Why does the full moon play with your emotions?

Why does the full moon play with your emotions?

The Full Moon is intimately tied to a person’s emotions – and may have more control over you than you think. This year, the April Full Moon or “Pink Moon” falls in the sign of Scorpio and it’s going to be an emotional one for all of us. The Moon is notorious for making us moody and emotional, and with it positioned so close to the Earth, its pull will feel more intense than usual.

When a Full Moon occurs, the Moon is located directly opposite the Sun. That means that your Sun Sign, which controls the mind, and your Moon Sign, which controls the heart, are in conflict with each other.

That is one reason why rituals during a full moon can be fabulous and dramatic all at the same time. Even at our Black Witch Coven moon events, all of us who attend acknowledge that our emotions may cause us to do or sound say somethings that could be seen as offensive to “outsiders.” The raising of the energy and the releasing of the energy is just as important to us here at the Coven, as well as for our clients who we are also serving during the full moon event. Some even say that the full moon is a time to release all of the human behaviours we aren’t able to deal with or to show to the outside world on a daily basis. Once we release the toxins, we reset and re-focus on who we need to be and what we need to do for the coming month.

If you’ve been doing this with us for a while you probably feel these emotions too. You might feel a little edgy during the full moon as we are raising the concern you have for the month, creating perhaps some anxiety for you. However, most clients will report that they feel better the next morning, as some of this emotion should be gone as it was released. Of course, the effect Will be different for every person and also it will depend on what you’re releasing.



Here is a quick tip for those of you at home, and not participating in a witchcraft ritual at all, but you feel the effects of what we’re doing on your behalf…..

CRY – let’s just call it “controlled crying”. For some people, depending on what is going on in your life, or what type of evening you had leading up to the full moon, the extra pressure of this April full moon could be just too much to bear. It’s important that you don’t start internalising your emotional state as you are a failure of some type, or that the world is just too overwhelming. It’s better just to be honest and say you’re having an emotional moment and deal with the emotional moment appropriately versus stuffing down the feelings. Give yourself a good 5 to 15 minutes and release all of that energy. Have a good ol’ cry. Give yourself permission to be human! You will feel so much better afterwards.

DANCE/SING/MUSIC – there’s nothing like music to change your emotional state. I’m sure you have a song that you know will Flip your mood in a heartbeat. The same advice as above, where you just put that song on and blast it for a good 5 to 15 minutes so you don’t get stuck in the emotional energy of the full moon. Even if you’re sitting there with your family, just get up put on a song belted it out for five minutes and then go back to normal. Nobody else needs to know what you’re doing, but what you have done is repelled emotional energy from settling into your body, and potentially making you feel shitty for many days.

The key is to take action versus sitting and thinking about it. In this case, thinking and journaling is not your friend.


Black magick practitioners who have taken the time to balance their emotions will be able to ride the wave of the full moon energy by directing the frequency into their magical practices. With a full moon in Scorpio, this is the most intense and most powerful of moon phases for black magic workings. Should you be weak or vulnerable during your connection to the Scorpio full moon, you may internalise the energy, and as a result you could feel the painful and negative sting.

The Scorpio full moon is best for magical workings around the darker side of spellcasting, and as I said above this is directly related to those who practice the left-hand path magick. Performing death magic, works of hatred, all cursing and hexing work, banishing things permanently, are the most auspicious during this time. This is the time to do workings on those who you really hate. If you feel up your vengeance towards somebody the scorpion full moon is the time to perform that magick. In the works during a scorpion full moon have more chance of being permanent and irreversible. This is something else you need to consider if you’re sitting on the fence about casting a spell during the Scorpio full moon.

As everybody will feel heightened emotions during this moon phase, the target/s of your spells will be more vulnerable and receptive to the black magick sent their way. So if you don’t wish permanent harm to your target, you should reconsider performing your spell at some other time.

If you don’t feel in control of your emotions and you are a left-hand path practitioner, I believe you could use this energy to help balance your emotions. Perhaps do a little work on your shadow self, and be kind to yourself, where you don’t label your current progress negatively, but rather that the path of enlightenment is a journey of personal challenge/s and not perfectionism. The keyword is PATH.

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