What Happens When You Die? Part 4.1: People who talk to the dead

psychic medium

My Life As a Psychic Medium

Author: Lily (BWC Medium)

Savannah had suggested I share some information about myself and about psychic services in general as there is much confusion as to what we do. Thanks mainly in part to the movies, reality TV shows, and the media in general there are many misconceptions about the psychic world. I hope to bring some insight, and a small glimpse into a day in the life of a psychic.

I am NOT evil! 

I do not summon some evil entity to gain the information I get, nor I am a Satan worshiper. My faith lies in God, and the angels. These abilities I have come from “God” and He has placed them within my soul to help others.

I judge no one for their beliefs. I personally DO NOT believe in little green men. My faith in God doesn’t allow my mind to believe there are, I’ve never seen one, therefore I can only say I do not think they exist.

I prefer to be by myself during readings

In order to do the reading, there should not be any distractions from televisions, other people in the room, radios, and cell phones. If there is constant distractions then the reading may not be as accurate because my mind is jumping from spirit to the distraction. I have to be able to focus on what spirit is saying to me, not the TV or chatter from everyone else, as well as the chatter of numerous spirits trying to talk at the same time.

Once a connection is made then my full concentration has to be put into that person. Also, once I am finished I need time to disconnect because it is very draining on my energy. It is like when someone throws a rock into a pond. The ripple waves continue to go out across the water even after the rock hits the bottom. Those ripples effect my mind, body, and soul.

After a reading I can feel exhausted, and suffer from headaches, sore muscles, a variety of stomach aches, and dizziness. Spirits need an energy source in order to communicate; I am that energy source. They are using my body and my life source to be heard and seen.

I CHOOSE to turn it off and block out messages. 

I have to do this so I can have some normalcy in my life. If I were to listen and tune into everyone that crosses my path I think I would go insane! However, I choose to ignore some because I have other things in my life that need attention as well. I cannot always be on or else there would be days I wouldn’t even be able to get out of bed because of the exhaustion and physical ailments. I feel much of what the person I am reading feels; whether it is physical, mental, or emotional pain. I feel it all and this takes a toll on my body. Once I disconnect from you then I must reconnect to get any more messages, it is not like I am connected to you for eternity. I do not see your every move, However, the constant flipping on and off can be just as draining; hence, why it is important to set appointments. By the way, it is not like I am walking around with my future playing out before my eyes, it doesn’t work that way. I CAN TURN IT OFF AND BLOCK IT!

What do I look like?

I am NOT some eccentric gypsy dressed woman with a crystal ball. I wear what everyone else does and do not even own a crystal ball. All of the messages come to me through visions, words, and sounds. This misconception drives me batty!! Why do people think that because I am psychic I must be weird? I am a normal person with normal thoughts, goals, and emotions. I am not a “flower child” all about love, peace, and harmony either. I do not use any type of drugs to get my visions! I am human, I get mad, upset, and can be quite hilarious. I am a normal every day “girl next door” that just happens to talk to dead people.

My life is sometimes hard and I will not pretend any differently. I have health problems and some days are a struggle to get out of bed. I am made fun of for these abilities and am put down more times than not. It is not easy but all I ask in return is respect. This is MY life, my job, and an ability I am blessed to have because I get to take a peek into someone’s soul and possibly bring comfort where they never could find it before.

Can you tell me the lottery numbers? 

This is one of the most asked questions. “If you’re psychic then why haven’t you won the lottery?” What I would like to say  to people who ask that is “Really? You’re an idiot and because of that I am NOT going to be reading for you.” However, I’m too nice and just smile because I know their jokes, sarcasm, and down-right rude comments is only due to the fact they have no clue that psychic abilities do not work that way.

First, I may see you coming into money or even winning the lottery; however, I cannot tell you what numbers to play. Also, I cannot nor do I know any other psychic that whose abilities can be used on themselves. It just doesn’t work that way; I’ve had dreams that foretold something about my future but it was nothing like a reading. I have to use my intuition and messages from spirit to tell me about myself.

