The Listening Moon

Why does the full moon play with your emotions?

I will start my post today with a little story……called The Man in the Tree

There was a man who got stuck in a tree during a flood. As the water rose, he prayed to God for help.

First, his neighbor came by with a ladder and offered to rescue him, but the man said, “No, I’ve already asked God for help.”

Next, a boat came by, and the people inside urged him to get in. Again, he replied, “No, I’ve already asked God for help.”

Finally, a helicopter flew overhead and lowered a rope to rescue him. But once more, he said, “No, I’ve already asked God for help.”

Eventually, the man drowned. When he reached the afterlife, he asked God why he hadn’t been saved. God replied, “I sent you a neighbor, a boat, and a helicopter! What more did you want?”

Moral: The story teaches us to be open to help, as it may come in unexpected ways. Don’t miss out on support because it doesn’t look how you expect!

This was a concept Savannah and I spoke about during the last Full Moon ritual to our Coven members. As spiritual people, we are given messages and advice that may not be as clear as the spoken word from person to person. But you have to listen because “spirit” provides us with what we need. It may not be in a way that’s obvious to you.

In witchcraft and occultism, we have to work on our spiritual activation, and this will look different for each person. Everybody has a different gift and some people need to work on their gifts harder than the next person. For some people, it comes really easy to receive the spiritual messages, and for others, it requires years of training, or to have somebody like a fortuneteller, tarot reader (like me), or some other spiritual person interpret the spiritual messages for you.  No matter what your situation, you need to trust that your instincts will send you a message before you can mentally process it. The expression trusting your gut is very true in this case.

In this post, I’m going to throw in a few concepts we discussed during the last full moon, and if you find any of these points interesting you are welcome to leave me a comment at the end of this blog post and I am happy to explore anything in further detail.

The Listening Moon

The concept of the “Listening Moon” often refers to the idea that the moon is attuned to our emotions and spiritual needs, serving as a powerful symbol in various cultures and spiritual practices. When combined with a solar eclipse, this symbolism deepens, as eclipses are considered potent times for transformation and revelation.

  1. Symbolism: The Listening Moon is typically associated with intuition, reflection, and emotional depth. It encourages individuals to tune into their inner voices and feelings, fostering self-awareness and connection to the cycles of nature.
  2. Messages: It suggests that during its phases, particularly during a new moon or a lunar eclipse, it’s a time for introspection, setting intentions, and listening to one’s inner guidance. The moon’s energy can amplify feelings and highlight what needs to be acknowledged or released.

Solar Eclipses

  1. Transformation: A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking the Sun’s light. This event symbolizes new beginnings, sudden changes, and the potential for transformation. It is often a time for letting go of the past and welcoming new opportunities.
  2. Revelation: Eclipses are seen as moments when the veils between the seen and unseen are thinned. This can reveal hidden truths, suppressed emotions, or unacknowledged desires. It’s a potent time for insight and clarity.

Messages from the Listening Moon during a Solar Eclipse

  1. Embrace Change: The combination of the Listening Moon and a solar eclipse encourages embracing change and transformation. It may prompt you to listen closely to your feelings about the changes occurring in your life.
  2. Intuition and Insight: The Listening Moon’s energy enhances intuition, making this a prime time for introspection. The eclipse may illuminate aspects of your life that require attention, guiding you to follow your inner voice.
  3. Release and Let Go: As solar eclipses signify new beginnings, this is an excellent opportunity to release what no longer serves you. The Listening Moon invites you to tune into your emotional landscape and identify what needs to be let go.
  4. Set Intentions: This powerful combination is perfect for setting new intentions. Reflect on your goals and desires, allowing the energy of the eclipse to help manifest them into reality.
  5. Inner Harmony: The Listening Moon encourages finding balance and harmony within oneself. The eclipse may help reveal areas of imbalance, guiding you to take steps toward alignment and peace.

Your Chiron return

Your Chiron return typically happens around age 50 and can bring about deep introspection and healing. It’s a significant period of transformation, so embracing it with openness can lead to profound growth!

