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A Pact with Clauneck: Working with the demon of treasures and riches

clauneck sigil

It never fails to surprise me when a client receives “instant” help from the demon. If I had control on how fast the demon helps a person, and if they will help a person…..well…….I’d be charging thousands for my pact service!

Making a pact with Clauneck is always interesting to say the least. This demon seams to enjoy helping people who help themselves and who have a plan for growth. A client of BWC made a pact with Clauneck a month ago after seeing Claunecks sigil in his visualizations. The client has no previous occult or magical history until now.

I am posting his question to me, here in the blog, as I have a lengthy answer that could benefit others as well. I have removed private and personal details.


Hi Savannah,

To cut my long story short, a Spirit voice which I believe must be 
Clauneck guided me to pick a paper on the ground as I walk along 
a path to go buy some groceries.

On the paper were the following numbers:
(Removed for privacy)

This was 24th April, 2018, a day after you sent me the report of my 
requested Demon Pact and what to do.

My Special Numbers started to appear high among the 20 Daily
Winning Numbers of Keno Lotto Game in Germany. I have played 
this Game from 24th April to 16th May and never won even a Cent
despite the high appearance of my numbers every day. I always mix up 
the winning numbers on different coupons or rows.

(A Copy of the Results and my Coupons will be sent to you later).

My random picks has not produce any win for me since 21 days and
this baffles me.

In truth it has not been possible for me to set up an Altar for Clauneck
due to my wife´s dislike. I´m only doing Visualization, Meditation, Wine
Offering and Clauneck is already near me. This pleases me so much but 
I believe more effort is required of me in any way possible.

How does the Coven come in? What do I want from the Members?

praise to clauneck
BWC: Offering candle to the demon Clauneck

I´m appealing to the Coven to do me a favor. I´m begging you all to advise me what to do next to get a win and to freewillingly pick 8 Numbers 
from my numbers and send to me. I have a feeling your Numbers could
give me the lucky win I so much desire.

Again I´m sending an amount of 20 Dollars for the Demon Praise Candle
Service and 10 Dollars as Donation.

Please help me to have my wish fulfilled

Thanks for everything.



Let’s look at the offerings you are making to the demon Clauneck.

For your side of the pact, you were asked to make offerings of wine and also a monthly offering. You were to hold a small prayer session to thank him for the acceptance of the pact. That was officially all that was asked of you. As this Pact was only created a month ago, you are in the early stages of this long-term working relationship. And it blows me away that you are already receiving the results of such a union.

I looked at the documents you sent me of your winnings, and you are certainly seeing great success right now. The fact that Clauneck isn’t handing you over more winning numbers doesn’t surprise me though. To me, it appears that the demon has shown you good faith in advance by sharing with you numbers for success in the area of money accumulation you desire. You have now seen what is possible. The onus is on you now, to build the relationship, where you can honor your side of the agreement, and work together on your financial growth. The demon will never just hand the numbers to you just because you have a pact.

It’s wonderful that you sense his presence near you, and I take this as him waiting to share with you more information. He hasn’t left you, nor is he ignoring you, he’s waiting to see what you have to offer next. Clauneck didn’t tell me what he wants from you on a monthly basis. You’ll need to find this out from him directly by asking him.

Depending on your own spiritual ability, his directions for you could come in the form of dreams, visualizations, auditory messages, pendulum divination confirmation, etc etc. Your goal right now is to find out how to communicate better with him, and make sure you take lots of notes after each meditation, or when you wake up in the morning. If you’re strong at the visualizations, make sure you note down any numbers that appear before you during meditation, or during the dream state.

There is no need to set up an altar in your home, and why annoy the wife. As they say, “Happy Wife, Happy Life!” Having an outdoor altar, works wonders for many practitioners, and in fact is much better than having an indoor altar. Your altar doesn’t need to be decorated with occult materials. It could be just a special place dedicated as your temple to communicating with Clauneck.

Clauneck frequently asks my clients to paint a picture of him, and has given detailed directions to the clients on how to go about portraying him. Sometimes the picture is abstract, and other times the picture looks like a male face. Perhaps you should ask him if he requires this from you as well. Hanging a picture inside of your home in place of the altar, would be very respectful to the demon, and assist you with connecting to him inside your home.

As for me or other coven members providing you numbers for lottery, I don’t believe we could give you the winning formula. If I had magical ability in this area, I would buy an island with my billions, and disappear from technology forever! Black witch coven is more than happy to give a candle of praise to this generous Demon on your behalf, however that is the limit of what we can do about this new relationship.

You must take the next couple of months to work out the kinks, and start your own life long union with Clauneck. He is not known as a demon that will just hang out with you “just because”, but he will show up when you have a plan for how you’re going to move towards your goals.

My last piece of advice is to be attentive and be open to other messages on how to financial grow. Think outside of the box, and take some calculated risks. Pacts are not guarantees and require work. Hence why I call my course “Working with Demons” as that is exactly what you need to do. You are SO NEW to this path, and no matter your age, enjoy the journey of acquiring knowledge and wisdom to make better choices.

Blessed Beast!






Best Regards from

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