I also cannot tell you where Great Aunt Juju Bean buried the family jewels or $1m everyone thought she won on the lottery 20 years ago.  If Great Aunt Juju Bean wants to come talk to me she will; I cannot force any spirit to do so. They choose to do so!! Just because they come forward does not mean they will give the information you want either. They still have their own will, mind, and thoughts. They will tell you what they want you to know and what you need to know. No spirit can be forced to divulge any information they do not want to.

If you’re so psychic then why are some of the messages unclear or jumbled?

This occurs because it is how I am interpreting it. If for example, I see the number 10. I might think the person is born in October, when in fact they are about to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. I try not to let ego lead me or jump to certain conclusions because of this. Spirits do not talk to us as if they were in the human form; the messages do not come in a direct voice like the movies and Hollywood make it out to be. They are bits and pieces of information that relate to you and only you would know. It may not make sense to you now, but it may later. I know nothing of your Great Aunt Juju Bean!! Many messages are simply for confirmation that our energy is connected.

But what you said didn’t happen!

This is the most difficult thing to explain. Yes, I saw a particular “thing” happening and it did not. This simply means that either the person’s intentions changed or you changed the situation by something you said or did. I can only tell what I see.

The following is the best example I can give on this: If you ask me “Will I be in a car accident?” and I do not see it; this DOES NOT give you a free pass to go out and drive recklessly. Or if I do not see you becoming pregnant, it DOES NOT mean to go have sex every single day with no protection! If I see you getting a job promotion, it DOES NOT mean you can slack off at work and not give a crap about your job! What I see can be summed up like this——->> As things stand at the current time of the reading these are the things that are on your path in life. You still have the choice to change them, you can still change this path.

Yes I am psychic…. no I DON’T know everything.

As a psychic I am given tidbits of information regarding the person I am reading. This does not mean I will know everything about you, the universe, the ball game, the lottery, or who ran over your dog thirty eight years ago! And NO I CAN NOT READ YOUR MIND; that’s having telepathic abilities, something I do not have!  I do NOT know everything – only what I am told!

So what spells can you do for me?

That’s a whole other ability! But why do some people think because a person is psychic that it means they also cast spells or hexes. I do not have those skills or abilities.

I hope this gives some clarification of readings, psychics, mediums, and our life. I have great respect for anyone who is a true genuine psychic. I know there are quite a few fakes out there just trying to make a quick buck and it is hard to trust someone, but that is not me. I am the real deal.

If you have questions, I would like to answer them for you. Feel free to ask in the comments section below.

My Current Psychic Medium Services: https://blackwitchcoven.com/product-category/tarot-divination-services/
Psychic Medium (Connect to Your Deceased Loved Ones)
Psychic Readings
Tarot Readings
“Hi! Lily thank you! for another fantastic psychic reading! it helped me to make my decision on my move. I was really leaning towards Tennessee also, it’s funny how you first thought I looked to be from there. I come from generations of grandparents from Tennessee for several hundred years on both sides of my family.You helped me to make many different decisions. Everyone should have someone like you to help with decisions about different friends and people that come into their lives along with jobs,moves and and all of the things that come up in everyone’s lives that can completely change their lives for better or worse. So your advice is very valuable! Thank you!”
– K B April 30, 2022.


From another Psychic Medium & Witch/Warlock

As many of our clients and followers of our website and social media are also gifted spiritual individuals, we really appreciate when they offer their thoughts and suggestions to us. Below is some helpful advice provided by a client who is a medical professional and also a gifted psychic medium.

We share this with our audience as this may help other people going through the process of adjusting to their spiritual gifts.  We have removed his full name to provide privacy (as we know the Internet provides the perfect hunting ground for individuals looking to persecute others on the left-hand path.)

