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Why do I feel dizzy after energy work?

Psychic Shield Spell

Reasons WHY You Are Feeling This Way!

Feeling dizzy after energy work is a fairly common experience and can be attributed to a variety of physical, mental, and energetic factors.

Here are some potential reasons for this sensation and tips to mitigate it:

1. Energy Shifts and Rebalancing

Energy work can cause shifts in your body’s energetic field. If you’re drawing in, releasing, or moving significant amounts of energy, your system may take time to adjust and rebalance. This process can temporarily leave you feeling disoriented or dizzy until your energy stabilizes.

Tip: After energy work, take a few moments to ground yourself. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth or touch something solid like a stone or wooden surface to anchor your energy.

2. Overexertion or Energy Drain

You may have expended or directed more energy than your body can handle. This can leave you feeling temporarily drained or lightheaded, similar to overexerting yourself during physical exercise.

Tip: Pace yourself and know your limits. Replenish your energy by hydrating, eating a snack, or practicing self-care after intense energy work.

3. Poor Grounding

Insufficient grounding before or after energy work can leave you feeling unsteady, disconnected, or dizzy. Grounding helps ensure that your energy stays balanced and integrated with your physical body.

Tip: Engage in grounding exercises like deep breathing, walking barefoot on grass, or holding grounding crystals such as hematite or black tourmaline.

4. Blockages and Release of Stagnant Energy

Energy work may release stagnant energy or blockages within your body. This sudden shift can sometimes create temporary sensations of dizziness or imbalance as the energy begins to flow more freely.

Tip: Drink water and rest to support your body in processing these shifts. Gentle movement like stretching or yoga can also help clear residual blockages.

5. Dehydration or Nutrient Deficiency

Energy work can affect your physical body in subtle ways. If you’re dehydrated or have low blood sugar, dizziness can occur.

Tip: Make sure to drink plenty of water and have a light, nutritious snack before or after your energy work session to keep your physical body nourished.

6. Altered States of Consciousness

During energy work, especially practices like meditation, astral projection, or deep trance states, your mind and body can shift into altered states. Reintegrating into normal consciousness too quickly may leave you feeling dizzy or disoriented.

Tip: Gradually bring yourself back to awareness. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and slowly, and give yourself time to reorient.

7. Energetic Sensitivity

If you’re highly sensitive to energy (empathic or intuitive), working with strong energies may overwhelm your system and lead to feelings of dizziness or overstimulation.

Tip: Protect your energy field by using shields or protective visualization before starting energy work. You can also practice clearing rituals afterward to remove excess or unwanted energy.

Releasing Negative Entities and Energies

  • Use hematite in the pockets, which not only protects from negative energies, but also connects the soul to the body with its high iron content.
  • Belching and yawning can be helpful to release energy in the Solar Plexus.

It is common that during attacks, negative entities want to take control over your life. The way to do this is through the solar plexus because it does connect to the third eye which is your spiritual connection. It takes several sessions to restore balance, and re-calibrate your body so to speak! Issues and additional energy work is required on the solar plexus chakra after a spiritual attack.  If the Solar Plexus is blocked, you can lose physical strength, but also psychic, mental, and emotional strength. This makes it a preferred “attack” point to unprotected targets by demons, negative entities and witches. 

It’s common to think that the negative entity is still on you because you’re feeling unwell, and out of balance. Most of the time you just need to heal your body after a spiritual attack and this can be done in several ways including continued energy work to make sure your Energy body is in tiptop shape and that it can defend itself.

Exercise to Stop The Dizziness

Visualize yourself with roots growing down deep into the earth beneath you from the soles of your feet.

Now, here’s what to do if you have that spacey, dizzy feeling after receiving energy work.

If you’re able to meditate or visualise this is often very effective as a grounding exercise. Even after spellcasting this is a great technique to ground the energy, so you’re not feeling the energy from your spell work with in your body.

  • Choose to either sit or stand.
  • Take some deep breaths to calm yourself, while you’re focused on what you’re about to do. It’s important to mentally focus on what you’re trying to achieve.
  • We recommend that you connect with the energy of the universe above, and see it as golden energy that you’re drawing into your body. So you’re creating a golden energy ball above your head and when you’re ready you bring it into your body and take it straight down to your feet.
  • Now….Visualize yourself with roots growing down deep into the earth ( Don’t worry if you can’t perfectly imagine this. Just try anyway.)
  • Let the roots extend and thicken downward through the earth, the earth’s core.
  • Think about any energy that is in your body that does not serve your highest purpose, leaving your body through this energy channel into the ground.
  • When you get good at this, you’ll be able to tell when “excess” energy has left your body.
  • When you are finished, disconnect from the roots, and visually close off your body from any other energy source.
  • Some people like to put their hands together and say something like “so it is done.”

Observe how you feel now. You would probably need to do it daily for at least 5 to 7 days before you begin to connect with your body versus thinking about what you’re doing in your head.

