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The importance of commitment and consistency in magical success


Can you even believe how fast this year is traveling? April already. It seriously feels like I have only packed away my ritual space from last month’s Full Moon Ritual Service, and now I am talking about this month’s Ritual coming up next week. Still, I have to share with you the importance of taking part in our simple monthly full moon rituals.

I just shared a similar message via email to individuals who regularly participate in the monthly full moon ritual, and so I am sharing an edited version of that message to you, our general newsletter audience. No, I am not trying to sell you something. I am simply sharing a message (with permission), shared consistently in our coven meetings with the hope to touch, move, or inspire YOU.

There are two ideas in the coven about commitment to magic. Firstly, there is the idea of accumulation. Accumulation of magical energy that builds over time. At BWC, the message of participation is strongly enforced by our coven elders. While we do have the choice to perform the style of magic we currently feel comfortable in performing, there is no choice in whether or not we perform magic. We need to take responsibility and accountability to draw energy towards us. We can’t just hope it will come our way. We must take action.

Secondly, there is the idea of consistency. In BWC, we are taught you do not need to be exceptionally gifted or from a “bloodline of witches” to be a successful witch or occultist. You will receive your rewards if you are consistent with your efforts. We MUST perform consistent magic to create a platform for success to manifest.

While some people may feel very little effect from a single ritual, some of you through, accumulation and consistency of participation, will feel the SHIFT of energy enter into their “space”.

BWC Sigil

If you ARE joining us this month:

If you are joining me again for this month, I ask you to meditate or focus on the Black Witch Coven sigil for at least for 5 to 15 minutes (or longer) during the night of the 26th. See the energy come to you literally. See it as a wave or circle that sits around you, like you would see a ring on a tree.

With every ritual that is performed, you see another ring layer around you.

Honestly, we keep the price of this Full Moon Ritual as low as possible, as it does take a long time to set up for the Ritual and to prepare each individual’s specific request. However, we do enjoy performing this ritual for our clients.

I hope you have enjoyed me sharing with you a little bit more information about the strategy and the thoughts behind the full moon ritual. I hope you can join us this month where I have 4 to 5 Coven members in attendance.


Join us if you haven’t already – https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/releasing-abundance-ritual-on-april-26/

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