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Uridimmu: The Ruler of the Black Desert


The term Uridimmu is a Sumerian word coined from Ur-idm (lion/dog) and idim ( raging/mad). When put together Uridimmu is used to describe a raging lion or dog. This monster is one of the creatures of Tiamat and it seems to have a connection with the constellation known by the Greeks as Wolf (Lupus). Its first appearance can be traced to the Kassite period and that is if Agum Kakrime inscription proves to be a genuine piece. He is often paired with Kusarikku, “The Bull Man” and they serve as attendants to god Samas.

Just like some monsters and demons, Uridimmu serves as a guardian of temples, homes, and cemeteries. He is usually displayed on doorways where he serves as a protective spirit and wards off evil. For example, in the Sumerian temple of Eninnu, ornaments carved in the form of this demon were seen on the door. In Nineveh, on the doorway in Assurbaniapli’s north palace, this demon is carved as a guardian figure. He also appears as an intercessor with Marduk and Zarpanitu. During the Neo-Babylonian period, he was revered in Eanna in Uruk.


Uridimmu can be seen on an Iranian vase standing upright. His upper body is that of a bearded man wearing a horned cap of divinity and his bottom half is a bull. On his hand he holds a staff with crescent moon at its tip. His horned cap of divinity serves as a symbol of earthly power through the determined will.

In Babylonian mythology, he is depicted with a human head and torso, set up on a lion’s hindquarters. Sometimes, he is considered a bringer of health to the sick. Within magical works, when evoked, he manifests as a black smoke entering the Temple. He can also appear as a vague black shape with distinctive canine features. Sometimes, he forms dark clouds, and other times, he crystallizes in the middle of the cosmic void. He is regarded as the ruler of the Black Desert.


During rites of evocation, his common appearance is that of an alien hybrid with tentacles and seven snake heads and each of them has one eye. These heads shoot out from the vortex of black energy. When asked by the practitioner to transform into a visible form, he could change into a black lion or wolf or a mixture of both.

This demon endows the magician with the ability to see beyond mundane reality. He inspires visions of an Everlasting Night in the Black Desert. When invoked, he rips the practitioner’s flesh, wraps the body in his black essence, and through his nuclear force, he transforms his soul. Then, he releases his spirit into the practitioner, and such is an enlightening experience.

Uridimmu is the Black Wind and his essence can blast the whole universe. His power can be used to cause massive destruction. However, due to his enormous strength, only a strong and focused practitioner can use this energy successfully.

How to Invoke the Spirit of Uridimmu

Items Needed:

  • The sigil of Uridimmu
  • The practitioner’s blood
  • Ritual blade
  • Image of the Key of the Night
  • Parchment


  • Draw the demon’s sigil on the parchment with few drops of your blood or use the blood to trace the lines of the glyph.
  • Use the blooded ritual blade to trace the Key of the Night in front of you, above the altar.
  • Envisage it shining with purple fire.
  • This will charge the Temple with the essence of the spirit.
  • Stare at the sigil for some minutes while chanting the demon’s name.
  • Visualize how the glyph becomes activated and glows with the essence of the spirit. At this point, a gateway is opened within your inner mind and through it you shall receive the energy of the demon.
  • When the Temple is fully charged, and you are ready to begin the invocation, speak the following words.


By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence, And by the Key of the Night,

I call you, Uridimmu!

Fierce Wolf Demon! Messenger of the Void!

Come from the Desert of Night,

Arise from atavistic depths beyond the stars,

And cloak the earth in terror and gloom!

Come with Hunger and Desire,

And empower me with your timeless force!

I offer myself to be consumed in your harsh Vacuum,

Which swallows worlds and feeds on souls of the living!

My body is a vessel for your formless essence!

Come from the Black City of Pyramids,

From alien wastelands and empty spaces,

And grant me the power to destroy those who oppose me!

Rip their hearts and devour their flesh!

Feast on the souls of my enemies,

And plague them with sickness and misery!

Burn their eyes so that they may not see the Light, And leave them screaming in agony of fear and despair!

Enter this Temple of Flesh,

Forge my Soul through your fearsome rites of abomination,

And intoxicate my dreams with visions of primordial Void!

I invoke you in the name of the Dragon!

In Nomine Draconis! Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

Going Further:

Burn the parchment with the sigil and as the smoke arises, it shall carry your wishes to be united with the spirit’s essence to the planes. Visualize how the gates of your soul open up to be filled with the essence of this spirit. This would take you into a trance of possession. At this point, let your consciousness merge with the essence of this demon through visual meditation or sexual ecstasy.

Visualize how the spirit enters your body like a swirling vortex of energy. You will be enveloped with dense black smoke, wrapping around you and suffocating. At first, you will feel dizzy but when your mind is filled with this black atavistic energy, you primal hunger for vital essence and life force would be awakened.

At this point, let the visions flow freely and continue to explore the powers of this demon which are now yours to command. Let your focus be on your goal. You can use the energy of this demon for destructive purposes. If your goal is to harm your target, visualize yourself in the form of this demon then channel his black cloud energy towards your target. You can use weapons like lashes, or black fire to torment your victim until his vital force is devoured.

In malefic works, Uridimmu attacks his victim through the chest, tears his flesh, and feed on his life energies. He goes ahead to rip off the victim’s heart, devour it and the body turns black. In reality, this manifests as a disease or a fire accident. The victim’s soul is torn into pieces and the flesh is left empty. During this time, in the physical world, the victim could be likened to a living corpse. Then gradually, he withers until the last spark of his life force is consumed and he dies. This is a slow but agonizing death.

Whatever is your intention, just envision it and it will be done. When you wish, you can end the working and return to your mundane consciousness. Finally, thank the spirit and close the ritual.


Rituals open the gateways of the soul and those doors can never be closed again. For that reason, I strongly advise that casual experimentation with these rituals should be avoided. Due to the complex nature of this ritual, I would suggest that you have some experience before practicing this ritual. Also, whether you are experienced or not, kindly tread with caution because these are not designed for dabblers. They are designed for serious pathworking.


  • Grimoire of Tiamat by Asenath Mason
  • Maskim Hul Babylonian magic by Michael Ford


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