Dark N Dead The Medium

Halloween ’18 entry by B

Right some people may think I’m just going crazy but i believe there’s something haunting me or tryna tell me something… recently I’ve been able to basically have outta body experiences… some of you may think that’s messed up and not real but to me it felt real, its happened 3 times i think… basically it started off were id b tryna sleep but somehow then id suddenly somehow b somewhere but i neva fell asleep…
It felt as if my body was asleep but not my soul, like half awake and half asleep… feels very real, however when i come back around its like my soul is just adjusting to being back into my body… basically like im very drunk but without the forgetting part… anyway after all that I’ve started seeing things, mainly from my walk through cupboard, its a orangey colour light, sorta like fire but without the flames, first i thought maybe reflection but i tested that and didn’t even go that far, the cupboard is usually pitch black and you cant see what’s in it in the dark, not even car head lights etc even reached that far…
My mum thought maybe next door had been growing weed n knocked the attic wall down however went to check and nothing… (reason why my mum expected that was next door smoke weed a lot of the time and we can always smell it, although lately I’ve noticed cos my window is closer to theirs the smell doesn’t come in anymore even though the window is wide open… strange ik) but anyway back to the point…
Basically tried things that could’ve been explained but nothing… i did check once to see if it was really
fire and when i turned the lights on, well there was nothing in there, nothing that could’ve made the light in there…
I’ve also been having these weird night terrors… I’m basically being dragged from my family, one were they was holding my hands trying to help me, the other my mum was asleep and was dragged up… then there was this one time were i couldn’t sleep and started swearing thinking maybe a ghost could b doing this and that night i had a horrible dream were an unknown man lent towards me and yelled
at me, i cant remember what he was saying but i could feel he was aiming it at me…
Now i have a camera up in my room so hoping something will b catch on there, fingers crossed… tbh the night terrors are scary but the rest i find very cool…
I’m not sure what to really make of it though, my mum doesn’t think its anything but idk i feel that there’s something what do you guys think?” Started getting a lot of comments like someone is trying to get in contact with you, then on this one random night a medium just commented and asked about an old lady who passed, i instantly thought of the old woman who lived here before my family moved. But he said it was more of a great grandmother feeling, not quite sure who cos i don’t really know any of my great grandmother well.
But then he went on… He said the names Catherine and Cathleen, my mother was nicknamed Catherine by her nan and a friend. He mentioned someone named Jessica but i don’t really know many only one who’s alive and one of my sister’s friends. Upcoming birthday or anniversaries on November, October and March, only ones i know is my birthday 15th November and my fathers wedding anniversary and Wayne’s birthday 7th October. Upcoming operation which maybe my tonsils? wasn’t quite sure as i haven’t gotten any letter to tell me so… The names Jacob, Robert, James, Sarah, Emma and Kate, Only ones i know are Robert my dad, Sarah and Emma are my cousins and Kate was our next door neighbour. Violent Relationship that went to court case was John my mothers ex partner which she got a restraining order on. Children’s home was my uncles’ children that went into care because of what my cousin did to them, was all pinned on my uncle so he lost them all, plus my cousin’s kids are now suppose to be going into care due to more disgusting things he has done. Fatal car crash was Wayne, he died at the sense but was brung back to life afterwards. Red car is my mothers. Malcom I have no idea who that is. Drink driver involved in car crash was my uncle David. Solider with son is my great granddad
and my granddad. William i think is my great granddad?, Old uniform, Military connection. Missed doctors appointment was me, i missed it but made another one. Lady with Breathing problems? Upcoming wedding anniversary, maybe my nan’s or dad’s. Lady with cancer was my great auntie who passed away 2016. Man with heart problems? Upcoming wedding, not sure but i know i wasn’t invited. Nancy? Accidental Suicide, woman, not sure who as only know one family member who did and was a man. New tyres? Open heart surgery needed, i think it’s one of my uncle David’s children who needs it. Was told he won’t be alone when it happens. Was also told that my family members are very proud of me, they love me very much and wanted me to know that they were there and didn’t mean to scare me.
I found it so amazing cause i didn’t even tell this woman anything about me, she couldn’t see my Facebook information about my granddad and family, first time i realised mediums weren’t fake for once, there really is real mediums who do speak to the dead and
get in contact etc, was an interesting experience.
I’ve never really believed in certain medium things that have been done but this one really hit me. It sent chills down my back and after that all the feelings of being watched and that went, like the spirit had said what it needed to say to me.

To enter the Halloween ’18 The Dark and the Dead competition CLICK HERE for details…

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