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Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer.  For many years, Christians have associated the name “Lucifer” with a demonic or evil figure but this is contrary to what Luciferians believe.  For members of the Greater Church of Lucifer, the term “Lucifer” literally means a positive thing. He is referred to as “the bringer or bearer of light” and as a bringer of light, he symbolizes knowledge and education.  In ancient Greek cultures, Lucifer is a symbol of enlightenment, independence, and he is often used interchangeably with similar figures such as the Greek titan, Prometheus.

As the morning and evening star, Lucifer creates a balance between our higher consciousness and primal instincts.  He guides the Luciferians to recognize the destructive and creative aspects of themselves. When that is known, balancing these aspects becomes another goal.


In 2014, the worldwide organization for Luciferians was founded by Luciferians from Houston and Texas. This organization was named the Greater Church of Lucifer (GCoL). It is a gathering of individuals who desire to evolve within the ideology and philosophy of Luciferianism.  The philosophical foundation of this group is stated in the 11 Luciferian Points of Power. This church was founded to actualize the core Luciferian Philosophies which are: the ability to gain knowledge, insight, recognize patterns, understand situations, and be able to achieve self-determined goals.  GCoL main focus is based on the practical world. Personal and family progression are among its key tenets.

The church was under the leadership of Jacob Mckelvy, Michael W. Ford, and Jeremy Crow. In order to operate as a business entity, in 2015, the founders filed a paperwork in Austin County Courthouse. In 2015, about 30 GCoL members opened a parish in Old Town Spring, Texas. At that time, several residents, especially Catholics protested against the opening of the church and this led to the closedown of the church some months after it was opened.



Take a look at the sigil above, what are the major things you can see?

  • The Chalice & Sigil Of Lucifer.
  • The Eye Of Wisdom.
  • The Light.
  • The Broken Chains


GCoL seal is a symbolic sigil of the Luciferian Spirit. Originally, the center sigil is a part of the Sigil of Lucifer from a medieval grimoire called Grimoirum Verum. This part represents the fallen angel and the blazing star and this is symbolic of the mastery of the heavens and earth.

The Broken chains represent self-liberation from mental slavery, restrictive tradition, and dogmatic religion.

The Light represents the attainment of knowledge and marks the beginning of divine consciousness.

The Eye of Wisdom symbolizes self-awareness which reminds us that we are gods/goddesses of our life. Therefore, we are responsible for our future and the kind of life we live. This conscious awareness is what propels us to achieve our goals irrespective of how difficult they might seem.


GCOL uses some of the following symbols:

  • Serpent,
  • Wolf,
  • Hawk,
  • Bird, etc.



When this church was opened in Texas, the residents wondered what her goals were.  The name “Greater Church of Lucifer” made most of them believe that these were a set of satanic worshippers. With that most people were not ready to listen nor understand the core goals of this fellowship and that was why they decided to protest against GCOL.

Many years have passed since that incident but I can still tell you that not everyone understands the goals of GCOL. For that reason, I have highlighted some of them below:

In simple terms, I would say they support the protection of the natural world. They believe that humans should be more focused as each day of their lives count. Luciferian philosophy encourages individuality. Every individual must seek to continually enhance their Will via overcoming challenges. This philosophy is simply a continual cycle of different processes known as Liberation, Illumination, and Apotheosis.

According to founder Jacob Mckelvy, who was formerly known as Jacob No,  the church was committed to help mankind progress out of the dark ages and create a new world of understanding and tolerance.


Religion and traditional dogmas are aspects of life that every man must seek to be liberated from. Contrary to what most religions preach, Luciferians are free thinkers who believe that man must not subject his life to a non-existent higher power because no one has control over the fate of another unless he or she has given the individual their will.  They believe that you are responsible for your life and there is no governing deity that regulates or choose your fate. In other words, you are your god.

Luciferian principles teach the truth and freedom of will. Worshipping the inner self should be one’s ultimate goal. Your mind is the foundation that determines all that you may or may not achieve in life. Those who approach life with this mindset would be able to focus all their potentials on achieving all that they want out of life.

One common question unbelievers ask is “What role does fate play in all these?” To a Luciferian, fate is a response to our conscious or unconscious desire towards achieving a particular goal in life. Fate is influenced by those things we believe to be our limitations. So if any individual can establish faith within, he/she would be able to conquer every limitation preventing him from having or becoming what they want. In other words, whatever becomes of your life is as a result of your effort and not some “god’s will” or ‘god’s plan.



Members of GCoL seek to attain the highest levels of power and knowledge. They refuse to limit themselves by classifying some things as “bad or evil”. To them, there is no forbidden knowledge so every secret and every power beneath and above the earth must be acquired.

Another key principle is that all ideas must be tested before being accepted. In other words, every man should question everything. Don’t let anyone tell you what the answer is. To become your god, you must have the wisdom and strength to govern and guide your life as if your mind is to survive beyond the mortal body.

Do you seek a pathway to knowledge and power? Luciferianism is the way. To succeed on this path, you must be ambitious, strong-willed, and believe in your potentials. I know that everyone has a unique weak point but as a Luciferian, you must strive to overcome all your weaknesses and improve your strengths. You must also be willing to unlearn and denounce some unnecessary traditions.  Then acquire a great wealth of knowledge and power.


In life, there is light and darkness, evil and good, life and death, etc. Light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa. Luciferians acknowledge that the existence of opposite poles is necessary. Instead of complaining about any of these concepts, they create a balance which is key to a self-actualizing path through life.

GCoL members also seek to attain inner spirituality and self-excellence. This is achieved through personal study and development of oneself. This path is a journey of discovering who you are and how you are your own god/goddess. Do you want to know more about this path? The following links will serve as a great guide.


A Compendium of Luciferian Beliefs

Coven News: The Luciferian Journey

12 Steps Towards Luciferian Thinking





https://en.  wikipedia. org/wiki/Luciferianism

Wisdom of eôsphoros by Michael W. Ford, Jacob No, Jeremy Crow & Hope Marie

Image Source: https://www.   pin/  560416747358759994/




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