Why Am I Teaching You About Sigils?

Sigil magic is one of the most efficient and economical of magical disciplines. It can be performed without complicated rituals or paraphernalia, is independent of philosophical and dogmatic premises, and can be learned easily and quickly. Most important, it will give even beginning magicians the chance to work with the power of the Will and enhance their own abilities.

Sigils or pictographic symbol of what we desire to obtain was first developed by Austin Osman Spare.


All one needs for this type of magick is a pen and paper, as well as the desire to perform a five-second ritual to implant one’s wish into one’s subconscious.

Sigil making is one of the corner stones of working with demons….

There are several common techiques in Sigil Making.

The most common technique is to write out a statement of intent. IT is beneficial to start your state words like it is my will, This is my will or My desire is. You write out your statement and then cross out every other letter. Take the remaining letters put them together and make design. Once that part is completed you objective is to stare it in either a heightened state of frenzy or exhaustion so it can slip into the subconscious. After that you then destroy it by fire or by tearing it up

The second type is the picture sigil. This involves taking known glyphs and combining them to make a new design. There making and execution are the same as the first typen of sigil.

The third type of sigil involves taking a statement of intent crossing out the duplicate letter and then making a new gibberish phrase or some word of power. This said aloud and over and over again until it makes no sense or produces a sense of stupification. Then it dissolves in your mind.

Articles on Sigils

A Guide to Invoking Demonic Influences using summoning symbols
