Uriel is another angelic being mentioned within the Grimorium Verum and who can be conjured up to provide assistance to the medium. The name Uriel loosely translates into “fire of God” in Hebrew. This spirit is widely recognized as one of the seven archangels in heaven thereby highlighting his potency. He is regarded as one of the most ancient angels together with Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel. The four archangels are said to hold dominion over the four cardinal points, the four human directions, the four elements, the seasons, the zodiac signs, the seasons, and other natural quadruple occurrences.
Due to the dearth of information regarding this spirit, there is much uncertainty surrounding him. Besides the lack of information surrounding this demon, there are also various developments that have occurred within Christian religious ideology that may have affected his identity at multiple points within history. With different factions of Christianity either rejecting or accepting spiritual entities from antiquity, the placement of beings such as Uriel has been questioned repeatedly. As a result, he is presently found within apocryphal texts instead of the mainstream.
Uriel has been described as the archangel of punishment and justice as well as a champion of illumination. He is said to be capable of teaching the mysteries of the earth and the wonders of unseen creation. He is described as something of a heavenly guide in apocryphal texts. It is notable that some texts posit him as standing on the edge of the abyss and being a vengeful entity. In this form, he has seraph wings and a glowing face which cannot be gazed upon by mortal beings. He also brandishes a sword in his left hand and a tongue of flame in his right hand.
The uncertainty surrounding this spirit is evident in other reports positing that he is a demonic entity. In these accounts, he is reported to be a wandering duke of the air with domain over 10 chief dukes and 100 underdukes – each of which has several lesser servitors. His servitors are all described as being evil and deceitful – they are also very reluctant to bend to the will of the conjuror. These servitors are said to take the appearance of serpents with virgins’ heads and faces. The identities of his 10 chief dukes are given as Dragon, Brymiel, Frasmiel, Draplos, Brymiel, Nartniel, Aldrusy, Chabri, Drabros, and Hermon.
Planet: Uranus
Metal: Platinum / Alloys
Month: September
Day: Saturday
Color: Blue / Green
Herbs / Flowers: Pokeweed / Bryony

The Sigil of Uriel
Items Required
- Virgin parchment
- Quill from the feather of a raven
- White cloth
- Table
- Small glass vial containing spring water
- Virgin wax
- Human fat
- Inkpot of chine with fresh ink
- Small metallic container with materials for starting a fire
- 9-10 year old boy with a history of good behavior and proper dressing
- Large needle (preferably new)
- Glass
- The conjuror must choose a small room which has not been entered by women on their menses for the previous nine days.
- This room is to be well cleaned and consecrated as per the specifications of the Grimorium Verum. This includes by means of aspersions.
- A table covered with a white cloth should be placed in the middle of the room.
- A small vial containing spring water should be placed on the top of this table together with human fat mixed with three small strips of virgin wax. The other things that should be atop the table include the piece of virgin parchment, the chine inkpot full of fresh ink, the quill of a raven capable of writing, and the small container containing materials that can be used for ignition.
- The 9-10 year old boy should be well dressed and brought close to the table where the ritual is taking place.
- The needle is to be taken and a strip of the virgin wax mounted on it at a distance of six inches from the glass. The other strips of virgin wax should be placed on either sides of the glass – although at equal distances from the glass.
- When placing the virgin wax, the conjuror is required to say the following: “Gabamiah, Adonay, Agla, o Lord of Powers, aid us!”
- The virgin parchment is to be placed on the right of the glass and the quill placed on the left together with the ink.
- The conjuror should then ensure that all the windows and doors of this room are absolutely closed. The fire should then be stoked and the strips of virgin wax lit.
- The little boy should be instructed to get on his knees and look into the glass vial. His hands should be conjoined and he must be bareheaded during this ritual.
- The conjuror should then speak the following words softly into the right ear of the boy: “URIEL, SERAPH, JOSATA, ABLATI, AGLA, CAILA, I beg and conjure thee by the four words that God spoke with His mouth to His servant Moses: JOSTA, AGLA, CAILA, ABLATI. And by the name of the Nine Heavens in which thou livest, and also by the virginity of this child who is before thee, to appear at once, and visibly, to reveal that truth which I desire to know. And when this is done, I shall discharge thee in peace and benevolence, in the Name of the Most Holy Adonay.”
- The child should then be asked if he sees anything inside the glass vial.
- If the child answers that he sees anything that looks angelic, the conjuror should say to him in a friendly tone: “Blessed spirit, welcome. I conjure thee again, in the Name of the Most Holy Adonay, to reveal to me immediately (the conjuror should state their request or query)”.
- The conjuror should then proceed to say the following to the spirit: “If, for any reason, thou dost not wish what thou sayest to be heard by others, I conjure thee to answer upon this virgin parchment, between this time and the morrow. Otherwise thou may reveal it to me in my sleep.”
- If there is an audible answer then the conjuror is advised to listen closely. If there isn’t any answer after saying these three times then the conjuror should extinguish the strips of wax and leave until the next day.
- The answer should be revealed in the conjuror’s sleep or the virgin parchment on the following day.