can achieve this but just know that you have a lot of work ahead of you. Great power comes with great responsibility.

Below are the ritual procedures:


  1. Choose a conducive environment, free from all forms of distraction.
  2. Start by performing the Qabalistic Cross Exercise with the physical body.
  3. Sit on a chair facing east and imagine the Body of Light standing in front of you, facing east.
  4. Command her to do the Qabalistic Cross Exercise and ensure that all actions are done correctly.
  5. When that is done, withdraw the Body of Light into yourself.
  6. Repeat the complete ritual as many times as you want, first with the Physical Body and with the Body of Light.




Perform the Qabalistic Cross and Circle of Flames.

Sit in the center of the circle facing east.

Imagine the Body of Light standing in front of you facing east.

Imagine yourself moving across the intervening space then move into the Body of Light.

While inside, attempt to see around you. You will see on the Etheric Plane. When you have learned to see, attempt to feel what you see. Continue to develop your taste, smell, and hearing senses.

If you are successful, then consider this your second birth. At this level, you might be tempted to abuse your powers, don’t give into it. To an extent, this ritual can be performed while dreaming or daydreaming. With this accomplishment, you now have a conscious vehicle that you can use to explore the non-material universe.

Your initial trials to achieve this state might be a failure but if you keep at it, you will experience it. It requires a lot of time and effort.  For the successful completion of this process, dedication and focus are necessary. Also, to increase your chances of success, seek guidance from those who have successfully generated the Body of Light. There are some hidden techniques that they will teach you.



  • The Luciferian Goetia by Michael ford
  • The Human Body of Light By Mitchell Earl Gibson MD
  • https:/    /www.   llewellyn.   com/encyclopedia/article/25770
  • Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment: Practical Applications of the Out-of-Body Experience by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke, Joe H. Slate
  • https://   pixabay.   com/photos  /fantasy-angel-brown-  woman-3060838/




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