  1. Confronting Wounds: You may find yourself reflecting on past wounds—emotional, physical, or psychological. This is an opportunity to address and heal these issues.
  2. Shifting Perspectives: You might gain new insights about your pain and how it shapes your identity. This can lead to a more profound understanding of yourself.
  3. Embracing Vulnerability: The return can encourage you to embrace your vulnerabilities and share them with others, fostering deeper connections.
  4. Reassessing Life Goals: It may prompt you to reevaluate your life’s purpose and direction. You could feel called to make changes that align more with your true self.
  5. Helping Others: As you heal, you might feel a stronger desire to support others in their journeys, possibly taking on mentoring or healing roles.
  6. Creative Expression: Many find that tapping into their creativity becomes a powerful outlet for processing emotions and experiences during this time.

If you’re over 50 and a witch

As someone over 50 your Chiron return can be particularly powerful and transformative.

  1. Deepening Intuition: This period can enhance your intuitive abilities. You might find yourself more connected to your inner wisdom and more attuned to the energies around you. This can enhance your magical practices and rituals.
  2. Healing Personal Wounds: You may confront wounds that have influenced your path as a witch. This could involve revisiting past experiences that shaped your beliefs, allowing you to release old patterns that no longer serve you.
  3. Transformative Rituals: You might feel called to create rituals focused on healing, both for yourself and others. This could involve elements like herbalism, divination, or other practices that resonate with you.
  4. Sharing Your Knowledge: With age comes wisdom. You might feel inspired to share your knowledge and experiences with younger practitioners, perhaps through teaching, writing, or mentoring.
  5. Community Building: This could be a time when you seek deeper connections within your community. You may want to participate in group rituals or gatherings, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
  6. Revisiting Spiritual Practices: You might find that some of your spiritual practices need to be reevaluated. This is a chance to let go of what feels outdated and to explore new paths or traditions that resonate more with your current self.
  7. Empowerment Through Healing: As you heal, you may experience a surge in empowerment. Embracing your wounds can lead to a stronger sense of self and confidence in your abilities as a witch.

To reveal your path during this transformative time, you can use various magical practices tailored to uncover insights and guidance. Here are some ideas:

  1. Intuitive Journaling: Set aside time to write down your thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself what you need to explore or heal, then write without censoring yourself. This can help clarify your inner voice.
  2. Divination: Use tarot, runes, or pendulums to seek guidance. Formulate specific questions about your path, and allow the cards or symbols to reveal insights. Trust your intuition in interpreting the results.
  3. Meditation and Visualization: Create a quiet space for meditation. Visualize yourself walking a path illuminated by light, asking for guidance. Pay attention to any images, feelings, or messages that come up during this process.
  4. Dream Work: Keep a dream journal and set the intention before sleep to receive guidance in your dreams. You can also create a dream pillow with herbs like mugwort, which is known for enhancing dream clarity.
  5. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature, as it can be a powerful source of guidance. Consider a walking meditation where you ask for signs or messages from the natural world.
  6. Altar of Intention: Create a small altar dedicated to your inquiry. Include items that represent your journey, such as crystals, candles, or symbols of what you wish to discover. Spend time there focusing your intentions.
  7. Ritual for Clarity: Perform a ritual on a full moon or a new moon to release old patterns and invite clarity. Light a candle, write down what you want to release, and then write what you wish to attract. Burn the first paper safely to symbolize letting go.
  8. Vision Board: Create a vision board with images and words that resonate with what you want to manifest. This visual representation can help you clarify your desires and keep your intentions in focus.

Choose the methods that resonate most with you, and trust that the insights will come when you’re open to receiving them

Final Thoughts

The interplay between the Listening Moon and a solar eclipse offers profound opportunities for personal growth and transformation. By tuning into your emotions and intuition during these celestial events, you can gain valuable insights, release what holds you back, and embrace new beginnings. Taking the time to reflect and listen to your inner self can lead to powerful revelations and a deeper understanding of your path forward.

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