The Uses of Shrubs and Plants in Magickal Practices

Wheat: It is a plant that brings good luck. Hence the popular saying, “It comes with a bread under its arm.”  In White Magic Rituals, wheat grains are usually placed inside yellow bags, in order to bring prosperity.

Juniper: This shrub has many medicinal applications. The kernels or seeds of Juniper when mixed with incense can be used to purify the environments, ward off the malefic entities from the astral plane, and heal those possessed by those entities.

Cilantro: This plant is used a lot in preparing Venus Incense and is very effective in sexual magic practices. All the Talismans and Amulets that are prepared for spells of love should be burned with this incense of Venus.

Saffron: It is widely used in White Magic, both in spells and in magic perfumes, but it has to be in threads, not the one we use in the kitchen that comes in powder.

Aloe Vera: The dried leaves of Aloe Vera, well pulverized in a mortar, and mixed with Male Incense, is used as a powerful incense to attract economic welfare, and Jupiterian influences.

Garlic: Garlic preserves us from all curses. It is said that if 7 teeth of garlic are threaded into a string of hemp, and worn for 7 Saturdays around the neck, you will be protected from spells and damage for a lifetime.  Also, placing garlic in strategic places in the house helps to ward off the evil eye.

Chicory: They say that the root of the Chicory, wrapped in a white cloth and well stored in the house, is a powerful amulet against all kinds of diabolical spells and snares.

Valerian: Apart from its medicinal use, this plant is used in black magic because of its power over hypnotic dreams.

Verbena: This plant is one of the 12 Magic plants used by the Rosa Cruz Fraternity. In White Magic, its flowers are used to make perfumes and irresistible filters of love. It also said that its leaves can be used to bring joy to the atmosphere.

Pink: The petals of this flower are used in spells of white magic, in making aromatic perfumes for love and in cleaning fluids of houses. The rose is the emblem of love, patience and martyrdom. Also, the Rose is the 1st of the 12 sacred plants of the Rosa Cruz.

Castor: As we all know, it is a very common and effective medicinal use plant, but in White Magic, it is used as an amulet to prevent negative spells or witchcraft.

Nettle: It is said that the nettle gives courage and audacity to those who carry it. This might be because of how prickly it is. Formerly, it was said that by placing a nettle in the urine of a sick person, you can ascertain if the person would live longer or die due to the illness. After placing the plant inside the urine, if it dries off after 24 hours then the person would die but if it remains green then the person would be healed.

Narcissus: In White Magic and in other types of rituals, they usually use both its flowers and their bulbs, to perform spells of love, especially for men. It is also said that the Narcissus bulb is an aphrodisiac, hence the use for these rituals.

Mistletoe: It is good to have this plant in every house. It symbolizes the union of Divinity with Humanity. Also, its branches can be used to decorate the table of the Christmas festivities and at the entrance doors of the house.

Mandrake: The root of this plant is a powerful astral condenser. Its shape is very similar to the human being since it has arms, legs and head. It is known by different names and is widely used in the practices of both White Magic and Black Magic.

Male Fern: Apart from having varied and multiple medicinal uses, it is a plant widely used in both White Magic and Black Magic. Its seeds have the virtue of removing any evil spirit that has possessed a person and can be used to cure diseases.  To carry out the required effect it has to be collected on a special date and by means of a complicated ritual.

Cat’s Nails: If this Plant is cut off when the Planets Mars and Jupiter are in Conjunction, it is an excellent talisman, combined with other elements that will determine a person’s astral chart. You can use it to prevent accidents, misfortunes, thieves and all kinds of disputes.

Black hellebore: Also known as Christmas Herb, Hell Herb and Fire Rose. It can be used to invoke evil or infernal entities. However, having a piece of this root hanging on your neck preserves you from the evil eye.

Caledonia: Formerly, the wizards used the root of this plant to place on the head of sick patients. If the patient began to sing, it means that he might not see the next moon. If, on the contrary, the patient began to cry inconsolably, it means that the patient would be saved.

Aristolochia: It is a plant that is also widely used to unleash the work of black magic, mainly in ligature works, that is, those that provoke impotence and rejection of a man by a certain woman.

Angelica: They say that by placing a piece of this Plant as a Talisman, tied in the neck, it protects that person who carries it with all kinds of spells and enchantments.

Wormwood: This plant is used a lot by Black Magicians and Warlocks, to make infernal invocations.

Agrimony: After a certain preparation with certain ingredients, the leaves of this plant when placed on the head of a person who is asleep might make the person to enter into eternal sleep.

Agnocasto:  This plant is the opposite of aphrodisiac plants. The Agnocasto has the ability to appease the “ardor of the flesh and sexual desires.”

In Athens, the power of this plant is already known. It is often placed on the bed of women and adolescents, to regulate their sexual appetites until a certain moment, thus preserve their chastity.

Aconite: This is another of the 12 Sacred Plants of the Rosa Cruz. It is used using a mixture of Rue, Saffron in strands, leaves of Aloe Vera and Aconite leaves. Mix everything and grind it very finely, or at least as much as possible, and then pour it over burning coals, in order to clean and purify a house.

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