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The Hexenspiegel Protective Mirror


A hexenspiegel (HEX-un-spee-gull) is a small mirror used as a protective charm to reflect away negative magicks, the evil eye, or other bad omens or intentions, as well as return the negative energy to the sender.

Its basis is in German folk magick: translated, it means “witch’s mirror.” Hexenspiegels may be suspended from cords, fastened to walls, or, in the case of small ones, worn as jewelry.

The Hexenspiegel has been used against the dark arts since ancient times. There is something about the reflective and smooth properties of metal or glass, which creates a natural defense against the entry of bad energy. When a person is protected by a Hexenspiegel, he quickly notices the incoming evil and sends it back to the sender. The more the bad person struggles to send more and more negativity, the more the mirror reflects it back.

The good news is that any mirror will do this naturally, and you can use almost any highly polished metal for the purpose of returning dark magic.Goddess Scrying Amulet

If you’re under attack, use a mirror as follows:

▪️Carry a mirror on your person at all times, preferably over your heart.
▪️Place a mirror under your bed.
▪️Place small mirrors around your house and garden.

Mirror balls offer tiny little mirrors in 360° protection. These are great for people and children who are being bullied.

Workplace issues? Wear one around your neck is helpful if your work environment is negative or you are having problems with co-workers. It not only repels those negative energies, but it sends them right back to the person who sends it. Simply put it on and let it do it’s work.

Make your own hexenspiegel

To make your own hexenspiegel, use a plain mirror or use craft glue to adhere small stones, crystals, beads, or other items of choice to the mirror’s edges.

Charge the mirror by sprinkling it with salt, passing it through the heat and smoke of a candle, and dabbing it with pure water.

Place the hexenspiegel where it will carry out your intention, saying:

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, answer
my protective call. Turn away the
magick black, with all your pow’r,
please send it BACK!”

make your own hexenspiegel

Now, for the level of protection that a Hexenspiegel can provide against magical attacks, you will need to add a ritual of enchantment to elevate the effectiveness of the mirrors and make them send powerful warnings to those who send us strong charge of negative energy. So if they continue, they will burn, and hurt themselves in different strange ways.

Idea #1: Consecrate & Set The Intention for Your hexenspiegel

If you desire to consecrate, purify and charge your mirror into a magical hexenspiegel, here is a ritual


This ritual should be done after sunset.

  • Place the mirror on the ground.
  • Place a candle at the right and left side of the mirror.
  • Sit at the middle and meditate on what you want the mirror to do for you.
  • Repeat these procedures for three days then place a black candle on the right and a white one on the left.
  • Light it up then meditate on the protection you wish to get from the mirror.
  • Ensure to focus on your desires and let your eyes be closed.
  • Open your eyes after few minutes then fix your gaze on the mirror while meditating on your desires.
  • You can recite:

“With the power of my energy,

 With the power of my reflections

I request that in the same way that you reflect my image on your surface,

Reflect out of me all negativity and all evil.

I ask that the evils that come to me return to the one who provoked them. “

After a few minutes of reflection on these invocations or similar, you can end the ritual and extinguish the candles.

If you perform this ritual while in trance you might see gray images or clouds that will begin to take shape. If you are not able to see spirits, be patient as such ability comes with steady practice.

Idea #2: Consecrate & Set The Intention for Your hexenspiegel

You need:
1. A mirror
2. 3 white candles
3. Lemon & salt
4. A cloth

  • Set the 3 white candles up in a triangle with the point facing away from you.
    Put the mirror in the middle.
  • Starting from the right and going clockwise, light the candle and evoke:

“Light this candle
Let it shine
Light this heart
And love of mine
Make it strong
And make it true
Love flows into
All I do.”

Light the second candle and evoke:
“Light this candle
Let it shine
Light this perfect mind of mine
Make it strong
And make it true
Logic flows
Through all I do.”

Light the third candle and evoke:
“Light this candle
Let it shine
Light this perfect
Soul of mine
Let it rise
And guide me true
Flow through all
I will and do.”

Put some lemon and salt on your fingertips and rub it on the mirror in circular movements as you evoke:

“Mirror clear and mirror bright,
Mirror day and mirror night,
Shining clear for all to see,
Mirror is protecting me.

Mirror mirror flowing free,
Blocks all Negativity
Sends it back
By power of three.

Heart and mind and soul combined,
Angels, guardians all aligned,
Thrice the power,
Thrice the love,
Blessed by the stars above,
Blessed by the earth below,
So it shall be,
And it is so.”

Now clean the mirror while keeping in mind a beautiful white light, perfect reflection, pure and safe, innocence protected and celebrated.

When you’re done, thank each candle and blow them out.

When you’re done, leave the mirror to rest overnight and in the morning it is ready.

Perfect for everyone to try!

Without any additional magical abilities or extra magical practices on your part, the mirrors reflect the negative energy input and offer an excellent level of defense.

There are many kinds of rituals and spells of defense and protection with mirrors, but the use of a Hexenspiegel for personal protection, as well as the protection of buildings, rooms, spaces, boats and cars is powerful, simple, and the best defense against dark arts.



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