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Valac, the demon that finds hidden treasures


Valac is a demon who is mentioned within the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic, the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, the Liber Oficium Spirituum, the Book of Oberon, the Discoverie of Witchcraft, and various other Goetic grimories. He is a President of hell although some accounts posit that he is a prince. Valac is also referred to as Valu, Volac, Doolas, or Coolas. The demon is also referred to as Volach within the Fasciculus Rerum Geomanticarum manuscript.

There is a lot of uncertainty regarding Valac as evidenced by the differing literature contained within various grimories. This specifically regards his rank and the number of demons under his domain. This demon has dominion over thirty legions of lesser demons although some reports tell of thirty-eight. The Munich Manual states that Valac commands twenty-seven legions of demons. There are even accounts which tell of twenty and thirteen legions of demons under his rule.

This uncertainty regarding the number of legions of inferior demons under his command extends to his placement within the aforementioned grimories including the Book of Incantations and the Dictionnaire Infernal. The Lesser Key of Solomon lists him as the sixty-second whereas the Liber Oficium Spirituum places him at either twenty-first or twenty-second. Extant and complete versions of the Liber Oficium Spirituum place him at number twenty-five however.

Valac has the ability to reveal treasures in addition to finding, summoning, and compelling serpents. He is said to be able to impart the power the control serpents on the conjuror if they so wish as well as the power to command household demons. His ability to reveal treasures is meant to bring wealth to the conjuror through employment. The demon manifests as a winged angel boy riding atop a two-headed dragon. Valac is directly opposed by the Shemhamphorasch angel Lahhel.


There are no discernible reports regarding this demon within ancient Middle Eastern mythology or within Graeco-Roman accounts of antiquity. It is therefore impossible to conclusively ascertain his origins. It is however possible that he was an ancient pagan god who was demonized within Christianity as a result of the advancement of Judeo-Christian based theology throughout the Middle Ages. His original name was subsequently Latinized and distorted such that his initial identity was distorted into oblivion. The earliest reports about this demon can be found in the De praestigiis daemonum which was published in 1536. Johann Weyer’s 1583 Pseudomonarcia Daemonum states the following regarding Valac:

“Valac[Volac] is a great president, and commeth abroad with angels wings like a boie, riding on a twoheaded dragon, he perfectlie answereth of treasure hidden, and where serpents may be seene, which he delivereth into the conjurors hands, void of anie force or strength, and hath dominion over thirtie legions of divels.”


Rank: President / Prince

Metal: Lead / Uranium

Planet: Saturn / Uranus

Element: Air

Tarot: 5 of Swords

Plant: Sesame

Color: White

Zodiac: 5-9 degrees of Aquarius


Valac manifests as a fair angel boy with wings riding on top of a two-headed dragon as depicted below:

Artist’s impression of Valac

The “Demonic Enns” of Valac

Veni, veni, o comitis Valac

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Valac

Avage Secore on ca Valac

The sigil of Valac

Similar demons to Valac

  • Asmoday
  • Paimon
  • Gremory
  • Barbatros
  • Agares
  • Masocus
  • Deydo
  • Egyn
  • Syeonell

Attributes of Valac

  • Valac has the power to reveal treasures to the conjuror or to enrich them through bringing them employment.
  • Due to his high rank, it is evident that this demon is very potent as posited within the aforementioned sixteenth century grimories.
  • Valac is also able to summon and control serpents while being able to impart the ability upon the conjuror if they so wish. It is plausible that this ability can be used malevolently with the serpent being directed towards targets that are presumably opposed to the conjuror.
  • This demon is winged and he loves to fly around fast. During departure, he always disappears through the ceiling.

When to summon Valac

Valac can bring riches by showing the conjuror the locations of hidden treasures. He can also bring riches through granting the conjuror employment. He is also able to summon and compel serpents to do his bidding while also being able to grant the conjuror similar abilities. It is plausible that the ability to control serpents can be used malevolently such as in attacking targets deemed enemies of the conjuror.

Items Required:

  • The sigil of the demon
  • White candle(s)
  • Sesame seeds
  • Lead items
  • Incense

Ritual Time: Valac is strongest between January 25th and January 29th. He is a night demon and must thus be summoned under the cover of darkness.


  • Like all other demons, Valac should be accorded the necessary respect to increase the likelihood of desirable outcomes and minimize the threat of punitive malevolence.
  • The conjuror should ensure they protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally envisioning a protection circle, opening it, and entering.
  • His high ranking means that he is a very potent entity and great care should be taken. Furthermore, it is worth noting that such potent demons should only be invoked by experienced demonolators.
  • It is also advisable to use the demon’s powers with reservation to prevent them from taking over one’s life or becoming dependent upon them.


  • As previously mentioned, Valac can only be summoned under the cover of darkness as he is a night demon.
  • The conjuror should prepare by engaging in meditation or breathing exercises to improve their concentration.
  • The demon’s sigil should be prominently displayed at the center of the altar before commencement.
  • The candle should be lit and placed at the center of the sigil – presumably at the center of the altar.
  • The sesame seeds and lead items should be liberally spread all over the altar before offerings can be made.
  • The incense should be offered while chanting the demonic enns of Valac slowly and deliberately.
  • The demon manifests within the smoke and flames of the offerings and should be praised before attempting to engage.
  • One should tell the demon their wishes while being mindful of all the due respect required.
  • Once he has listened to the wishes of the conjuror, he should be respectfully dismissed before the candles are snuffed out.


3 thoughts on “Valac, the demon that finds hidden treasures

  1. Andrei Höfer says:

    Valac is such a badass, a very potent demon, loyal, not very talkative, protects the mage wherever he might walk, simply awesome. You know this greenish fluorescent Uranium-glass? Present him a dish or a few pearls from this glass and lace it with some of your blood, prepare an orange sigil (I mean do not print it out as long as you have hands) and wait for the contact! If he likes you he will stay with you for the rest of your life. Valac has my esteem.

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