Lily, I hope this email finds you well . I understand completely what go through as a psychic/medium .  I too have these abilities and yes , at times more so than not they are draining . Before I learned about shielding and psychic protections . I would feel and pick up on other people emotions and get random information.  I was overwhelmed . I  went through periods of physical sickness and being withdrawn from people .  Even in  stores and day to day life . I would have anxiety and feel as if I was floating above my head . Walking forward, backwards and pacing to keep myself  calm   but still getting psychic impression.  The dead would come in. mound me and take over my energy without my permission and blend their energies with mine for they could commuincate their messages . I felt it was an invasion and I felt as if I was going crazy . I went to see a therapist.  Didn’t reveal everything because i didnt want to be labeled as a mentaly ill . They gave me  anxiety meds and we’ll needless to say , as I’m sure you know that shit didn’t help at all .

The night became my solitude and my greatest moment of peace because the physical world became at rest but the problem was still the dead . I couldn’t sleep . They would shake my bed . Show up in my dreams and keep me awake at night  because they wanted to chat . Selfish much ? Was my thoughts when this was occurring . I even tried sage . Well turns out that that doesn’t get rid of the dead it only neutralize the area.

Even as the years went by … I started to question myself . I wanted to know if I was truly having these experiences or if I was bat shit crazy . So I put my gift to the test . When I would get information I would engage in conversation with people .  I had to find a diligent way of communicatng with others . While relaying the messages from the spirit world but keeping my abilities silent.

Most people would respond warmly and be amazed . When they asked me ,  How was i so insightful and how I was able to gather all that information  ? I would lie and tell them I study psychologically or tell them I was just an old soul . As I continue to develop and became in tune with my gifts . I was also on a path of spiritual enlightenment.  I found my gift before,   I knew what my spiritual faith would be . A witch / luciferian witch at that. To my delight and through my occult practices . I found a way to ground myself and shield .Just to let you know even knew ,  I have protections in place it doesn’t stop me from feeling everything or getting psychic information.  But it allowed me to have boundaries and set boundaries with the dead . So here is what I had to do .Once a week . I made time to work on my abilities and connect with the dead .  I found lilian eden off of youtube . Her Mediations for automatic writing , opening your third eye and few others ones were very helpful.

I started to ask the dead and the divine that they only allow me  to infuse with the power of prophecy so that I could infuse and bring knowledge in not random knowledge but only knowledge that I could help with , adapt to , give warnings for and messages of healing and resolutions.
After a time this helped me place and establish boundaires within the spiritual world . That  I would not be taking on any form of sickness they had experienced with this physical world or allowing it manifest within my body . And if they must show me how their passing came to be they were only to do it by giving me visions of it .

The dead are tricky as you know and when you are a medium you are the vessel of the Dead and of the spirits and God’s too .

In closing, I hope this helps and helps you to heal  and keeps you strong in mind , body and spirit . Also one more tip . I found a bouncer . In the spiritual world to help protect me during my reading and keep at bay lower level entities and spirits I’m not willing to channel . You got this .

Hugs , from D.C.

(Full name withheld for privacy)

2 thoughts on “What Happens When You Die? Part 4.1: People who talk to the dead

  1. BWS says:

    Hi – we did have a 15-minute consultation for many years, however, we found that 15 minutes was not long enough, especially during verbal consultations. Then we were offering the same in email consultations, even though these are often more difficult because the time it takes to read the email, look into the situation and then respond via email (takes 30mins at least for a considered response). We withdrew the services because we could not provide a fast turnaround time and the expectation was 24 hours, or even 48 hours maximum. Especially if I am the one to perform the 15-minute consultation, and there are seven people waiting for a 15-minute consultation, I don’t have any additional time left in my workday to provide the service. The best I can do for now is the 30-minute consultation (sometimes there is a waiting list of 1 to 2 weeks), or when clients come across as a VIP or in the monthly subscription service – we offer complimentary consultations. Blonde gypsy offers consultation and a reading https://www.witchucation.com/product-category/consultation/. We certainly hope other people from our group provide the 15-minute consultation service in the future, and I will definitely suggest it at our next Coven meeting 😉

  2. Light Switch says:

    It may not be easy to understand everything about a service and the person doing said service from the listed description, it would be nice to have the option for a 15 min consultation with whomever is to cast the requested spell or perform said service. As i understand it, currently one can only book a consultation with Savannah, i think it would be cool to have a general consultation addon you book when a person is chosen to perfom your request.

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