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A Guide to Invoking Demonic Influences using summoning symbols

demon summoning symbols

How do you bring “demonic” influences into your endeavors by the modern method of using the Standard Set of Several Demons And Their Sigils Of Summoning?

It is a method that draws from traditional Ceremonial Magick, incorporating elements of Chaos Magick and therefore, by extension, has no real affiliation to any academically accepted occult methodology, but, and yet, stands by itself as a process that theoretically works.

Starting from the very basics, we must understand several things. The definition of demon, how any sigil works, and how a ritual summoning is performed.

The definition for demon from Wikipedia shares some basic knowledge.

A demon (from Koine Greek δαιμόνιον daimonion) is a supernatural, often malevolent being, prevalent in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology and folklore. The original Greek word daimon does not carry the negative connotation initially understood by implementation of the Koine δαιμόνιον (daimonion), and later ascribed to any cognate words sharing the root. In Ancient Near Eastern religions as well as in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered an unclean spirit, a fallen angel, or a spirit of unknown type which may cause demonic possession, calling for an exorcism. In Western occultism and Renaissance magic, which grew out of an amalgamation of Greco-Roman magic, Jewish Aggadah and Christian demonology, a demon is believed to be a spiritual entity that may be conjured and controlled.

The definition for demon, for all purposes of this Guide, is a broad-spectrum term used to describe:

A species of being that exist with a physical manifestation on one or more dimensions non-physical to human beings, sentient, capable of performing supernatural feats which are natural to them, having free will and individual personalities, not omnipotent, with an elevated level of consciousness.

This definition is self-explanatory and all your questions about demons can be logically answered by analyzing it. Understanding it is crucial to any modern Ceremonial magician, since the traditional and old-school train of thought sought to subjugate and command demons as inferior in all aspects. We, in modern times, with modern ethics and understandings of morality, must not make such a mistake which has in past led to fatal consequences. Any sentient being, as a rule, must be treated with respect to the extent to which they secure.

Next, we look at what a sigil is. An alphabet is the drawing of a sound.

A sigil is a drawing of a thought.

Because there is no need for us to go into the types of sigils in detail, we won’t. Instead, we’ll specifically focus on sigils of summoning. A sigil for a demon is basically a phone number, the Standard Set being the book of contacts. It is specific to that demon. It associates the idea of the being with a specific power to the being’s name, the name being irrelevant because it may or may not be a human construct. The important aspect is the thought itself, since the principle of consciousness is of the highest importance in this method. If the thought is correct, so is the sigil, and vice versa. The sigil is used to concentrate and focus conscious thought onto the existing manifestation of the demon regardless of its location. From magick theory, for example as how Franz Bardon has described, we know that thought is connected by the ether matrix (an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure) from the human body to non-physical dimensions (planes of existence).

Finally we must understand what a ritual summoning is.

Traditionally, it includes various forms of prayers or orders (a communication) with sacrifices (an offering), performed in a specifically prepared location (an altar), at an appropriate time, with or without clothing or equipment to assist the summoning magician.

But since we’re trying to simplify and modernize it all, we can overlook tradition. If you are curious, Arthur Edward Waite has written extensively on traditional and ancient pre-modern practices.

Now that we understand the basics, we have to go over one of the Cardinal Rules. These are a set of rules which govern the entirety of existence, many of which are unknown to humans, even from a scientific point of view. The rule we must always remember is where the aspect of “karma” is derived from, which, simply put, is “what goes around, comes around”, but it does not describe the adverse aspects; physicist Isaac Newton describes it as “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, but it is the alchemists who fully describe the first Cardinal Rule fully. It is the law of Equivalent Exchange which states that humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return; to obtain, something of equal value must be lost. You should understand that this rule is never under your control, and that all beings (including demons) are subject to it. Therefore it is prudent to actually just be aware of it and leave that rule to work itself.

[box] This means that you cannot truly offer anything in terms of payment for services from a demonic entity. They will either take what is appropriate from you, nothing more & nothing less, or they will themselves leave it to the Cardinal to manifest and take, nothing more & nothing less. [/box]

You cannot offer your soul, for it is non-transferable. You cannot offer your material belongings, your friendships or relationships, your servitude, anything at all. While you cannot offer something, if it is deemed appropriate and equal against your gain, it will, from all points of observation from a human’s point of view, be taken nonetheless. This is the true meaning behind the phrase “pact with the devil”, due to its fundamental unpredictability.

demon summoning symbols

Notice that there is a segment subtitled “of which all four are a necessity” containing four sigils. These are our metaphorical area-codes to the phone number. When you are mentally and physically prepared to give time to the summoning and exert yourself mentally to it, and in a safe space to perform, draw these sigils by hand on paper. You should already know which demon you wish to contact (or invoke, in a general sense of that term). Draw his/her sigil as the fifth in the progression. Write down your message so you can read it aloud repeatedly while you concentrate and contemplate on the possible meanings of the sigils you have drawn. The message itself, should be structured in fashion.

Traditionally, a summoning begins with mentioning the most omnipotent being. Whatever your belief system is, this is basically a requirement to show under who’s authority you are exerting your intentions. For example, I personally start with “In the name of the Administrator of the Universe, your Creator and mine”.

[box] Call on the demon you are invoking by name, state your needs, and make sure to cite the law of Equivalent Exchange as the one and only terms of payment, and leave yourself open to influence.[/box]

Some magicians will say this is a dangerous act. For our purposes, especially seeing that the Standard Set itself states that its knowledge is to be used only in times of emergency, we couldn’t care less. There are various acts of Ceremonial magick from Cleansing Rituals to Ritual Banishment that you may look up if you are interested, and Exorcisms. If the wording of your message can act as a perfect loop-hole free contract, be assured that you will not come to any extra harm outside of the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Since we are using our consciousness and intent, via a specific sigil, we are directly connecting with a demon and not an impostor. Since we are opening portals so simply, we may thus also close them as easily. Traditionally, a summoning ends with the magician granting the demon permission to depart. We can do the same, for example, just by audibly stating that we are closing the portal and/or ending all external influences.

However you choose to end your summoning ritual, take a moment to regain yourself and become aware of your own location. You may want to augment your ritual by using incense, soothing music, candles, etc. However, be assured that such practices are truly unnecessary. For an advanced practitioner, the act of hand-drawing the sigils is the only requirement. For others, they may find themselves trying and retrying for a long time before seeing any results.

As with all Chaos Magick, attempt and fail and reattempt and repeat till success, modifying your methods as you go and as you feel is needed.

In advance, I congratulate you on any successes that you may achieve.

Source: Occult Forum

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