The Purpose of Each Chakra

Balancing your chakras is a powerful way to stop feeling dizzy after energy work, as it helps restore harmony to your energetic body. Chakras are energy centers located along the spine, and when they become blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual discomfort, including dizziness. Here’s how you can balance your chakras to alleviate dizziness:

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)Grounding and Stability

The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with feelings of safety, stability, and groundedness. If it’s unbalanced, you might feel unsteady, dizzy, or disconnected.

To balance it:

  • Ground yourself: Stand or sit with your feet firmly on the floor. Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet deep into the earth.
  • Focus on the color red: Visualize a vibrant red energy at the base of your spine. Alternatively, wear or surround yourself with red clothing or objects.
  • Physical activity: Walking, yoga, or dancing can help you feel grounded and stable.
  • Crystals: Use grounding stones like hematite, black tourmaline, or smoky quartz.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)Emotional and Creative Flow

The Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel and governs emotions, creativity, and sexual energy. If it’s imbalanced, it can cause emotional instability, leading to dizziness and feelings of being overwhelmed.

To balance it:

  • Fluid movement: Practice dancing, gentle stretching, or water-based activities like swimming to activate this chakra.
  • Focus on the color orange: Visualize an orange ball of light at your lower abdomen.
  • Crystals: Use carnelian, moonstone, or orange calcite to enhance flow and balance.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)Confidence and Power

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located above the navel, is associated with personal power, confidence, and energy. If it’s out of balance, it can lead to feelings of disempowerment or lack of direction, which can manifest as dizziness.

To balance it:

  • Practice self-empowerment: Focus on affirmations such as “I am confident and in control of my life.”
  • Focus on the color yellow: Visualize a bright yellow sun glowing at your solar plexus.
  • Sunshine: Spend time in natural sunlight to recharge this energy center.
  • Crystals: Use citrine, yellow jasper, or amber to enhance vitality.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)Love and Compassion

The Heart Chakra, located in the center of your chest, governs love, compassion, and connection. If this chakra is imbalanced, it can result in emotional blockages that cause feelings of dizziness, unbalance, or being out of alignment with your heart’s desires.

To balance it:

  • Practice self-love: Engage in heart-opening activities like journaling about gratitude or nurturing relationships.
  • Focus on the color green or pink: Visualize a soft green or pink energy radiating from your chest.
  • Breathing exercises: Practice deep, slow breathing to open and expand the heart chakra.
  • Crystals: Use rose quartz, green aventurine, or malachite for heart healing.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)Expression and Communication

The Throat Chakra is responsible for communication, expression, and truth. Imbalances here can cause feelings of frustration, leading to dizziness or a sense of being unheard or misunderstood.

To balance it:

  • Speak your truth: Practice vocalizing your thoughts or engaging in creative self-expression, such as singing or writing.
  • Focus on the color blue: Visualize a blue light glowing around your throat.
  • Gargling with salt water or chanting mantras can also help open this chakra.
  • Crystals: Use lapis lazuli, turquoise, or aquamarine to support communication.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)Intuition and Insight

The Third Eye Chakra, located between your eyebrows, governs intuition, clarity, and perception. If blocked, it can lead to confusion or feeling ungrounded, potentially contributing to dizziness.

To balance it:

  • Meditation: Spend time in silence, focusing on your breath or a specific mantra to strengthen your intuition.
  • Focus on the color indigo: Visualize a deep indigo light at the center of your forehead.
  • Crystals: Use amethyst, lapis lazuli, or fluorite to enhance intuitive clarity.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)Connection to Divine Wisdom

The Crown Chakra, located at the top of your head, connects you to divine consciousness and spiritual wisdom. Imbalances here can cause a sense of disconnection, confusion, or dizziness as you lose alignment with your higher self.

To balance it:

  • Meditation and spiritual connection: Engage in deep meditation or prayer to reconnect with your spiritual essence.
  • Focus on the color violet or white: Visualize a violet or white light radiating from the top of your head.
  • Crystals: Use clear quartz, amethyst, or selenite to open and activate your crown chakra.

General Tips for Chakra Balancing to Prevent Dizziness:

  1. Ground Yourself: Always take a moment to ground your energy after any chakra work. Walk barefoot on natural ground, or visualize your energy flowing back into the Earth.
  2. Hydrate: Energy work, especially involving chakras, can lead to a physical drain. Drink plenty of water to keep your body and energetic field fluid and balanced.
  3. Practice Regularly: Chakra balancing is most effective when done consistently. Incorporate short practices into your daily routine, such as focused meditation, breathwork, or affirmations for each chakra.
  4. Use Healing Crystals: Each chakra has specific stones that can help align and activate its energy. Carrying or placing these crystals on their corresponding chakras can support the balancing process.
  5. Breathing Techniques: Deep breathing can help you release energetic blockages and bring your chakras into alignment. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth.

By regularly balancing your chakras, you’ll not only stop feeling dizzy, but also enhance your overall well-being, energy flow, and spiritual alignment. Be patient with the process, as chakra healing and balancing is a gradual and ongoing journey. 🌿✨

Enjoy and leave a comment if you have any questions! Also if you have any other questions for me feel free to leave your question below and I’m happy to create another blog post to answer!

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