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Ugallu: The Gatekeeper of the Underworld


The Akkadian word “ugallu” is a loanword from the Sumerian U-gal which means “big storm beast” and the actual term is “umu-rabu” which is related to “day beast”. According to Mesopotamian myth, Ugallu is a storm demon, and the son of Tiamat. He is also regarded as an associate of Adad and an enemy of the Sun god.

The gatekeeper of the Underworld is in the form of an Ugallu demon. This demon first appeared figuratively as a porter in the Underworld and servant of Nergal in the First Babylonian Dynasty. Later on, he was represented on amulets and was paired frequently with Lulal who has a similar appearance with him. Ugallu has similar characteristics to Pazuzu. Clay figurines of him were kept in houses or cemeteries for protective purposes. Although he protects an individual or a community from diseases, he can also act as a bringer of diseases. Ugallu is a punisher of transgressors and could be among the demons responsible for violent roaring storms and hurricanes.


Ugallu is a rabid wolf and scorpion man. He is fearsome and aggressive. He has the head of a lion, body of a man, ears of an ass, and feet of an eagle. On artworks, he is shown carrying a dagger in his left hand and a mace in his right. When standing upright, Ugallu has the body of a strong demon man, wearing a short kilt and with his lower arm pointing downward.

 Palace guards, Ugallu and Lahmu

The essence of this demon is airy, ephemeral, and chaotic. When evoked, his face shifts from female to male, old to young. In his female form, he appears with white disheveled hair that shifts into bolts of lightning. She holds a staff in her hand with which she commands and stirs the wind. Sometimes, she appears in the form of a dark figure, dressed in a black robe, with arms crossed and face hidden under the hood.


Within the works of magic, the easiest way to establish contact with this spirit is through dreams. Ugallu enters the body of the practitioner through the third eye and fills his aura with lightning.

He serves as a protective spirit and manifests powers connected with water, air, and electricity. During an evocation ritual, he might appear either as an anthropomorphic female or as an abstract vortex of energy. She appears with sounds of thunder and flashes of lightning. She claims to possess the ability to blast the world with storms and raging winds. When summoned, she charges the magician with a high amount of electric power that feels like an ecstatic rapid rush of energy through the spinal column.

The energy of this spirit is highly powerful but destructive. A practitioner can use it to influence events, attack a target, or cause changes on the material plane. During communion with this spirit, she teaches the practitioner how to levitate and travel through air. She teaches him how to raise tongues of lightning and ride on storms. She can also teach him how to shift into a black wraith and fly through the astral planes on wings of shadow.



Items Needed:

  • The sigil of Ugallu
  • The practitioner’s blood
  • Ritual blade
  • Image of the Key of the Night
  • Parchment


  • Draw the demon’s sigil on the parchment with few drops of your blood or use the blood to trace the lines of the glyph.
  • Use the blooded ritual blade to trace the Key of the Night in front of you, above the altar.
  • Envisage how it shines with blue flickering radiance.
  • This will charge the Temple with the electric energy of this spirit.
  • Stare at the sigil for some minutes while chanting the demon’s name.
  • Visualize how the glyph becomes activated and glow with the electric essence of the spirit.
  • When the Temple is fully charged, and you are ready to begin the invocation, speak the following words:


By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence,

And by the Key of the Night, I call you, Ugallu!

Fearsome Demon of lightning and thunder!

Roaring Hurricane! Come with dark clouds and blacken the sun!

Awaken the winds and raise the waters!

Arise from the heart of the Void,

With delirious fury that none can withstand!

Come with the roaring of the lions,

With storms raging across the oceans,

And wreaking havoc on the land!

Enter this body which I offer you as Temple,

And free my soul through your rites of torture and ecstasy!

Hear my call and come to me! Grant me the power to command storms and lightning,

To rule the Vortex of Chaos, And to create and destroy!

Crush my enemies and feast on their flesh,

Cloak their souls in consuming darkness,

And plague them with death, famine, and strife!

Enter this Temple of Flesh, And lift my Soul on tongues of lightning!

Let it rise on your fearsome breath,

And bring me dreams of terror and fury!

I invoke you in the name of the Dragon!

In Nomine Draconis! Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

Going Further:

Burn the parchment with the sigil and as the smoke arises, it shall carry your wishes to be united with the spirit’s essence to the planes. At this point, let your consciousness merge with the essence of this demon through visual meditation or sexual ecstasy.

Visualize how the spirit enters your body through the third eye and spreads waves of electricity through your whole body. At first this may feel painful, but suddenly your soul will be lifted beyond the flesh in ecstatic communion.

At this point, let the visions flow freely and continue to explore the powers of this demon which are now yours to command. Let your focus be on your goal. You can use the energy of this demon for protection, self-empowerment, and malefic sorcery.

For example, if your goal is to harm someone, visualize yourself in the form of this demon with your hands filled with lightning bolts. Imagine that your target is standing in front of you, then strike him through the third eye. This will rip his body and break all his protective mechanisms. While your victim collapses and groans in pain, be ecstatic, and enjoy this feeling.

If your goal is to use Ugallu’s essence for protection and self-empowerment, visualize yourself surrounded by blue flickering chains of electricity which form a defensive shield against every magical attack channeled towards you.

Whatever is your intention, just envision it and it will be done. When you wish, you can end the working and return to your mundane consciousness. Finally, thank the spirit and close the ritual.


Rituals open the gateways of the soul and those doors can never be closed again. For that reason, I strongly advise that casual experimentation with these rituals should be avoided. Due to the complex nature of this ritual, I would suggest that you have some experience before practicing this ritual. Also, whether you are experienced or not, kindly tread with caution because these are not designed for dabblers. They are designed for serious pathworking.



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