Akashic Records

My 2019 Magical Journey –  Dwellinfaith

I welcome chaos in my life as this is how I believe the world functions; however, this
past year also has taught me that the infinite power of the Universe can be accessed in a
recorded program which we all have the power to utilize for success. This infinite wisdom and
knowledge of the past, present and future, and its potential to be rewritten, is known as the
Akashic records.
The Akashic records are like a blueprint to everyone’s psychic powers, answering the
“how” and “why” questions to understand oneself. To some, the records are the Book of Life,
while to others, they are the mind of Deity. Edgar Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet,
popularized the records by showing his profound intuitive abilities in the end of the nineteenth
century and writing extensively on the subject of the Akashic Records.
According to Sandra Anne Taylor, the definition of Akasa is Sanskrit for sky or ethers;
thus it “…represents the unending expanse of vibrating consciousness that is both our shared
and individual truth.” Throughout her book, The Akashic Records, Sandra gives a multitude of
exercises in order to help individuals access the records, change their problem patterns both in
this lifetime and in previous reincarnations, and invoke future potential to reprogram your
Sacred Temple. The sections that I found most fascinating about this book were the stories of
individuals who demonstrated the power of the universe’s synchronicity with our human
energies. For example, when Thomas Edison was becoming known worldwide for “inventing”
electricity, several others had actually already invented the light bulb while he had actually
discovered a more efficient filament to produce the light. I also made the immediate connection
between the invention of the telegraph and Morse code in the late nineteenth to early twentieth
centuries while (predominantly female) Mediums were table tipping and contacting the
supernatural through the Fox sisters’ rappings in Rochester at dawn of the Spiritualist
movement. As a matter of fact, within a few miles of the inventor of the Kodak camera, in the
burned over district of New York, the photographic “medium” of spirit photography was being
utilized in seance and trance among Spiritualists in Lily Dale! (This is another article for another
time that I am passionate about).
I have also really enjoyed reading the work of Jacki Smith and Patty Shaw on the
Akashic Records, as they provide common sense tools to visualize and meditate on my inner
temple of knowledge. Through their exercises, I was able to most clearly visualize a room of
knowledge, which felt like a sacred temple of tomes that answer the deep questions of my life.
This is a door that I envision as a literal portal that I step across when I go into deep meditation
in alpha brain waves. As I descend into this meditative state, I call upon my spirit teachers and
ascended masters to show me how to “read” my records. As I am lounging in my giant
armchair, surrounded by light and loving energy, I feel a deep sense of peace and happiness
radiating through me. I also feel my spirit guides connecting with me, which fill me up with
limitless support and praise. If there is such a thing, I am most definitely a “word witch” who
loves being a book worm and writing down my spells and affirmations no matter where I am.
Therefore, these books written about accessing the Akashic records have been invaluable to
me this year.
2019 was a year of discovery and testing these boundless records that will constantly
change me. I have been “making magic happen” just as the rest of the Black Witch Coven has,
by turning my meditations in the ethers of the Akasa into thoughtful actions to be powerful. I
have used the meditations of this year as a door opener in all aspects of my magical life,
holding the literal books that others have written about the Akashic records as keys . While I
have focused on trusting my intuition and gut instincts in order to provide immediate results in
my daily life, I feel that the deepest spiritual understanding and growth that I have created are
because of my budding metaphysical spirituality. 2020 will be a year of immense growth for me
as a powerful psychic witch.

Taylor, Sandra Anne. The Akashic Records: Unlock the Infinite Power, Wisdom, and Energy of
the Universe
Discovering Your Soul’s Path Through the Akashic Records. Howe, Linda.
DIY Akashic Wisdom Smith, Jacki and Patty Shaw
Travis Sanders, Clairvoyant Medium.

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