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Vepar: The Mermaid Spirit


Vepar is the forty-second Spirit of the Ars Goetia. She is a Strong and Great Duchess of Hell who rules over 29 Legions of Spirits.


Names: Vepar, Separ, Vephar

Dates: May 11th – May 20th (Connolly)(Night Time)

Alternate Dates:  October 18th – October 22nd (Runyon), May 11th – May 21st (Tikaboo)

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees into Libra

Direction: North

Tarot Card: 4 of Swords

Planet: Venus

Metal: Copper

Element: Water (Under Amaymon), Air

Color:  Green, Black

Plant: Mugwort

Incense: Sandalwood

Demonic Enn: On ca Vepar ag na


According to S. L. MacGregor Mathers, this demoness appears in the form of a Mermaid. Another source has it that she appears in the form of a warrior demoness, with dark brown hair and a leather band around her head. Her skirt seems to be made of leather and she is often surrounded in a blue aura.

Vepar is a very kind and soft-spoken demoness who leaves the summoner happy during and after the ritual.

Similar Demons


  • She controls the sea and causes storms as well as bring calmness to the sea.
  • She is responsible for disaster and death.
  • She protects battleships bearing the arms, ammunition, and armors.
  • In war cases, she can cause the death of her enemies by infecting their wounds with worms.
  • She assists the witch in her acts of levitation and brings the feeling of lightness to her.
  • She guards servitors who go forth by the dreaming gnosis.
  • She helps the witch in discovering her inner self and exploring her emotions.
  • Vepar can make the enemies of the witch to experience toxic emotions.
  • When contacted this demoness can safely guard those who travel on the sea.
  • If she desires, she can make ghost ships appear and disappear on the sea.
  • If you wish to keep men at bay or if you desire to deal with a particular person who had hurt you, Vepar is the demoness to call for assistance.
  • When she afflicts a person, it usually takes three to five days of worms and maggot infestation before the individual dies. According to Johann, such a person can only be healed through diligence. 

Working with Vepar:

Despite being a warrior demoness, this demoness can be seen as warm and approachable. She is always in a relaxed and focused state.

Being a nocturnal demoness, her rituals should be performed at night and in a place with open air. You would need a black candle, mugwort plant, her sigil and other Vepar’s attributed substances as mentioned above.

After setting up your altar and all other necessary things, you can call on Vepar using her demonic enn:  On ca Vepar ag na.

More details about this demon can be seen in The Book of Incantations, The Book of the Office of Spirits, The Discoverie of Witchcraft, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, and in The Lesser Key of Solomon.



  • https://en. wikipedia.  org/wiki/Vepar
  • https://www.grimoire.  org/demon/vepar/
  • https://www. deliriumsrealm. com/vepar/
  • http://www.  gods-and-monsters.  com/vepar.html
  • http://occult- world. com/demons/vepar


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