If you want to know how to be a black witch, you have to start with the basics. No one wants to hear this, but there is no getting around this. So read this section too!

Here, we look at what a spell actually is and at the different types we can use. We look first at love spells, bidding spells, blessings, healing spells, invocations and incantations and why we might use each type.

Next we look at the role of the Elements – Earth, Fire, Air and Water – and finally at different types of spell working. This encompasses working with:


Lastly we consider the ingredients and tools we need in spell-working. These are those items you will need to include in your working area or sacred space.



WitchSpellsWhat is a spell?


In ancient pagan communities the elders, or wise ones, had, by their very experience, an awareness of custom and a firm grasp of what had previously worked when trying to gain control over Mother Nature and other powers they did not fully understand. They had access to certain knowledge (and therefore power) that was not readily available to the ordinary individual.


The ancients recognized that words spoken in a certain way according to custom seemed to have more of an effect than those spoken on the spur of the moment. As a consequence, their words would have more power, yet the same words spoken by the uninitiated or those who did not understand did not seem to have the same result.

There are three important aspects when reciting a spell. The first is that words spoken with intensity and passion do have a power all of their own.

The next is that the speaker also has a power and an energy which, with practice, he or she may learn to use effectively. The third component, the forces and powers belonging to that which is ‘beyond the human being’ also have a tremendous power and are called upon, used or directed for a specific purpose. The use of all three of these aspects gives a very powerful spell indeed.

There are several kinds of spells each of which requires a different approach:

Love spells

Many people, when thinking of spells, think of love spells – ways of making another person find them sexually attractive and desirable. In theory, love spells should be unconditional and this type should be entirely unselfish and free from self-interest. However, most of the time they obviously cannot be so, unless they are performed by a third party, someone outside the longed-for relationship who is totally dispassionate.

To try to influence someone else directly may well go against the ethics of many practitioners and magicians, though such spells do tend to be the stock- in-trade of many Eastern practitioners. Anyone who wishes to experiment with love spells needs to be aware that such spells come under the heading of bidding spells and therefore must be used carefully. Love spells are often accompanied by gifts or love philtres which are also meant to have an effect on the recipient.

A Black Witch does not believe in wiccan laws, and will do the spells as she/he pleases. However, as a beginner too this craft, you should follow tradition until you know what you are doing! – BWS

Bidding spells

These are spells where the spell-maker commands a particular thing to happen, but without the co-operation of those involved. Trying to make someone do something which they do not want to do, or which goes against their natural inclination, obviously requires a great deal of power and energy and can possibly misfire, causing the originator of the spell a good deal of difficulty.

For this reason it is wise to preface such spells with words to signify that the outcome will only be in accord with the Greater Good – that is, that in the overall scheme of things no-one will be harmed in any way whatsoever. This ensures that the intent behind the spell is of the purest and that there is not any maliciousness within the practitioner. This does mean that an able and responsible practitioner must choose their words carefully, even when they are not casting a spell.

One type of bidding spell that is allowable is when a curse or ‘hex’ is being removed. A hex is a spell that ill-wishes someone and in many cases binds the recipient in some way. A curse is a spell with a much more generalized effect.

To remove such a negative spell, it is usual to turn it around and send the malign energy back to the person who summoned it in the first place. You simply command the energy to return from whence it came.

A Black Witch understands what she/he needs to do for protection, and follows strict rituals and routines to protect personal safety.


These might be counted either as prayers or spells and need a passionate concentration on bringing, for instance, peace of mind or healing to the recipient. They hold no danger for the practitioner but are sometimes more difficult to appreciate since they tend to be more general than other types of magical work. They may be thought of in terms of a positive energy from beyond the practitioner being channelled towards a specific purpose.

Saying Grace is a form of blessing preceded by an offer of praise and a prayer of thankfulness, an acknowledgement of a gift. The food is enhanced by the act and the blessing is given by drawing on the power vested in the knowledgeable expert. Thus one practitioner may call on the Nature Gods whereas another might call on the power of Jesus Christ.

A Black Witch will form a relationship of sorts with an unseen force – that will do the work on the other side for them. A Black Witch needs practice while gaining the skills and knowledge to communicate with entities beyond our physical world, who are much more smarter and wiser than anyone in this world.

