Moon Connection and Protection

black magick love spells

Artemis struck her target, flung her moon bow over her shoulder and slammed back her tequila. “My work here is done” she said, as she strolled off to meet Midnight for a game of mischief.


Something has clicked into place this week, something powerful. Twice. And the week hasn’t even ended yet. Some celestial powers must be in perfectly alignment for me. See, I felt a shift, a magical groundswell, a quake along my metaphysical fault lines which caused an eruption of magical ju-ju.

The first time, was during a sigil spell a few days ago. It was a new one that I wanted to create, activate and dispatch to manifest. As an afterthought, I thought I’d try and reactivate my very first sigil as well. After all, I’d already called in the directions and invoked the elements, with a VIP invite to all Moon Goddesses, I had pen, paper and all other paraphernalia ready, so I flicked back my book of shadows and drew my first one. Then I carried on as normal, resting one in each palm while alternately chanting both over and over. After a minute or so my palms started fizzing and my crown chakra (the top of my head) burst open. (Just a bit of context – I’m a card reader and when I do readings, the top of my head pops right off. When I’m casting it does too, mostly, but it’s gentler, it sort of floats off. And I have never, ever had the hand tingle.) So with my heart racing and not wanting to lose any ju-ju I compressed it all together and sent it out. I was jazzed until I passed out! Then last night, I was doing a completely different spell and BAM! My head and hands were triangulating ju-ju again and I think I may know why…

I’ve been exploring my connection to the moon recently. Or rather, leaning-in to my strongest connection to source right now, the Moon. I’ve created a moon altar, started a moon journal, focused on moon meditations and most importantly, I think, I’ve gone out at night to talk to the moon. I’ve made it a date, seriously, glass of wine and everything.

What I’m realising, is that I feel the best in moonlight. My yang retreats and my yin swells. I feel divinely (and Divinely) feminine. My connection to source is effortless at night even going as far as being a little wild and unruly. Thrillingly so! Which means I’ll be riding these moonbeams for a while yet.

Charge an amulet with the power of the moon

This technique can be used to protect an object that you use as an amulet – a crystal perhaps or one of the amulets listed below. This is best done at the time of the Full Moon.


Place a crystal or amulet that you regularly carry in the cup of spring water a day before the Full Moon.

The following day, on the evening of the Full Moon, stir the water three times with the fingers of your right hand in a clockwise motion.

Then take the cup in your hands and swirl the water in the cup around, moving the cup in a clockwise, circular, stirring motion three times.

Then repeat these words aloud:


Oh Light of the Moon

Wrap me

Protect me

Keep me from harm.


Remove your amulet from the cup.

Raise the cup towards the sky, acknowledging the Moon. Lower the cup, bring it to your lips and drink the water.

Carry the amulet with you till the next Full Moon in order to ensure full protection.

Repeat this process every month to benefit from the amulet’s influence.


When an object has been blessed by the Moon, you enter under her protection. You symbolically take in her power by drinking the water. Amulets are seemingly inanimate objects which have been given power by the incantation.


Ideas for amulets:


ANCHOR Represents stability, hope and salvation. It favors all matters to do with the sea and would protect against physical harm.

ANKH (CRUX ANSATA) the Egyptian Cross of Life, is the key to the hidden mysteries. It brings about health and abundance and, through knowledge, gives power to the wearer.

ARROWHEAD An arrowhead gives protection against enemies, bad luck, hexes, jealousy, and all negative forces. Placed over your front door (or under the mat) it prevents burglars.

BELLS symbolize angelic forces, the four Elements and the cycles of the seasons. They are used to frighten off the Devil and evil spirits.

CASTLES are a strongly protective image. They suggest the doorway to knowledge and power.

COWRIE SHELL This represents prosperity and when worn by a woman gives her protection. In Polynesian societies it was considered a valid form of exchange token.

FAN This is a lunar symbol depicting life unfolding. In Eastern tradition the fan represents protection and safety.

HAMMER This representation of the formative, masculine principle is particularly powerful in techniques of manifestation (having something happen). It signifies victory over one’s enemies or obstacles and is especially beneficial for business or career ambitions.

HORSESHOE The horseshoe is a well-known good luck symbol in many parts of the world. It is often taken to represent the Moon in her crescent form.

KEYS symbolize health, wealth and love. As they both open and close, they also signify birth and death, beginnings and endings as well as new opportunities and beginnings.

KNOT The Celtic Knot is a protective device when worn as an amulet. The Lovers Knot represents perfect union.

OYSTER SHELLS today tend to represent the Moon, because of the association with mother-of-pearl and its luminescence. It was supposed to protect the wearer from harm.

PINE CONE The pine cone with its many seeds signifies abundance, health, wealth and power. Worn as an amulet, or kept within the home, it is said that you will never lack the good things of life.

SEASHELLS are a symbol of femininity, particularly the Mother Goddesses. Signifying birth and regeneration, they represent prosperity and marital bliss.

SUN represents wealth, health, happiness and fame. It also protects against others causing you problems.

TORCH signifies the spark of life and also illumination and truth.

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