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occult tarot


“In demonology, Vapula (also Naphula) is a powerful Great Duchess of Hell that commands thirty-six legions of demons. She teaches philosophy, mechanics, and sciences. Vapula is depicted as a griffin-winged lion.”


  • Source: Wikipedia

Vapula (or Naphula)

Vapula: The 60th Spirit of Solomon

Money, Work, Business, Gambling


In my own deck of cards, I have given Vapula the 6 of Wands due to its association with vast knowledge bases. I will however stay true to the Occult Tarot deck and grant the demon the World tarot card. As always with this thread, I hope to choose one card daily to provide guidance and inspiration. Hopefully, I can also get a response from one of the demons we so adore here at the coven such as Vapula here.


The World tarot card is a component of the Major Arcana. It is not tied to any of the 4 suits found in the Minor Arcana and cannot therefore be associated with any of the elements. When it appears in a reading, it is usually interpreted as meaning accomplishment, completion, integration, or travel. When it appears reversed, it is read to mean delays, short-cuts, interruptions, or pursuit of personal closure.


The World tarot card shows a naked woman who is wrapped in purple cloth. She is surrounded by a large laurel wreath which she appears to be dancing inside. The woman appears to be looking behind her towards her past. She holds two wands in her two hands and this perhaps indicates something cyclic. Even the cyclic nature of the laurel wreath is representative of the continuous cycle of completion and new beginnings.


Around the laurel wreath are four figures placed at the different ends of the card. These are a bull, a lion, a cherub, and an eagle. They are representative of the 4 zodiac signs Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio. They symbolize several other things such as the four corners of the earth, the four cardinal points, the four elements, or even the four suits. As a result, they show the continuity of everything with endings always giving rise to new beginnings almost immediately.

It is also noteworthy that the symbols of a bull, a lion, a cherub, and an eagle are the same ones that are found on the Wheel of Fortune. This is further evidence of the cyclical nature of everything with one end resulting in another beginning. The Wheel of Fortune is similar to the world because it also shows the cyclical nature of everything in human existence and progression through different stages.


The Demon


Vapula is another fallen angel who belongs among the 72 spirits that were trapped by King Solomon. He is listed as the 60th of these 72 spirits inside the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon. Vapula is ranked as a Great Duke of Hell with dominion over 36 legions of lesser demons. Not much else is known of this demon’s potency although his vast hordes of subordinates are indicative of a very powerful demon.


Not much information is known regarding this demon such as his origins or prior placement as an angelic spirit. There is no conclusive information of his origins within either old Middle Eastern mythologies or Graeco-Roman accounts. However, we can deduct from his listing in the Ars Goetia that he has some Jewish ties. Furthermore, he is mentioned in credible grimoires such as the Pseudomonarchia Demonum and the Dictionnaire Infernal.


Vapula is described as having a monstrous appearance. He appears as a majestic lion that has the wings of a griffin. This demon does not assume a human shape and maintains this appearance throughout. There are no indications of whether this demon is benevolent, malevolent, or indifferent towards human beings. Such ambiguity is usually an indicator that people who are inexperienced in working with demons should steer clear of the spirit in question.


Note – there is some discord regarding the gender of this demon although it could also be androgynous.


The Message


Is there an opportunity for new beginnings?


I believe that Vapula can be a useful ally to the conjuror if one is able to harness his powers and leverage them into a competitive advantage. For example, he is able to teach all manner of labor sciences that can greatly improve one’s career prospects. Even actively working individuals stand to benefit from his teachings because the demon’s knowledge is superlative. It surpasses anything that a mortal man can conjure up.


If the World tarot card appears in a reading, I will feel excited by the prospect of something new beginning in my life. Alternatively, it might mean I will accomplish something soon. This can range from serious to mundane aspects of life therefore there may be need to check my optimism at times. A reversed reading may portend cause for concern because implications such as delays can affect one’s life negatively depending on the nature of the delay itself.


If the reading was upright, I will experience optimism when path working with this demon because there is a promise for a favorable outcome. I usually wait a few days to a week’s time to see whether anything new or interesting will occur. At the same time, I always look out for opportunities which can prove useful in getting ahead. If it was reversed, I will take a cautionary approach when anticipating Vapula’s response.


In a few days, something new should come up or I should realize that I have accomplished something – this is consistent with the office of Vapula which is to teach all manner of subjects. If the reading was reversed, I should experience a delay or some interruptions in my usual activities. However, if the opportunity passes unnoticed then I will adopt an optimistic outlook for the future.


The tarot readings and symbolism discussed here are all subjective and open to your own interpretation. We would love to know what you think of the World tarot card and Vapula. Leave us a comment in the section below! We would love to hear from you!



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