How to celebrate Litha as an occultist or witch



Time of Year:

  • June 21 or 22 (northern hemisphere)
  • December 21/22 (southern hemisphere)
[box] FYI – the word “solstice” is derived from the Latin word solstitium, which literally translates to “sun stands still.”[/box]

LHP Celebrations for Litha

You may see this blog post and think, “I don’t want to celebrate this change in nature,” and that is totally understandable for an occultist. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to on the LHP. In fact, you could just celebrate the demon Flereous. 

In demonolatary: The Rite to Flereous

  • Date: June 21st OR June 22nd
  • Purpose(s): The celebration of the arrival of Summer and the reign of the Sun. Flereous is represented by the image of the Phoenix.
  • This is also an Elemental Rite to the Element of Fire (as Flereous is one of the Elemental Demons)
  • A Time For: Baphometic Fire Baptisms

What is Litha?

If you are not ready to celebrate the holidays by honoring demons, you could stick to the more tradition activities of this solstice day.  Litha is the longest day of the year, and a time of joy and strength for the light. It is a time when the powers of nature are at their fullest.

In the past this was often marked with bonfires and celebrants staying awake through the short night. To leap over the bonfire was to assure a good crop; some said the grain would grow as tall as the leapers could jump.

Naturally, you will celebrate Litha according to the elements where you live and adjust accordingly. You will not be starting a bon fire if you live in Australia during a dry hot summer! (remember the southern hemisphere celebrates the turning of the wheel OPPOSITE to the northern hemisphere.)

“At mid-summer, the Sun God has reached the moment of his greatest strength. Seated on his greenwood throne, he is also lord of the forests, and his face is seen in church architecture peering from countless foliate masks.”

Traditional Foods: Garden fresh fruits and vegetables are made into a variety of dishes and eaten by Pagan’s who choose to celebrate this day.

Herbs and Flowers: Mugwort, vervain, chamomile, rose, honeysuckle, lily, oak, lavender, ivy, yarrow, fern, elder, wild thyme, daisy, carnation.

Incense: Lemon, myrrh, pine, rose, wisteria.

Woods Burned: Oak

Sacred Gemstone: Emerald

Litha Altar – Pagans and Wiccans dress the Litha Altar with bright sunny colors. Sunflowers, roses, oak, and acorns are a popular addition to the altar. Also, remember to use fresh flowers, veggies etc from your own garden.

  • “GOLD” like the sun
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Orange

Special Activities:

  • Wicca/Pagan – An ideal time to reaffirm your vows to the Lord and Lady or your dedication to following the old traditions.
  • Handfasting – At this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, the weather is warming, so June & July are great months for handfasting rituals (weddings).
  • Deity Idea- Honor the Goddess Juno in June (as she was named after the month of June),  is popular because Juno was the patroness of marriage, her month remains an ever-popular time for handfasting.

How am I celebrating Litha as Black Witch S?

As I consider myself a Pagan, and I love honoring nature in a “black witch/sorcery” style, I like to internalize & process Litha for what it is to me – the appreciation of both the light and the darkness.

This week I posted a page about the Baphomet and asked our subscribers to share their view on what Baphomet means to them. Most people shared a view of having an appreciation of the universal opposites and acceptance of these differences as necessary and positive.

BWS: My Litha altar 2018. Celebrating universal truths !

This week, I set up an altar for Litha to honor these universal differences. The Baphomet is a perfect centre piece for this level of appreciation and meditation.

I mediate on the concepts of “As above, so Below” – which basically means that things on the earth (below) come from or are affected by things above, like the stars and the planets.  By deepening your awareness to this idea,  you begin to realize your true potential.

Altars can be as simple or as complex as you like. For me this Litha, I am chiilin’ and mediating so I want my altar to assist me on this mission.

I offer wine in my chalice; roses in my offering bowl; sandalwood and frankincense for Incense & Oils; black & white candles to represent the opposites, with a red candle front and centre as a focus point.

The crystals and stones you see (in the picture below) are not stone of this season, but stones and crystals I use to both calm & center, and should I need charka balancing, I have a representing stone for each chakra.

BWS: The Baphomet is the perfect symbol to represent appreciation of both the light and the dark.

I hope you have enjoyed my  Left Hand Path version of celebrating Litha. I’d love to hear what you do at this time of year too. Either comment below, or if you have a photo to share email please head to our FB page. If I see your photo, I may add it back here for others to love on 😉

Darkest blessings to you and yours for love and success,



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