Rather than detail the workings of my last big spell-casting session, I thought I’d just share what I learned.
1. Just as you’ve been warned that spell-casting can have unintended negative results (even if you think you’re practicing the whitest magic) the opposite is also true. A good, well-placed curse can bring many bonus, lucky results.
2. Maybe I don’t always get exactly to the tee what I’m asking for (or influencing) * Sometimes a spell takes its own sweet time after you have released it, patience is the name of the game in that case and the more you have invested in the spell emotionally the harder it can be to let it go. Just consider it done, magical time is not linear. Also, magical time is always now.
3. Know what I want, exactly. You can’t get what you’re asking for if you don’t know what exactly you’re asking for.
4. There’s no way around it, regular meditation as prescribed by every ancient spiritual practice I’ve ever heard of is key to developing the capacity for the connection (to Source or deity or specific vibration) necessary for success. Success in spellcasting is relative to ability to go into ‘state’. The best kind of ‘state’ for me is healthy, focused and grounded. It’s only from that place I can get anywhere.
5. Just as there are many ‘foxhole christians’ there are many ‘foxhole magis’, and after the battle there is still the ‘thank you for working with me’ end of the bargain to keep up. Continue to give thanks to whichever energies you were working with.
7. The more dedicated and organized I become about my practice the more the blessings flow in. This takes discipline and prioritizing. I have a deep knowing and a belief that grows stronger, for that I am blessed.
8. ‘How complex can my spell be?’, is like asking how long a piece of string is. More complex to me though certainly means more time, more cleanup, and more energy in general. I’m going minimalist (as I can get anyway) for a while, and looking forward to simpler magical pursuits in the near future, as the weather in my hemisphere heats up and the woods are dark and deep, but not lonely. And the same can be said of the sea. And they always keep their promises.
Blessed Be!
* [The latest work was very successful, btw, and I know the ripples are still going to be rippling out into the ethers for quite some while.]