Supporting Our Community

I wanted to write a song inspired by my own belief systems.  I try to write lyrics that are somewhat subtle in nature, every lyric can have a double meaning depending on where you are at in your own life.  For me the preacher in this song is trying to suppress the witch, which is the title of the song “Surreal Sister”. 

The reason all of this has been suppressed for centuries is because it’s all true, we are connected to everything.  Religion has been giving half truths since its own inception.  I do not believe in religion or any organization that tries to keep you from knowing the truth.  It is about control, and keeping you from your own true powerful nature. 

I will continue to write music that brings us closer to the truth but do it in a way that can bring people that do not know what I am actually talking about to the great experience that is our own practice. 

I am grateful and appreciative to the friends/fans that are listening and sharing my work.

“I do believe Savannah is the real deal, and very easy and wonderful to talk to.  I’ve been looking forward to our consultation for weeks and I am happy to report that she does not disappoint.  Thank you again Savannah”

Cultural Vultures

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