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The Magical Uses of Parchment Paper

Heavy Parchment

Parchment paper is a tin material produced using calfskin, sheepskin or goatskin. Its most basic use was as writing material.  In Wizardry, the parchment paper plays the role of a typical paper used alongside plumes and ink to cast spells.


The use of Parchment paper was recorded in Egypt and the Middle East at about the sixth century BCE.  One scroll of parchment has been dated to 2550-2450BCE.


Parchment paper is a dull, beige, and two-dimensional paper. It is an oil and water-resistant paper that has been treated with a type of Silicone covering to give it non-stick and warm properties. As opposed to what you may have heard, parchment paper isn’t wax paper.

It comes in two dimensions: bleached parchment, having a translucent white color, or unbleached parchment, which is translucent tan. Parchment papers can also come in rolls, rectangular sheets, and round sheets.

Magical  Uses of a Parchment Paper:

Parchment paper is generally used to write down your wishes or wants or even the name(s) of any person you want to work on (including yourself). At that point, place the parchment paper underneath a burning candle or in magic packs and ju-ju containers.  When used in rituals, Parchment Paper aids your wants and wishes to work out as expected.

Parchment paper is utilized frequently in enchantment. A few people construct their book of shadows totally out of individual bits of parchment paper. Parchment paper is likewise used for recording magical symbols or charms, writing enchantment rituals, spell-crafting and ritual affirmations.

Parchment papers are more durable than wax paper or the standard lined paper. This is why it is used to write down spells that are transferred from one generation to the other. Magical inks are recommended for writing on parchment papers.


1.            You can use a brown paper bag for writing down your hoodoo petition.

2.            You can use cookie sheet lining parchment paper too.

3.            Alternatively, you can make your paper by putting a sheet of white paper into a frying pan. There should be no oil in the frying pan. Allow it “crisp” or brown a little then take it out and use it for writing down your petitions.

Below are samples of magically prepared parchment papers available in our store.





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