Healing spells and charms

Within this type of spell it is wise to go beyond the presenting symptoms and to ask for healing on all levels of existence – physical, mental and spiritual – because the practitioner may not have the knowledge or correct information to enable him to diagnose a condition correctly. The natural energies and specific vibrations are enhanced by invocations, incantations and blessings wherever appropriate.

Frequently, objects such as crystals are charged with energy and power to focus healing or other energies in a quite specific way, often to remind the patient’s body of its own ability to heal itself.


This calls on what is believed to be the ultimate source of power, which differs from spell to spell. Quite literally, it calls up that power and asks for permission to use this influence for a stated purpose. Meddling with this power and calling up negative forces is extremely unwise and very foolish – for the untrained witch!

Why are invocations dangerous? Spells for personal power or to gain power over others will often backfire on the beginner and may cause damage to the individual who casts them. Invocations can sometimes be highly disconcerting due to the sheer energy created, although the eventual outcome may be good.

The Incantation

This type of spell prepares the magical worker and his helpers for further work by heightening their awareness. It does not set out to call up the powers, but appeals to gods, goddesses, powers of nature and so on for help.

Chanting, prayer and hymns are in many ways incantations, particularly when the intent is stated with some passion. An incantation is often very beautiful and rhythmic. Music has always been an efficient way of heightening awareness and altering states of consciousness.

Incantations are a necessity and you must understand what to do. Don’t worry. These are easy to learn.


The ElementsFive-Elements

In most systems of magical working you will find mentioned the four (or sometimes five) Elements, often in conjunction with their directions or, as they are known in magic, quarters of the Universe or cardinal points. Together and separately they are extremely powerful sources of energy and can give a tremendous boost to your spell making.

The four Elements are energies, and manifestations of energy, that make up the entire Universe. They also influence our personalities and therefore what we do. Magical working calls to each Elemental kingdom and its ruler to protect each cardinal point and its properties. Each Element has an intrinsic power and is known for having certain qualities, natures, moods and magical purposes. Each also has positive and negative traits.

The four Elements are Earth, Air, Fire and Water and you may well find that you work best using one of them in particular. People drawn to candle magic, for instance, are using mainly the Element of Fire, while those who work with incense are using Air with a fair smattering of Earth in the herbs and resins.

The fifth Element is that of Spirit which is the ‘binding principle’ behind everything. Sometimes known as Aether, it is, on the whole, intangible, yet is that which makes everything happen. You are both its representative and its channel, so in using the other Elements in magical working you have a responsibility to act wisely and well.


Traditionally the direction of this Element is North and the colour normally associated with Earth is green. It is represented on the altar usually by salt or sand. Crystals, because they are totally natural substances, can also be used.

When invoking Earth and the powers of the North, you are looking for recovery and healing and perhaps trying to find answers to questions. These powers deal with gaining knowledge, blessing, creating and shielding. When working within a magical circle, this is the first corner or quarter on which you call for protection.

The principal nature spirits of the Earth are called gnomes. They are said to live underground and guard the Earth’s treasures. Other groups within the Earth’s nature spirits ruled by the god Pan are brownies, dryads, earth spirits, elves and satyrs.


The direction of this Element is East and the colour usually associated with it is yellow. Incense is often used to represent Air, since the movement of the air can be seen in the incense smoke.

When you are looking for inspiration, need new ideas or perhaps to break free from the past or undesired situations, you would use this Element. The quality associated with it is that of thinking or the use of the intellect. When working in a magical circle, Air is the second quarter on which you call for protection.

The sylphs are the Air spirits; their element has the most subtle energy of the four. They are said to live on the tops of mountains and are volatile and changeable. They are usually perceived with wings and look like cherubs or fairies. One of their tasks is said to be to help humans receive inspiration.


Fire is the Element of the South and is usually represented by a candle or a cauldron with a fire inside. Its colour is red and its associations are to do with power, determination and passionate energy.

You would call upon this Element for protection from evil forces, cleansing and creativity. The quality associated with Fire is ‘doing’ and it is a male principle. It is the third quarter or cardinal point on which you call for protection when working in a magical circle.

