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9 Ways We Unintentionally Sabotage Our Intuition And How To Correct It

9 Ways We Unintentionally Sabotage Our Intuition And How To Correct It

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the American philosopher said “The primary wisdom is intuition.” It is not just a theory, it is part of who we are. Without training, we can happen upon it occasionally, and when we follow our intuition we usually like the results. What would happen if we learned to tap into our own innate intuition on a daily basis? Why don’t we? As Carl Jung said “Intuition does not denote something contrary to reason, but something outside of the province of reason.” It is real and it is not in our heads. And our head can’t control it.

There are many ways we sabotage our own natural intuition all the time. Here are 9 examples and what we can choose to do instead:


  1. We hurry so much that we don’t take time to listen to our intuition.

We need to slow down or just pause to hear our intuition. 

  1. We don’t see the symbolism in things or events nor do we develop our symbolic ability.

– We need to be more open to see and feel the hints put around us.

  1. We let our ego control us and everything around us.

– Ego is an integral part of ourselves and our personalities, but the ego is threatened by the presence of your intuition. Sometimes the ego needs to take a back seat.

  1. We confuse intuition with fear and wishful thinking.

– This is all about discernment. When we stay in our heads or let our emotions control us, we lose the gift of what our intuition can offer. 

  1. We associate with people who don’t believe in intuition or want to use it.

– This can affect our confidence and trust in our intuition.

  1. We think we can force intuition just like we can pedal a bike or pump weights.

– Intuition comes when invited, but not on demand. We can however, create a welcome environment. 

  1. We rely on our logical, rational, analytical thinking as the way to find solutions to problems or make decisions or find solutions.

– When we are centred, using all our spiritual intelligence, tools and habits, intuition can flood us with many creative alternatives that the intellect could not conceive. 

  1. We don’t listen to it.

– We dismiss what we don’t want to hear.   

  1. We believe we don’t need to learn or use tools, skills and habits to master our intuition.

– If we don’t practice and explore, we never get a chance to develop our intuition to see how good it can become. I don’t go anywhere without a pendulum.


One of the most brilliant and analytical minds of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein said, “The real valuable thing is intuition.” If this famous and rational mind can credit intuition so highly, maybe we should give it a try too. With a little practice, a little coaching and a few successes, we too will start to see the wisdom of using this ‘thing’ called intuition.

Intuition is a gift you already have, use it!

If you’d like a private lesson or consultation with Gypsy, CLICK HERE

Who is Blonde Gypsy?

Gypsy is a founding elder of Black Witch Coven. BWC allows members to explore their spiritual journey without rules or limitations, so Gypsy has vast experience and understanding in many spiritual systems and practices.

Gypsy is a Priestess, Mystic and Witch who provides tarot readings, consultations, moon magic, private lessons and group rituals from her home in Sydney Australia. She is also a qualified metaphysical practitioner and crystal healer.

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