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VIDEO: A Voodoo Doll (poppet) for Healing


This healing “voodoo doll” or “poppet” is modified to suit my practices. So I encourage you to modify this in a way that helps you integrate your current skills with what I am demonstrating today.

Aside from creating the health poppet, I am demonstrating:

  • pranic healing (energy work) to speed up the healing
  • crystal energy for protection and to speed up the healing
  • candle magick
  • Demon – Buer – https://blackwitchcoven.combuer-the-demon-that-heals-all-diseases/

If you don’t have any of the above skills or tools, just follow along with the preparation of the doll by itself.



  • A doll
  • parchment paper/paper
  • healing oil
  • 2 white candles
  • a white cloth
  • Crystals


  • Preparing the Doll –
    • Write the name of the sick person on the parchment, with D.O.B. and astral sign etc
    • If you can draw or paint or decorate the doll
  • Put the parchment inside the doll or under the candle
  • Anoint the doll by placing drops of the healing oil on the afflicted area on the doll.
  • Placed appropriate crystals around the individual to assist with the healing energy.
  • Anoint the candles with healing oil. As you put the oil on the doll say
  • Wrap the doll in the white cloth and place it between the two white candles.
  • Light the candles and allow them to burn for at least ½ hour.
  • Repeat this every morning until a full recovery is gained.
  • Dispose of the doll after the person has made a full recovery.


You can consecrate the doll. To do so is a simple process. You will need your Voodoo doll, a white candle, and some sage, cedar, or sandalwood incense, and something to burn the herbs or incense in.

To begin, light some incense as an offering to the Divine entity of your understanding. Place the doll on your altar.

Sprinkle the doll with salt and say:

“I consecrate you with the element of Earth.”

Pass the object through the incense and say:

“I consecrate you with the element of Air.”

Pass the object through candle flame and say:

“I consecrate you with the element of Fire.”

Sprinkle the object with water and say:

“I consecrate you with the element of Water.”

Place the object on the altar and hold your hand over it. Visualize a beam of light coming from the Divine through your hands into the object. Say:

“I hereby name this doll ______________ and declare it charged with the powers of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. That it shall be used only for good, according to my will and divine law. May it serve me well in this world, between worlds, in all the worlds. Let it be so!”

Your doll baby is now ready to be used.

When I baptize the doll I say
Creature of cloth and cotton you were be now (The persons name) Essence flesh Blood and Bone be them now in all shape and form that what I do to thee shall be done. So mote it be.
Blow your breath 3 times over the doll and whisper the person’s name 3 times at the dolls mouth. 

The Chant I used in this video

Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung is the mantra for the sacred healing meditation

Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo

x 3 times

Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung 

For around 10 mins if you can

If you want to know more about the mantra, this lady explains it well in this video (I consider myself an eternal student when it comes to kundalini work)


This article also explains the correct sitting posture and a little more information about the history of this very special mantra for healing.


On our site –  Voodoo Doll

Book – Pranic Healing (Amazon)

Energy Plate –

Energy Plate for Healing – click on the image for the link to Amazon to learn more about this energy plate. If you are sensitive to energy, these are a complete game changer for you if you don’t already have them.

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