Without salamanders, the spirit of fire, it is said that physical fire cannot exist. They have been seen as sparks or small balls of light, but most often they are perceived as being lizard-like in shape and about a foot or more in length. They are considered the strongest and most powerful of all the elementals. As nature spirits they are greatly affected by the way that mankind thinks. Out of control, salamanders can be considered dangerous.


Water is the Element of the West and is represented by a bowl of water or a goblet of wine or fruit juice. Its colour is blue and, because it represents the giving of life, is associated with the elements of sea, rain, snow and rivers.

When you need cleansing, revitalizing, the removal of curses or hexes or change of any sort, you will call upon Water. It is to do with emotions, right through from the most basic passions to the most elevated forms of belief. It is predominantly feminine. It is the fourth and final quarter that you invoke in any magical circle.

The undines are the elemental beings connected with Water and are beautiful and very graceful. The nymph is frequently found in a fountain and the mythical mermaid belongs to the ocean. Some undines inhabit waterfalls, others live in rivers and lakes. Sometimes smaller undines are often seen as winged beings that people have mistakenly called fairies.


When you feel you are sufficiently adept at using the other Elements, you may begin to use Spirit – the fifth Element. This has no special space but is everywhere. It should never ever be used negatively because, particularly when you are weak and tired, it can rebound on you.

You may well find that you instinctively link strongly with the Life Force as Spirit, in which case you are probably succeeding in bringing all the Elements together within yourself. There is no particular colour associated with Spirit – perception is all-important. If you choose to represent Spirit on the altar, you may do so however you wish. You are free to use your intuition and you must have a very strong awareness of your reason for choosing that particular symbol.



Different types of spell workingwitchpot


In this particular type of magic the Elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water are given their own directional focus to create added power and give extra energy to your spells. You will no doubt find that you tend to favour one particular direction but should be able to use all of them.


Perhaps the simplest form of magic is that which involves colour. This method of working is also used in conjunction with various other forms of magic. Colour can enhance, alter and completely change moods and emotions and therefore can be used to represent our chosen goal. At its simplest it can beused alone and can be used in dressing an altar.


Herbal magic is often used alongside many other forms of magic. Used as talismans and amulets – for example in a pouch or bag – herbs become protective; the oil from herbs can also be used in candle magic. There are many different types of herbs available for use in this way. Each herb has its own specific use, but frequently is used along with many other herbs and oils to produce a desired result.


In candle magic, man discovered the ability to control light and this is one of the oldest forms of magic as well as one of the most simple. Using candles to symbolize ourselves and our beliefs means that we have access to a power beyond ourselves. Candle magic also forms an effective back-up for most other forms of magical working.

See: The Meaning of Candle Colours


Every stone or gem has its own attribute which can be used in magic. Crystals are used extensively in healing because of the vibrational impact they can have.

Because of this, they lend themselves to the enhancement of any spell-making or magical working. Even ordinary stones have their own power and can be used as repositories for all sorts of energies and powers.


Knot magic works partly with the principle of binding, which is a type of bidding spell and also with that of weaving, which was traditionally a female intuitive occupation. It utilizes ribbon, rope, string, yarn, or anything that can be knotted or plaited to signify our aspiration. It is a type of representational magic, and is used in conjunction with many of the other forms. The techniques of colour, form and use of energies are all used in its practice.


Representational magic involves using an object that represents something or someone for whom you are working the spell. It helps in concentrating the energy and visualizing the desire and the end result. Representational objects should never be used for negative purposes.


In this system different symbols, rather than objects, are used to represent various ideas, people or goals. These symbols can be personal to you or such things as Tarot cards, Runes, Hebrew letters or numerology. You will often use symbolic magic in your magical workings and will soon develop your own preferred symbols.

Talismans, amulets and charms

These devices use all the other forms of magic in their formation, but principally representational and symbolic magic. They are ‘charged’ (given power) magically and usually are worn or carried on the person for protection or good luck. Many are worn around the neck, perhaps as jewellery, or carried in a pouch and incorporate crystals, herbs or other magical objects.

There are many types of each of these objects and you will gradually learn to differentiate between them.


Ingredients and Toolswitch14


When performing your spells and magical workings, you will probably find that you tend to use some objects more than others.

