The Blood Moon

Everything You Need To Know About Blood Moon!

There’s a reason why people in the Middle Ages referred to October’s full moon as the Blood Moon. It’s the same reason why Halloween iconography today frequently shows a large, low-hanging moon with an ominous reddish light. Because the Blood Moon rises early in the evening, you are more likely to observe it near the horizon.

How and why does a blood moon happen? First and foremost, we must figure out what a blood moon is. The phrase “Blood Moon” was historically used to indicate a total lunar eclipse which was part of a tetrad of total lunar eclipses.

Why does the Moon turn red?

A blood moon occurs every time we have a total lunar eclipse. Simple like that! A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s umbra, obstructing all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon’s surface. Some of the sunlight does, however, enter the lunar surface indirectly through the Earth’s atmosphere, covering the Moon with a reddish hue.

In The Pagan and Pagan Traditions

Pagans believe in the divinity of nature. Considering the moon’s influence on the tides and knowing that water makes up to 60% of the adult human body,  it’s natural to wonder that the moon’s phases impact humans.

So, how are Pagans utilizing the Blood Moon’s power? Let’s find out. But first, let’s get familiar with the phases of the moon.

·      Phases of Moon

The lunar cycles are crucial in the workings of magick, and many Pagans perform Esbat ceremonies at the Full Moon. The Moon is the Divine Feminine, especially in Pagan tradition, with her three phases matching with the three perspectives of the Goddess that are:

  • The Waxing Moon is the Maiden
  • The Full Moon is the Mother
  • The Waning Moon is the Crone

The Blood Moon and Moon Magick

Pagans think that the full moon in October is a spiritual energy beacon. It is the time of year when the veil separating our world and the spirit realm is the thinnest.

You can use this period for spiritual growth; if you want to contact a departed relative, this is an excellent month to do so. Hold a séance, practice divination, and give attention to signals in your dreams.

This Moon has a palpable aura of magic and power. In addition, it is said that the blood moon impacts our sleep which may, in turn, affect our moods.

Spellwork inspiration: Pagans believe that because of the season and the moon’s impact, it’s a good time to do genealogical research, go through family photo albums, hang photographs of relatives, and reflect on your ancestors.

According to the almanac, one can also “thank” the moon by placing an apple under a tree. Others believe that placing an apple out symbolically nourishes the spirits of departed family members.

Final Thoughts

October is a great month for remembering loved ones who have passed away. It’s also a good time to do some spiritual and physical housecleaning, getting rid of anything that won’t help you grow in the new year, whether it’s bad habits or junk in your home.


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