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Vassago: The Great Demon of Prophecy

Vassago is one of the fallen angels and the third spirit mentioned in the Lesser Key of Solomon. He is also a High Prince and has the same nature as Agares. This great demon rules over 26 (or 28) legions of demons. 


Other Names: Vasago, Usagoo

Direction: North/West

Planet: Jupiter; Saturn; Mercury; Sun

Element: Water (Under Goap)

Zodiac: Aries 10-14 & 20-30; Sagittarius 10-14; Pisces 10-14

Tarot: 4 of Wands

Dates: March 30-April 3; April 11th – April 20th, Dec. 3-7; March 1-5

Color: Blue, Light Blue

D/N: Diurnal

Gematria: 316

Metal: Tin

Plant: Leek

Incense: Cedar

Channeled Magickal Numbers: 37, 34, 91, 74, 86

Demonic Enn: Keyan Vefa Jedan Tasa Vassago


Vassago has a mysterious character and little is known about his appearance. According to reports, he has a red dragon appearance and another that looks like an extra-terrestrial being known as Grays. It should come as no surprise to you that many of our ancient Demons are not from this time, or not from this planet. It will come to be known at a future time that most of the Demons, a.k.a. our ancient gods, our extraterrestrial. I believe that his interest and compassion in our human condition, of not being able to socialize adequately with each other, that keeps his interest in wanting to assist us with our communication skills.

In other times, he even appeared in the form of another demon known as Agares; an old man riding on a crocodile.You can decide if this is the same spirit or something different, we think the latter.

Those who have worked with him in recent times testified that he appeared in different forms to them so his main mode of appearance remains unknown. According to Aleister Crowley, although this demon has a dark, malevolent and baleful disposition, he is also kindly disposed to the sorcerer.

The Magickal Abilities of Demon Vassago:

The demon Vassago is known for his ability to see things of the past and future. You can call on him to reveal all hidden secrets to you.  Although there are many other demons with the ability to see into the past and future, Vassago is the most preferred demon for divination and prophecy.  He explains the vision in full detail and also helps the individual in retrieving lost items.

When summoned, he can help to improve the witch’s conversational ability, social confidence, social skills and quickness of her thoughts. Also, he can initiate the total transformation of the witch into a horrific and dark being.


  • For this demon, he is best invoked in divination rituals.

The Summoning of Demon Vassago

Vassago is a cool demon to work with but if you wish to have a successful encounter with him, then you should carry out the following:

  • You should keep your body pure between four or more days prior to the ritual day.
  • A preferable time for summoning this demon is around 2 am
  • Set up your altar and ritual items then bring an offering or you can negotiate your payment with him.
  • Draw his sigil and also wear an enchantment ring.
  • You can write out your request and when everything is ready, recite the summoning incantation and wait for him to appear.

While working with this demon, you should act respectfully and never take him for granted. When you do that, he would accept you with open arms and grant all your requests.


Offerings to the Demon Vassago: Bone, Cedar, Saffron, Lemon balm, Steel, Tin, Gold, Gilead, Grain of Paradise, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Gilead, and Ambergrise.

Similar Demons to Vassago

  • Agares
  • Paimon
  • Vual
  • Amon
  • Ose

Other demons with the power of divination:


  • The Dictionary of Demons by Michelle Bellenger,
  • The Goetic Demonology of Aleister Crowley
  • Luciferian Goeta by Michael W. Ford,
  • The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp,

3 thoughts on “Vassago: The Great Demon of Prophecy

  1. p0larbee says:

    I am brand new to this, and I was wondering what I should do to prepare, what I should bring as an offering, how I should end, what I should do with the offerings before presenting them, and after, examples of questions I just need a step by step on how to do this properly and respectfully.

  2. Goeticsock says:

    Commenting to give credit to mighty Vassago for his help. Asked for two results on the same day, separate contacts, and both happened within 24 hours. Highly recommended.

  3. Christina says:

    Hopefully someone may have some guidance for me. Although I have never practiced I am told I have come from a long line of powerful woman shamans. I have been on a spiritual and emotional journey for some time. At times I feel like I am leading a cursed life I am contemplating trying to contact or make a pact with a demon in order to try and improve my life. Anything I have tried myself has failed in some way. Any thoughts on how to fix my cursed life and some way of improving my life?? Any help is appreciated blessed be.

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