Below is a list of the ones that are most commonly used.


ALTAR OBJECTS These is a general term for the objects that you place on your altar – candleholders, flower vases, crystals etc. – which do not necessarily have a specific magical use of their own – they are present to create an ambience. You should remember to dedicate them to the purpose in hand by presenting them to your chosen deity. Some may prefer to work according to Celtic tradition, Norse, Graeco-Roman or Wiccan.


ATHAME By tradition, the athame is a ceremonial knife used especially in the performing of spells. It is not used for cutting of herbs and so on: its role is ceremonial – for example, indicating the quarters or directions. By tradition it should be of the best and purest metal available. Its handle is usually black and sometimes carved with magical designs and symbols. Many experienced magical practitioners consider that the most powerful athame is one which has been inherited.


BESOM A besom is a different name for a broom, and is particularly associated with the easily recognisable so-called ‘witch’s broom’ of old. A particularly personal tool, it is often made specifically for the practitioner, from twigs from the tree of her choice. It is usually kept specifically to be used in the sacred space or circle – this time for cleansing – and is also used both symbolically and spiritually.


BOLINE The boline as a knife traditionally used in cutting plants, herbs, wands and other objects for magical workings. It is not the same as the athame which is purely ceremonial, but is akin to the gardener’s pruning knife as a useful, practical tool. It often has a white handle and a curved blade. It is consecrated because this is a way of honouring its purpose.


BURINE A burine is a sharp pointed instrument used for inscribing candles and other magical objects with symbols, words and pictures in order to make spells more effective. In many ways, it is more effective than either the boline or the athame and is seen much more as an instrument which pierces a surface rather than cuts it.


CANDLES are such an integral part of a spell makers work that they have become a whole branch of magic all their own. They represent the element of fire, but also light. As explained in more detail later, various colours bring different things to magical workings and they are an important part of any ritual.

See: The Meaning of Candle Colours


CAULDRON Because cauldrons were easily disguised as cooking utensils in olden days, most people today tend to think of them as a large cast-iron pot.

There has lately been a return to original materials and nowadays they can be made of almost anything. They are often of a size that can be stood on the altar, or in the sacred space. They are used mainly as containers for herbs, candles and other magical objects,


CHALICE Used as a ceremonial drinking vessel, the chalice is sometimes made from precious metal, although it can also be made from glass. An elegant object, the chalice will usually be beautifully decorated with elaborate designs – which may have magical significance – or jewels and gemstones.


PAPER During spells we often need to write our wishes or aims down and it is good to have some paper ready prepared, Parchment type is best, but heavier good quality is also good. You consecrate it by holding it for a short period in the smoke from your favourite incense.


PEN AND INK Traditionally, quill pens were used for writing spells and incantations, but if you can’t find a quill then use the best pen you can afford.

Try to keep it especially for magical work and consecrate it by passing it carefully over the top of a candle or through incense. Also buy a good quality ink and, if not already formulated for magical purposes, consecrate that in the same way. Neither pen nor ink should be used for other purposes.

PENTACLE The pentacle is a shallow dish which is usually inscribed with a pentagram – a five-pointed star. It is used as a ‘power point’ for consecrating other objects such as water or wine in a chalice, amulets and tools.


PESTLE AND MORTAR The pestle and mortar are so symbolic of the union of God and Goddess that they deserve a special mention within the use of magical tools. Mainly used to prepare herbal mixtures and incenses they can also become part of your altar furniture when consecrated.


SCRYING TOOLS Scrying is the practice of using certain channelling tools which should be consecrated before use – such as crystals, mirrors, coloured water, runes etc – to try to gain an insight into external events. Any object can be used for scrying, though usually they are reflective, and they employ the arts of concentration and contemplation.


STAFF The staff is used very frequently by practitioners today, particularly if they are of the Druidic persuasion. Longer than the wand, it has the same attributes and uses. A staff is deliberately fashioned for the practitioner from wood taken from sacred trees, such as oak, hawthorn and hazelnut.


WAND The wand should be no longer than the forearm and is often made from sacred wood. Since this is a very personal object, it should be chosen carefully and equally carefully attuned to your own energies. It cannot be used magically until it has been consecrated.




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