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The 50 names of Marduk

In Mesopotamian mythology, Marduk is considered the most prestigious god who fought and defeated the mother goddess, Tiamat and her lover Kingu.

Marduk is often referred to as the agricultural and storm god. He is also the co-creator of humans and the creator of divine order after defeating the chaos forces led by Tiamat. According to the Enuma Elish, this god holds the power of lightning and possesses an inner fire. He controls the wind of the four poles (north, east, west, and south). This power was given to him by Anu. He also commands the storm and is said to ride a very terrible chariot known as the Chariot of the Storm.

Marduk was the son of Enki (also known as Ea). He was married to the goddess of fertility called Sarpanitu (in some myths his wife is Nanaya). They had a son named Nabu, who became the patron god of scribes and wisdom.

Invocation: Marduk

Marduk was crowned a Majesty of the Gods and during his coronation, he was given fifty names that describe his nature. A practitioner can call upon him to possess his body. This spirit is known for bringing order.

F.Y.I It was said, The fifty names of Marduk could be summoned by any priest or priestess who has ascended to that step on the Ladder of Lights and gained entrance into the Sacred City.

If your intention is to bring order into your life, at dawn or at noon when the sun is visible, burn sweet-smelling incense to Marduk and invoke him.

As the smoke of the incense rises, recite the epithet of Marukka. Going further, visualize the most chaotic elements of your life being assembled into an order. The results of this work are first visible in your conscious mind before manifesting in reality.

Marduk was the son of Enki (also known as Ea).


Epithet of Marukka: A simple invocation chant

I call forth the patron deity of Sumer who is known by fifty exalted names.

Marduk, witch-god and ruler of tempests,

descend unto the Etherian plane and unify with me through my art of invocation!

Lightning-hurling archer, wielder of the winds, everlasting charioteer!

I call unto you! Oh hear the names!

The 50 names of Marduk


No 1


This is the first name given at birth. He is the Master of all magicians and Lord of Lords. This name should not be joked with. He should be called when no other will do.

His word of calling is Dugga


No 2


The god who compelled order. He knows all things (including all secrets) since the beginning of the world. He is very difficult to summon. Only a priest with a clean heart and spirit can summon him.


No 3


He is the helper of his people. He is the Master of Arts of Protection. He possesses the Arra star,  a universal symbol of protection.


No 4


He is the kindest of the fifty and commonly known as a Worker of Miracles.

His word of calling is BAALDURU.


No 5


Tiamat was fought by a legion of wind demons and Luggaldimmerankia was their commander.

His word of calling is BANUTUKKU.


No 6


He is the Sub Commander of the wind demons and a Watcher of the Annunaki and Igigi.

His word of calling is BANRABISHU


No 7


He wields a flaming sword and supervises the race of watchers at the bidding of the Elder Gods.

His word of calling is BANMASKIM


No 8


He is the most potent and secret Lord. He is aware of every soul that dies and can raise the dead.

His word of calling is BANUTUKUKUTUKKU


No 9


He is wise and knowledgeable in all things and teaches the science of metals.

His word is BAKAKALAMU


No 10


He has knowledge of all trees and plants.

His word of calling is BAALPRIKU


No 11


He has secret wisdom and shines light in darkened areas.

His word is BARRMARATU


No 12


He is skillful in making armors and weapons.

His word is BANATATU


No 13


He is a protector of the household. He consoles the weary heart and gives joy to the sorrowful.

His word of calling is DIRRIGUGIM


No 14


He possesses the knowledge of stars and teaches the meanings of star movements.

His word of calling is GIBBILANNU


No 15


He knows where all the secret treasures and riches are hidden on earth.

His word of calling is GIGGIMAGANPA


No 16:


He is the Lord of the talisman and amulet.

His word of calling is MASHGARZANNA


No 17


He is the most fierce and Lord of baneful magick.

His word of calling is  MASHSHAMMASHTI


No 18


He knows all secrets and understands all thoughts.

His word of calling is MASHSHANANNA


No 19


He is a peacemaker.

His word of calling is MASHINNANNA


No 20


This power kills easily and without mercy.

His word of calling is MASHSHANERGAL


No 21


His word of calling is MASHSHADAR


No 22


He is a warrior among warriors.

His word of calling is MASHSHAGARANNU


No 23


His word of calling is MASHTISHADDU


No 24


He knows all the secrets of water.

His word is of calling is MASHSHANEBBU


No 25


His word of calling is EYUNGINAKANPA


No 26


He has power over everything that grows. In one moon, he can supply a starving community with food that can last for thirteen moons.

His word of calling is AGGHA


No 27


He is a master of agriculture and farming.

His word of calling is BURDISHU


No 28


He is a very powerful lord and a master over the serpent.



No 29


He is a Lord of Bravery and Courage.

His word of calling is BACHACHADUGGA


No 30


He has a mysterious and ancient power. He can make a barren woman give birth and the barley to grow. He also gathers grains for the people.

His word is AGGABAL


No 31


He has the knowledge of architecture and can create new cities.

His word is AKKABAL


No 32


He has power over rainfall and can cause storms and thunders.

His word of calling is MASHSHAYEGURRA


No 33


He protects tradesmen from experiencing losses in business.

He guides a farmer on where to plant and when to plant.

His word of calling is ABBABAAL


No 34


His word of calling is ALALALABAAAL


No 35


He giveth the strength of ten men to one man.

His word of calling is ANNDARABAAL


No 36


He is a great destroyer, defender and attacker.

His word of calling is AGNIBAAL


No 37


He possesses infinite intelligence.

His word of calling is ARRABABAAL


No 38


He is a watcher of the skies and Lord of the Lofty Places.

His word of calling is ARATAAGARBAL


No 39


He is a counselor and giver of wisdom to god Enki.

His word of calling is ARAMANNGI


No 40


He knows all secret names and numbers. He possesses the wand of Lapis Lazuli.

His word of calling is ARATAGIGI


No 41


He knows all the secret knowledge of the world.

His word of calling is BALDIKHU


No 42


He knows the essence of all spirits.

His word of calling is ZIDUR


No 43


His word of calling is BARERIMU


No 44


He is a Judge and Lord of the Gods. Other gods fear him.

His word of calling is ENGAIGAI


No 45


He knows the life span of men, plants, gods, and demons.

His word of calling is NENIGEGAI


No 46


His word of calling is BAALAGNITARRA


No 47


He can cause storms. He can also make the stars tremble.

His word of calling is KAKODAMMU


No 48


He knows all treacherous ways. He also knows the past and sees the future.

His word of calling is BAXTANDABAL


No 49


He is the Spirit of the Gate of Marduk.

His word of calling is DIRGIRGIRI


No 50


This is the power of Marduk.

His word of calling is GASHDIG


Praise Marduk

The 50 names of Marduk
Offering a Praise & Gratitude Candle to Marduk

BWC Services

Candle Burning for Demonic Praise

Candle Burning Service: blessings – gratitude – offerings

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  • http://   deathcraft.  necro1/names50.html
  • https:// vkjehannum.
  • Maskim Hul Babylonian magic by Michael Ford
  • https:/   /en.    wikipedia. org/wiki/Marduk
  • https:/   /www.    ancient  .eu/article/990/the-marduk-prophecy/

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